
After the summer solstice: on the day when the humidity and heat are at its peak, do these 3 things well to expel the old garbage in the body

author:How to live
After the summer solstice: on the day when the humidity and heat are at its peak, do these 3 things well to expel the old garbage in the body

After the summer solstice, it rains in the south, it is hot in the north, the humidity becomes heavier, the stuffiness gradually rises, the damp heat outside echoes the damp heat of the body, it is even more uncomfortable, and the skin begins to protest:

At this time, don't always be stuffy in the air-conditioned room, go out for a walk, get a little hot, sweat a little, this is a great benefit of moisture removal in summer. At this time, our yang energy is on the skin and body surface, and the pores are open, and if we work hard and sweat a little, we will expel the garbage and dampness.

What else can we do to help our skin get rid of the heat and humidity? If your skin is not so refreshing, use these 3 tips to help your body clean up and be a clear beauty in summer!

After the summer solstice: on the day when the humidity and heat are at its peak, do these 3 things well to expel the old garbage in the body

1. Use beans to get rid of acne and drink away the dampness

Mung beans can prevent, improve various skin problems, and dispel heat and dampness. Warm mung bean soup is especially suitable for people with hot and humid conditions.

If your spleen and stomach are weak and cold, there is a lot of air conditioning outside, the body is hot on the outside, and there is cold on the inside, and simple mung bean soup is easy to hurt your spleen and stomach. Three-bean drink is more suitable for you

My amount for one person: 10 grams of black beans, soybeans, mung beans, and black plums, 600ml of water, boil over high heat, and cook for another 15 minutes on medium heat (cook more if you have time), and drink it alone (don't drink it during menstruation)

After the summer solstice: on the day when the humidity and heat are at its peak, do these 3 things well to expel the old garbage in the body

Second, there are many baths in hot days

We have introduced a lot of ways to brush the legs before, and the method introduced today is very suitable for brushing in the bath, brushing out the dander and rubbing mud or something, and it can also be washed off immediately.

In summer, we will also have a lot of dirt and dirt, brushing this area can remove the waste in the body, activate the lymph, and brighten the complexion.

Step 1: Brush the left and right shoulder sockets, 50 times from the bottom up, left and right. (It is very close to Yunmen Acupoint Zhongfu Acupoint, which helps to strengthen the lungs, and the lungs are mainly fur, so as to make the skin better)

After the summer solstice: on the day when the humidity and heat are at its peak, do these 3 things well to expel the old garbage in the body

Step 2: Brush the left and right back knee sockets, 50 times from top to bottom, left and right.

After the summer solstice: on the day when the humidity and heat are at its peak, do these 3 things well to expel the old garbage in the body

If you feel that brushing your body is more painful, you can foam the shower gel, and use a brush or bath bomb to brush it gently, slippery and better to stick to it, and slowly increase the strength.

Comb your hair more, and your scalp needs to be "brushed" to get rid of oil.

Many people have an oily scalp, not only damp and hot, but also the liver fire that rubs upwards, making it wet and greasy, and rushing all the way to the head.

After the summer solstice: on the day when the humidity and heat are at its peak, do these 3 things well to expel the old garbage in the body

At this time, it is best to comb your hair more, and there are gallbladder meridians, pulse and bladder meridians on your head. Dredging them all is also dredge the liver and gallbladder, not only will the mood improve, but the fire in the body will also dissipate, and the oil turbidity will be gone.

Simply comb your hair with ten fingers, the front and side, all dredge it, and after combing your hair, you can see the oil stains on both hands, indicating that the dampness and phlegm in the body will be combed out. Comb your hair with your fingers for one month and see visible results.

After the summer solstice: on the day when the humidity and heat are at its peak, do these 3 things well to expel the old garbage in the body

3. Use an egg to drive away the dampness

With an egg, roll away the wind and garbage in the body. Two simple steps:

Boiled eggs: Put 2 eggs in a pot and boil over high heat, then simmer for 15-20 minutes, turn off the heat and cover for a minute or two, remove the shell, and be sure not to break the eggs.

Roll the eggs: Put the eggs in the eczema area while they are hot, because they are hot, and they must be done quickly until the eggs are not hot.

After the summer solstice: on the day when the humidity and heat are at its peak, do these 3 things well to expel the old garbage in the body

That's right, peel off the whole hard-boiled egg and you're ready to roll

Note: The eggs must be hot, if they are not hot, you can boil them again and continue to roll. After rolling, I feel itchy, which is a sign that the wind and garbage are being sucked out. Roll over and don't eat any more, and don't give it to small animals.