
74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once said that he wanted to play Daji and was good at charming performances, and netizens said that there was nothing wrong with his self-confidence

author:Entertainment on movies

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing watched "Fengshen Part 1" and was interviewed, saying that he wanted to play Daji in it the most.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once said that he wanted to play Daji and was good at charming performances, and netizens said that there was nothing wrong with his self-confidence

Liu Xiaoqing is really full of confidence, saying that he can act as a fox, with charm, that kind of temptation, and his eyes have become very demonic, he has no problem.

Liu Xiaoqing is 74 years old, although she has never admitted that she has plastic surgery, her appearance has changed a lot, and she no longer has the very charming sex appeal when she was young. There may be some people who are very confident in themselves all their lives, or narcissistic, or conceited, Liu Xiaoqing said such things, there is really nothing wrong with her, she is such a person.

In the past, when Liu Xiaoqing was not popular with Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi, she once told the media that she was the best actor in China. She is indeed very confident, even a little arrogant, otherwise she would not have been caught in the sea for business tax evasion, she thinks she is very good and can do everything well, so she is very inflated and finally discredited.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once said that he wanted to play Daji and was good at charming performances, and netizens said that there was nothing wrong with his self-confidence

Of course, she was not the general manager of the company at that time, the general manager was her brother-in-law, and was sentenced, and Liu Xiaoqing was the first star in history to be arrested on suspicion of tax evasion, she is proud of the fact that she has created many firsts, the first autobiography female star, the first person to play the Empress Dowager Cixi, the first actress to play a martial arts film, the first actress to win multiple Hundred Flowers Awards, etc.

Liu Xiaoqing was indeed a favorite actress in the country, in the era when entertainment and audio-visual were not very developed, Liu Xiaoqing was able to rely on the national audience to vote for the Best Actress of the Hundred Flowers Award, she is really good.

Liu Xiaoqing won five Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actress, won the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actress at the age of 29, won the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actress at the age of 37 for starring in "Furong Town", won the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actress for starring in "Wilderness" at the age of 38, won the Best Actress of the Hundred Flowers Award for starring in "Spring Peach" at the age of 39, and won the Special Award of the Hundred Flowers Award at the age of 42.

At the age of 45, she successfully starred in the TV series "Wu Zetian", and at the age of 52, she was detained for tax evasion, and was released after paying taxes, she was the first female star to be arrested for tax evasion, and the tax law was also amended.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once said that he wanted to play Daji and was good at charming performances, and netizens said that there was nothing wrong with his self-confidence

After her ex-boyfriend Jiang Wen helped Liu Xiaoqing pay tens of millions of taxes and fines, she went out to work as an actor again, in order to repay her debts, she performed a lot of unpopular film and television dramas, after all, she is very old, but she is still very confident in pretending to be tender, and she has left a lot of criticisms and was ridiculed by netizens.

Liu Xiaoqing also successfully performed a number of stage plays, which also received very good responses, such as "The Last Night of Jin Taipan", "Fenghua Peerless", "Wu Zetian" and so on. Liu Xiaoqing has played many sexy and charming roles, so why does she think it's okay to play the fox demon, she has quite a lot of experience and confidence.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once said that he wanted to play Daji and was good at charming performances, and netizens said that there was nothing wrong with his self-confidence

Netizens have two extreme reactions to Liu Xiaoqing's remarks, some people think that Daji has a fox demon flavor, not an old man's flavor, and some people think that women should be confident and beautiful all their lives, and there is nothing wrong with it. Some people also think that if Liu Xiaoqing is 74 years old and still plays Daji, it is estimated that it will scare the audience, and of course, some people think that she can play grandma.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, Liu Xiaoqing was invited to participate in a film festival in France, and it seems that many old fans know Liu Xiaoqing's name.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once said that he wanted to play Daji and was good at charming performances, and netizens said that there was nothing wrong with his self-confidence

Liu Xiaoqing is really exaggerated, not only the makeup is exaggerated, but the jewelry she wears is also very exaggerated, it seems that she still likes to show off her wealth. In fact, she is not a very low-key person in the first place.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once said that he wanted to play Daji and was good at charming performances, and netizens said that there was nothing wrong with his self-confidence
74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once said that he wanted to play Daji and was good at charming performances, and netizens said that there was nothing wrong with his self-confidence

Speaking of France, Liu Xiaoqing still has a lot to say, she once held a film exhibition starring herself in France, and once settled in France with Jiang Wen. Jiang Wen and Liu Xiaoqing successfully collaborated on many movies, and later broke up, but Jiang Wen is still a gentleman, and he rescued Liu Xiaoqing in danger, which made Liu Xiaoqing grateful.

Why did Jiang Wen help Liu Xiaoqing so much, because not only did he perform in many works, but Liu Xiaoqing raised money everywhere to help Jiang Wen realize his dream of directing, Jiang Wen's "Sunny Day" won many awards, and also helped Xia Yu win the Best Actor at the Venice Film Festival. Liu Xiaoqing is a big woman, and Jiang Wen is a talented director and actor, and they can be described as sympathetic to each other. Now they have their own families, but they are still good friends.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once said that he wanted to play Daji and was good at charming performances, and netizens said that there was nothing wrong with his self-confidence

Liu Xiaoqing is a legendary actress in the Chinese film industry, and the controversy surrounding her is also very big, she has a strong innovative spirit, never admits defeat, and some of her classic words have also become famous sayings. Liu Xiaoqing said that he will always be young and will always have tears in his eyes.

Liu Xiaoqing was indeed the queen of Chinese movies in the seventies and eighties of the last century, and she was super popular. Now I start selling goods live and struggling, which is amazing. Although he is 74 years old, he often dances in the live broadcast room, and he looks full of energy and life.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once said that he wanted to play Daji and was good at charming performances, and netizens said that there was nothing wrong with his self-confidence

Although Liu Xiaoqing's era has come to an end, her stubborn and vigorous vitality is really worth learning from many people. For a 74-year-old actress, daring to play Daji is really a kind of courage and confidence, although this wish cannot be realized, but it also proves that Liu Xiaoqing is indeed very confident all her life, and self-confidence is her best medical beauty.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once said that he wanted to play Daji and was good at charming performances, and netizens said that there was nothing wrong with his self-confidence


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