
Patients with gastric ulcers have 4 conditions and must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise their lives may be in danger

author:Medical original story meeting
Patients with gastric ulcers have 4 conditions and must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise their lives may be in danger

37-year-old Mr. Liu, two months ago because of epigastric pain to the hospital, perfect gastroscopy after the diagnosis of gastric ulcer, the doctor repeatedly told Mr. Liu, your ulcer is already very deep, be especially careful of the risk of bleeding and perforation, go back must change unhealthy habits, insist on taking medicine every day, be sure to come to the hospital after a month for reexamination, as a result, two months later, a male patient because of hematemesis, melena with hemorrhagic shock admitted to the gastroenterology ward, the doctor looked, Isn't this Mr. Liu, who was in the outpatient clinic two months ago?

The doctor was very strange, why did the symptoms worsen after returning to the doctor, even though he saw a doctor and prescribed medicine at that time?

Through inquiry, the doctor found that Mr. Liu did not follow the doctor's instructions at all after going back, he only took the medicine for two weeks and stopped the medicine after feeling that it was not painful, and he did not change any of the original bad habits, smoking, alcoholism, how to come to the spicy and stimulating diet, and often skipping breakfast, the doctor asked him to recheck in a month, he was fine, he did not come to the re-examination in the past two months, if it were not for the upper gastrointestinal bleeding, he still would not come to the hospital.

After being admitted to the hospital, through active fluid expansion and expansion, acid suppression and stomach protection, blood transfusion and hemostasis, the next day the doctor perfected the gastroscopy for Mr. Liu, and found that the original ulcer not only did not heal, but rotted deeper, and even rotted to the blood vessels, which caused serious bleeding.

This is typical of not listening to the doctor.

As the saying goes, "ten people have nine stomachs", it can almost be said that 9 out of 10 people have stomach problems. According to statistics, the incidence of gastric diseases in mainland China is as high as 85% of the population, and it is still growing, among them, the incidence of peptic ulcer is about 10%, the incidence of chronic gastritis is 30%, the incidence of Helicobacter pylori infection reaches 700 million, and more than half of the world's gastric cancer occurs in China, which is a well-deserved "big country of gastric diseases".

The main reason why the incidence of gastric ulcers is so high is that everyone usually does not pay attention to nourishing the stomach, and after discovering gastric ulcers, they do not insist on treatment, and repeat some bad habits after being cured, so gastric ulcers are repeated again and again, and they can not heal completely.

Patients with gastric ulcers have 4 conditions and must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise their lives may be in danger

As a doctor, I would like to remind everyone not to ignore stomach ulcers, there are 4 conditions in which patients with stomach ulcers must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise their lives may be in danger.

First, a patient with a gastric ulcer who suddenly develops vomiting blood or black stool must be hospitalized immediately

Among the complications caused by gastric ulcers, upper gastrointestinal bleeding is the most common complication, because the more rotten and deeper the ulcer, it may injure the blood vessels.

Once a patient with a gastric ulcer bleeds, he must be hospitalized for treatment immediately, otherwise the patient may develop hemorrhagic anemia or even hemorrhagic shock in a short period of time, which can be life-threatening.

Second, patients with gastric ulcers who suddenly develop severe abdominal pain must be hospitalized immediately

The most typical symptom of gastric ulcer patients is rhythmic epigastric pain, although the stomach pain is very uncomfortable, but it is not to the point where it is unbearable, and the pain caused by gastric ulcer is basically a dull pain.

However, if a patient with a gastric ulcer suddenly has severe abdominal pain, or even sweating profusely and can't straighten his waist, he must be highly vigilant for gastric perforation caused by gastric ulcer at this time, and must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable, because through the perforation site, gastric juice overflows into the abdominal cavity, which can not only cause peritonitis, but also may cause abdominal infection, and in severe cases, it will also lead to sepsis.

Thirdly, patients with gastric ulcers who have unexplained loss of appetite and emaciation must be hospitalized immediately

Gastric ulcers are at risk of becoming cancerous, and if they are found and left untreated, or if they are delayed again and again, the gastric ulcers that do not heal may become malignant over time.

After the development of gastric ulcer into gastric cancer, the patient will have a decrease in appetite and weight loss, which must not be taken lightly at this time, and it is best to be hospitalized immediately.

Fourth, patients with gastric ulcers who have unexplained vomiting must be hospitalized immediately

Many gastric ulcer patients, what to eat and vomit, at this time to be alert to another complication caused by gastric ulcer, that is, pyloric obstruction, the reason is very simple, the pylorus of the human is relatively narrow compared to other parts of the digestive tract, if there is an ulcer here, or the ulcer malignant, it is easy to cause the pylorus to be more edema, narrow, deformed, food can not pass through the pylorus, more and more in the stomach, which will eventually lead to the expansion of the gastric cavity, the increase of pressure in the stomach, under the huge pressure, the patient will vomit.

Patients with gastric ulcers have 4 conditions and must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise their lives may be in danger