
Pay attention to the recruitment routine! The rider has not been hired, and hundreds of yuan are posted upside down丨 Elephant Gang

author:Oriental News

Elephant News reporter Liu Zhiyan, Sun Yue, intern reporter Zhang Zixi

Recently, Elephant News Elephant Gang received a request for help from Mr. He, a netizen, who applied for a delivery boy through an online platform, but when he went to apply, he was told that he had to lease a designated electric vehicle, pay a high number of fees, and buy a high-priced incubator to officially join the company.

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"The recruitment information says that the distribution of vegetables and fruits can earn 300-500 yuan a day." Mr. He, who was eager to find a job, saw this information about recruiting food delivery workers on an online platform called "Kuaima Daily" and went to apply for the job.

"After I arrived, I was asked to pay a 500 yuan work number fee first, saying that I couldn't run without paying the work number fee." Mr. He said that when recruiting, the customer service said that the electric car provided by the company was originally a "use first and then rent" model, with a monthly rent of 699 yuan and a deposit of 100 yuan. "I just want to rent for 1 month, and the staff took my mobile phone to operate, and the contract was actually signed for 12 months." And the body of the electric car he rented has no obvious brand logo, and there is a very obvious crack at the bottom of the trunk where the battery is stored. "It feels like it's going to crack at any moment when you're riding."

Pay attention to the recruitment routine! The rider has not been hired, and hundreds of yuan are posted upside down丨 Elephant Gang

(Chat record of Mr. Ho with the staff of the recruitment agency)

Pay attention to the recruitment routine! The rider has not been hired, and hundreds of yuan are posted upside down丨 Elephant Gang

(Cracking of the trunk of the electric vehicle received by Mr. Ho)

"The incubator they sell costs 600 yuan a piece, and I went to Meituan Mall to see it, and the normal price of the incubator is only a few dozen yuan." Mr. Ho insisted that he did not buy the incubator they were selling.

I didn't get the treatment of 300-500 yuan per day, so I posted so much money upside down first. After signing the contract, Mr. He, who felt that something was wrong, called the customer service of the takeaway platform, "The customer service said that there is no need to charge a fee for registration, and individuals can register directly."

During the on-site visit, a number of "riders" defended their rights on the spot

On June 25, the reporter and Mr. He went to the recruitment company to understand the situation. In addition to one staff member in the company, there were several "riders" with resentful expressions.

Among them, the "rider" Mr. Zhang signed a contract with the company in May, and also paid a monthly rent of 699 yuan and a deposit of 100 yuan to rent an electric car, and also paid 300 yuan for the "number fee", 300 yuan for the incubator, and 200 yuan for the service fee and insurance.

Mr. Zhang said that at that time, the agency staff said that he could return the money to him after completing the task of 500 orders a month. And when he worked for a month, the staff refused to return the money on the grounds that the order was abnormal. Mr. Zhang realized that he had fallen into a routine, and had been coming to the agency for several days to discuss the explanation, but he was perfunctory and prevaricated for various reasons.

Pay attention to the recruitment routine! The rider has not been hired, and hundreds of yuan are posted upside down丨 Elephant Gang

(Defenders interviewed by reporters)

In response to the "riders'" questioning about the different pricing of the equipment, the staff explained that although the equipment purchased at the agency was "a little more expensive", it had the opportunity to participate in the company's money return activities in the later stage, and claimed that it was not compulsory for job seekers to buy it.

Refusal of a refund based on the contract? Defenders call out "overlord clauses"

The "riders" said that the contracts they signed had "too many 'overlord clauses'" and that the content of the electronic and paper versions of the contract was not consistent.

In the electronic lease contract, there is a provision that "the lease period shall be calculated in months, and the rent shall be calculated as a whole month if it is less than one month", and the company's staff also stated that they could refund the work number fee and equipment fee after terminating the contract, but would not refund the monthly rent of the electric vehicle, but Mr. Zhang said that the staff did not inform him of this before signing the contract.

Party A in the paper version of the contract is Haoxing Electric Bicycle Company in Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, while Party A in the electronic version of the contract is Henan Paijia Information Co., Ltd., and the company name on the business license held by the recruitment company is Zhengzhou Shida Network Technology Co., Ltd. During interviews, staff members were always vague about the relationship between the three companies.

Pay attention to the recruitment routine! The rider has not been hired, and hundreds of yuan are posted upside down丨 Elephant Gang
Pay attention to the recruitment routine! The rider has not been hired, and hundreds of yuan are posted upside down丨 Elephant Gang

("Rider" shows the electronic rental contract)

In response to the "riders'" demand for refunds, the staff of the agency initially said that "the boss's phone cannot be reached" and "the money is not authorized to be used in the company's account". After more than an hour of coordination, the staff finally refunded the unreasonable expenses such as the work number fee to the three "riders" on the spot, and promised that "the electric car can be refunded", but the monthly fee needs to be paid when returning the car.

Liang Xinglu, a lawyer at Beijing Zhonglun W&D (Zhengzhou) Law Firm, believes that the clause signed between Mr. He and the company is a standard clause, "and according to the institution's interpretation, this clause obviously increases Mr. He's liability, which is contrary to the principle of fairness and is an invalid clause." He reminded the majority of netizens that when applying for a job, they must choose a formal job search platform and beware of being deceived.

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