
Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

author:Uncle Chai will take you to a movie


Editor-in-charge|Xiang Wanwan

In the original book, the 7 men who fell in love with roses each had their own ends.

It wasn't until I watched the 38 episodes of "The Story of Rose" that I knew why the drama version was so adapted.

At the beginning, Rose knew that Zhou Shihui was married, because she enjoyed the man's hospitality very much, and frequently agreed to Zhou Shihui's dates.

While she was playing happily, she took pity on Zhou Shihui's wife Guan Zhizhi, who was pregnant with Liujia, which made the reader very explosive.

Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

In the name of love, Zhou Shihui coveted the beauty of roses, and after practicing several painful struggles in front of relatives and friends, he simply abandoned Guan Zhizhi, who had just given birth to a pair of twin daughters.

Obviously, taking on the responsibilities of husband and father can allow him to live a peaceful life, but he is unwilling, so he has to abandon his wife and children, and as a result, he can only leave the country in despair.

But even so, Zhou Shihui repeatedly emphasized to his friend Huang Zhenhua that he would never forget Yellow Rose in his life.

Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

It's a pity that Zhuang Guodong talked about love halfway through, so he ran back to marry his fiancée, saying that he would be responsible.

If you are really so responsible, why do you want to go on a date with other girls despite the marriage contract?

His swaying from side to side made the two girls become the talk of others after dinner. Therefore, the angry rose should have smashed his home, which was what he deserved.

However, this man who was born in a prestigious school and has a successful career was unwilling to suffer a little loss, and strongly demanded that the Huang family compensate for the loss, otherwise he would send the rose to the bureau.

Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

It's really ruthless.

Such a person would have spent the next 15 years sleeping with a picture of roses, often getting drunk in bars, watering the pain of lovesickness with spirits, and divorcing because of her......

The development of this plot has an inexplicable sense of absurdity.

Maybe the author took pity on him, so he let him meet Rose again.

He passionately pursued the rose of his second marriage for many years, and did not hesitate to abandon his long-time girlfriend Xiaoman, and lost his job because of it and became a homeless man on the street.

But until the most depressed time, this capricious "love saint" was still shouting: Even if I die, I will love roses.

Zhuang Guodong's life is really full of mysteries, which is incomprehensible and even more sympathetic.

Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

Rose was in pain when Zhuang Guodong encountered the Waterloo in the emotional world, and in order to heal her wounds, she went abroad and found an honest man who loved her wholeheartedly, Fang Xiewen.

She married him for 10 years and gave birth to a daughter. But as soon as her mother died, no one cared about her, so she immediately divorced, saying that this marriage had left her enough.

Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

It was the younger brother Fu Jiamin who fell in love with the rose first, but the eldest brother Fu Jiaming was terminally ill and wanted to fall in love with the rose fiercely in the last three months of his life, so he did not hesitate to snatch the love.

He got along with Rose behind his brother's back, and Rose gave up his daughter for him, and then the two cherished each other and became each other's soul mates.

The operation of the eldest brother of the Fu family made the younger brother go away, and he no longer wanted to stay in this sad place in China.

However, the younger brother did not have much to lose. Although Fu Jiamin once abandoned his fiancée Mimi, who had been with him for many years, after being betrayed, Mimi sympathized with him and immediately married him, willing to give him 9 children.

Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

is also Mimi great enough to give birth to a daughter just after giving birth to him, and happily promised him to give birth to a son as soon as she recovers.

However, she probably never imagined that even if she gave birth to him 4 sons and 2 daughters, she would not be able to pull him back from the rose.

Some men are like this, they never think how good the things they get, and the best ones are always those who don't get them.

Therefore, even after many years, Rose married the 59-year-old Duke Luo for many years, Fu Jiamin still has to run to show loyalty to her.

As long as there is a possibility of seeing roses, he runs over with his wife and a bunch of children, pestering roses in front of his wife and children and chatting.

Fu Jiamin knew that he was not as rich as Duke Luo, let alone Duke Luo, so he only enjoyed the ambiguous moment, and never dared to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

But he was still unwilling, so he locked his eyes on Rose's daughter, Fang Taichu.

Fang Taichu, who has grown up, looks almost exactly like a rose, so he wants to use Fang Taichu as a stand-in for a rose and fall in love.

If you can't catch up with your mother, you can chase your daughter, this idea and means are equally explosive. I don't know if Mr. Yishu has considered the reader's bearing psychology, this bridge is a bit shocking, no wonder many parents don't let their children read romance novels.

If such a talent lives in the real society, will he be regarded as a madman?

Fang Taichu's fiancé Zhou Tanghua felt that he was very unreasonable, and he was both angry and aggrieved, what kind of friends did the people on his mother-in-law's side make, and he didn't cut off contact.

He didn't know that Fang Xiewen was also very angry back then. After the divorce, Fang Xiewen has been living abroad with her daughter, and she is not allowed to have contact with her biological mother.

Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

In this regard, the Huang family felt that Fang Xiewen was unreasonable, they thought that Rose had given Fang Xiewen the best ten years of his life and gave birth to a daughter, which was a great gift to him.

Huang Zhenhua looked down on Shang Xiewen from beginning to end, and he never thought that his sister used others as healing tools, which was very inauthentic, but he knew that the rose had spent 10 years on Fang Xiewen, and he didn't know that Fang Xiewen had also spent 10 years on the rose.

All those who know roses think that roses are at a loss.

Fang Xiewen is a big wrongdoer in the book, married a woman he loved deeply but didn't love him, and was disgusted for 10 years.

The wife has always had someone else in her heart, and the wife's family does not recognize herself, and almost everyone around her thinks that he is not worthy of a wife with outstanding appearance.

Fang Xiewen's talent is limited, even if he tries his best to work, he still can't become the person who is as good as his wife.

In such an atmosphere, he survived for 10 years, never got his wife's understanding and tolerance, and was finally forced to agree to a divorce.

Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

After Rose's divorce, he didn't lose his love for Taichu, because he didn't want to lose his only daughter, and he didn't want the people over there to mess up the world of father and daughter, so he didn't want to have any contact with that side anymore.

If Rose went to see the beginning, would he stop it?

No, he loved Rose all the time, and he still said love for her before he died. So, whenever Rose appeared in front of him, he would relent, and agree to whatever she asked.

If he just married an ordinary woman, he would not have died at the age of 49.

For more than 10 years after the divorce, Rose just routinely sent gifts abroad without seeing her daughter in person.

Can't understand Rose's love for her daughter.

Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

A woman abandons her daughter who has been born for 8 years for the sake of a man who only has a three-month lifespan, because she is good-looking, no matter how willful and selfish she is, she deserves to be forgiven.

This is a thorough three-view follow the five-view, and Yishu can write such a woman, after all, she left her son when he was 11 years old, and she didn't see her son for 33 years.

Her grown son wanted to see her, and her response was

In the book she wrote, in addition to the second elder of the Huang family, only Duke Luo's stepson Luo Zhenzhong is still normal.

Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

When he learned that the object of his love at first sight was his stepmother, he hurriedly reined in the precipice, and in order to kill this relationship, he hurriedly married Zhuang Guodong's ex-girlfriend Xiaoman.

There is no love between Luo Zhenzhong and Xiaoman, they just take what they need, but this love and I have successfully made him filial piety to his father, who is in his 60s, and did not turn against each other because of a woman.

Fortunately, the TV series did not copy the original work, otherwise a group of netizens would have been able to watch it and complain.

In the original book, in order to cover up the selfishness and willfulness in Rose's character, she vigorously proclaimed that even if she was in her 40s, she was still beautiful and unaware, and her eyes were clear and innocent.

Rose 7 men: 2 died early, 2 abandoned their wives and children, 1 wandered, and 1 father and son turned against each other

But how beautiful does it have to be to make people forgive her for what she did?

I like dating with a married man, persistently pursuing a man who will get married, abandoning my husband who has been married for 10 years and my 8-year-old daughter in pursuit of true love, and I am drunk on eating, drinking and having fun after my second marriage, and I haven't seen my daughter for 15 years......

I think even with Liu Yifei's beauty, I can't bear these stains.

If you can wantonly turn your back on morality and discard the correct three views because of your beauty, what will the world become?

How can the beauty of virtue be praised by others?