
Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

author:Dumb dad parenting


"I'm about to apply for volunteers, I advise all college entrance examination students to choose Zhejiang University carefully!"

This is the advice given by Meng Wei, a doctoral student at Zhejiang University, to the students with his own personal experience.

Meng Wei said that Zhejiang University's academic style is not good, and there is no hope for learning; The tutor takes care of the girls; The phenomenon of "learning valves" is serious, and the tutor "enslaves" the students to work for their own companies, and the graduation thesis is too deep.

But as soon as this statement came out, someone immediately refuted: It's been 8 years, and you can't get a decent academic paper, what else will you do except scare your mentor?

Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

Visually, this is another "vicious war" that is difficult to argue with which is right and which is wrong.

In fact, in recent years, every year in the college entrance examination, Meng Wei will rush to the hot search.

He was excellent at that time, and was thrown an olive branch by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Zhejiang University at the same time. But now it has become a "waste firewood from Zhejiang University", and he rode a small car to deliver takeaways.

The difference between the two identities, as well as this embarrassing situation, really makes people have too many questions about Meng Wei and the story behind Meng Wei.


Meng Wei is a young man born in the 90s and was born in Binzhou, Shandong. His mother is a worker, his father is a demobilized soldier, and his family is ordinary but has more than enough food and clothing.

Perhaps influenced by his father, Meng Wei has been very self-disciplined since he was a child, and his academic performance has always been among the best.

From elementary school to high school, he overcame obstacles all the way and was admitted to Zhejiang University with a score of 623.

The moment he stepped into Zhejiang University, the ideal seed in Meng Wei's heart bloomed into the most beautiful stamen.

As an undergraduate, he excelled in all aspects of his studies. Relying on hard work and struggle, Meng Wei wrote a beautiful resume for himself.

He has successively won the honors of Outstanding Volunteer of the G20 Summit, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Top Ten Graduate Students of Zhejiang University, Outstanding Party Member of Zhejiang University, Model of Party Member of Zhejiang University, and Outstanding Party Worker of the College. Especially on the eve of graduation in 2018, Meng Wei also won the honor of the top ten college students of Zhejiang University.

Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

With the blessing of these honors, Meng Wei has the opportunity to directly study for a doctorate after graduating from his bachelor's degree, that is, he has become a "direct doctoral student" that everyone envies.

Such a green channel is beyond the reach of many students, which also fully proves Meng Wei's excellence.

The alumni of Zhejiang University all said that Meng Wei belongs to the kind of person who is chased by God to feed him, and after completing his doctoral degree at Zhejiang University, his future life will definitely shine.

But the truth did not go as expected.

Meng Wei originally wanted to make persistent efforts during his Ph.D. studies and win the honor of "Outstanding Alumnus", but in the end, let alone honors, even graduating on time became a problem.

The doctoral student "Yanbi" is a special existence in this group, and the embarrassment and hardship are self-evident.

The most fundamental reason why Meng Wei could not graduate on time was that he failed to complete the research project during his doctoral studies and failed to pass his graduation thesis.

Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

Seeing that the classmates in the same dormitory had completed the research topics, only he had no clue, and Meng Wei felt bad in his heart.

At the same time, the supervisor told him that according to the regulations, if the direct doctoral students have not obtained the degree in the eighth year of their degree, they can only obtain a certificate of completion.

This is undoubtedly a blow to Meng Wei, but the more he panics, the more he can't start.

At the most difficult time, the school gave Meng Wei's advice: give up the doctorate and transfer to the master's degree.

For Meng Wei, this suggestion is the biggest "insult" to him. Because the students at the same level as him have already graduated with a master's degree, and they have to start all over again by going around and around, wouldn't they have wasted a few years of good time?

I am unwilling to start again, and there is no result in the end. Meng Wei fell into a dead end and could not break through for a long time.

Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

So much so that for a long time, he was in a state of extreme depression, often restless, like a hundred claws scratching his heart. also because of taking medicine for depression, which caused his weight to soar to 230 pounds.


And life just at this time, another punch was thrown at him.

During his Ph.D., Meng Wei had reached marriageable age, and he got married with his girlfriend, who was studying for a master's degree. In 2021, their child was born, but unfortunately the child was diagnosed with fulminant myocarditis, and the condition recurred, and it cost a lot.

Meng Wei and his family had no savings, and in the face of high medical expenses, Meng Wei chose to deliver food part-time.

This job is more rewarding and the time is more free. He can see his children at any time and can also take care of his studies. Because in the next three years, he will have another chance to defend his thesis.

Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

At the same time, Meng Wei also opened an account on social platforms to share his life and experience.

And it was this move that pushed him to the forefront and kicked off the tearing between him and Zhejiang University.

When everyone learned that Meng Wei was a doctor from Zhejiang University, public opinion was overwhelming.

Some people say: Everything is inferior, only if the reading is high, the doctor of Zhejiang University is a shame for Zhejiang University to deliver takeaways; Some people also say that they can find a good job, but they have to go to food delivery, just to use the name of Zhejiang University to attract attention; Some people also said that knowledge changes fate, which has become the biggest joke in Meng Wei.

In the face of these fingers, Meng Wei posted a video on social platforms and said: I, Meng Wei, have embarrassed Zhu Kezhen College of Zhejiang University, I'm sorry! But to this point, Zhejiang University also has an unshirkable responsibility.

Subsequently, he exposed his embarrassment and encounters in the past 8 years in the circle of friends and on social platforms.

Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

Meng Wei said that he plans to conscientiously study and do some basic research during the first and second years of research to prepare for future research.

However, his supervisor assigned him to mentor undergraduates in the Global Automation Challenge, which took up half a semester for him. At the same time, he will also be involved in 8 cross-cutting projects for enterprises and governments.

These studies did not help him in the future, and Meng Wei believed that his mentor treated him as cheap labor and sought his own benefits. He also questioned his mentor, but he ignored him.

In Meng Wei's cognition, he has the same ability as his classmates in the same dormitory, and they can only be "postponed" after graduation, just because he is not as obedient as other students, the tutor holds a grudge, so that he does not guide him well.

After Meng Wei's series of complaints, his mentor Zhang Guangxin was also sent to the top of public opinion.

"Heroes from all walks of life" on the Internet spoke out in unison to denounce Zhejiang University, saying that Zhejiang University had a flaw in the graduation system for direct doctoral students.

Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

It's a shame that such an excellent student is in such a situation. Zhejiang University should improve the process of training doctoral students and create a fair and just learning environment for students.

Then there is speculation that most of today's mentors are involved in business, and the pursuit of fame and fortune is common. It is precisely the excessive commercialization of scientific research that makes talents like Meng Wei become innocent lying guns.

Netizens said so angrily, as if Meng Wei was really the lonely brave man in the dark.

In the face of these "conclusive words", the supervisor Zhang Guangxin himself also responded, he said: Whether it is the school or I personally, there are rigid requirements and standards for doctoral graduation, as long as the standard is met, you can graduate smoothly.

As a teacher, there is really no reason or right to hinder students from graduating. However, Meng Wei participated in many social activities during his Ph.D., which must have affected his studies.


When Meng Wei heard Mr. Zhang's response, he had many tears with him on the Internet. To be precise, it was Meng Wei who unilaterally shouted at Zhejiang University and Teacher Zhang.

Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

But on the other hand, Zhejiang University did not respond to the "Meng Wei incident", and Professor Zhang Guangxin was not investigated or dealt with by Zhejiang University.

It can be seen that silence here is better than sound, which is undoubtedly the most powerful response from Zhejiang University to Meng Wei.

In fact, for every social event, public opinion always seems to be polarized, and the same is true in the case of Meng Wei.

Someone else said: Crying children have milk to eat, and Meng Wei is the crying child. The reason why he repeatedly exposed Zhejiang University on the Internet as a doctor of Zhejiang University and exposed the so-called hidden secrets behind it is nothing more than to make Zhejiang University unable to withstand the pressure, so as to "release water" for him to graduate.

Because when the impact of a matter is relatively large, the weaker side will generally choose to compromise and make concessions, which is a common phenomenon in society.

Without commenting on all of the above, at this moment, let's not take sides or be emotional, and look at this matter from a neutral, third-party perspective.

Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

Meng Wei's ability to become a direct doctoral student of Zhejiang University shows that he is very good, and he must have a shining point that others cannot reach when he is an undergraduate.

However, when Meng Wei was in graduate school, his positioning was deviated from the beginning. He once posted on Moments that his next goal is to get an "outstanding alumni". This is indeed an honor, but it has nothing to do with academics.

The information revealed by this incident coincides with the statement of his mentor Zhang Guangxin that "Meng Wei participated in many social activities during his doctoral studies, so he delayed his scientific research and delayed his studies".

It looks like a slap in the face, but it's an indisputable fact.

During their undergraduate studies, the school encourages students to participate in social activities and participate in more social activities, so as to exercise students' adaptability after entering the society. But when it comes to the PhD stage, the research topic is the most important.

In fact, this also teaches everyone a good lesson, as a doctoral student, you can no longer treat learning with the mentality of an undergraduate, you should put more mind into academic research, and achieve certain results at this stage.

Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

On the other hand, although Meng Wei has been "breaking the news" that he has been postponed and has other hidden secrets, this society is a society that talks about evidence and facts. If there is no strong evidence to support everything you say, no matter how loud public opinion is, it will be in vain.

But what everyone has seen at present is that during his doctoral studies, Meng Wei did not come up with a decent paper or a decent scientific research topic to prove that he was the one who was "blackened" by Zhejiang University.

Some people also say that Meng Wei is very sober now, and his goal is not to get the doctoral diploma of Zhejiang University for a long time.

He relied on scolding Zhejiang University and scolding his mentor, and easily became an Internet celebrity, and now there are so many people who support him, so many people complain about him, and this wave of traffic is not accepted in vain.

Meng Wei wore a vest in the snow for a live broadcast, filming jokes to question his fellow sister Cao Yuqi, who became an associate professor at Zhejiang University at a young age, and even shouted that the engineering doctor who resigned from Xi'an University of Technology was "suitable" and came to Zhejiang University as a teacher. All this is just grandstanding, eyeballs, and a sense of existence.

We still can't speculate on this.

Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

But there must be no doubt about one thing, that is, Meng Wei's original intention has changed.

At first, he was indeed eager to get his Ph.D. diploma, but then as events unfolded, his mentality also changed. And now Meng Wei has a feeling of being immersed in his own world and unable to extricate himself.


In fact, netizens have a sentence that is very pertinent: whether it is an outstanding student or an outstanding cadre, if there is no thesis, let alone not graduating from Zhejiang University, and no other school can graduate.

Meng Wei himself is very good, but his efforts are not in the right direction, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

Therefore, while Meng Wei blindly "crusaded" against others, he should also find the reason from himself.

However, objectively speaking, the "Meng Wei incident" really cannot simply blame Zhejiang University and his mentor, and of course, it cannot blindly shift the responsibility to Meng Wei personally.

On the contrary, we should learn from the case of Meng Wei. I realized that everything would be fine if I didn't become a "straight doctor". The graduate stage is not an extension of the undergraduate level, this stage is a more complex and professional academic research process, and academic results and research ability are crucial.

Zhejiang University has been studying for a doctorate for 8 years and is still delivering takeaways, why is Meng Wei, a "direct doctoral student", in the same situation as his alma mater?

Regarding Meng Wei, it is not yet known whether he will have the fate to get the graduate certificate of Zhejiang University, but the good thing is that after so many rights and wrongs, he now has a happy family, his son is healthy and healthy, and his wife is in the same boat through thick and thin.

Maybe everyone has their own way of living, and we don't have the right to put beaks in the lives of others, but I hope that students will think more about their own lives when they read other people's stories, whether they are choosing a major or studying for a doctorate, and think about everything thoughtfully.

Finally, I wish all students a bright future.

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