
Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

author:Uncle Chai will take you to a movie

Text: A blank space

Editor-in-charge|Xiang Wanwan

The six princesses of CCTV and Douyin joined hands to hold a party called "Evening Party".

The six princesses did their best for this party, and also specially arranged an interactive session for artists.

Before getting to the point, we must give you a science about the status of the six princesses.

Why is it called "Six Princesses"?

Because her registered account on a certain platform is female, the gender information of other CCTV channels is male.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

Although Central No. 6 is a movie channel, it is not under the jurisdiction of the Radio, Film and Television Bureau.

The news broadcast is at 7 o'clock every night, and if you don't want to watch the news, you have to watch the channel of the six princesses. Only she is special.

At the closing ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, only the six princesses were playing the movie "Slam Dunk".

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

And she often uses movies to mock current affairs hot spots.

In 2019, there were troublemakers in Hong Kong, and the six princesses screened "I Am Your Mother".

When U.S. troops withdrew from Afghanistan, she screened "A Dog's Way Home."

On the public memorial day of the Nanjing Massacre, the six princesses screened "Japan Sinks".

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

Wang Baoqiang is divorced, and she scrolls "Detective Chinatown" throughout the day.

The name of the Sixth Princess is not called for nothing, it focuses on a "highest art in the language world".

The six princesses have never been accustomed to celebrities, and the photos posted by celebrities on social platforms are always retouched. But the six princesses put a picture of life.

Fans were unhappy and commented under the official account, wanting to make the six princesses converge.

If I don't introduce the six princesses, I really don't know how powerful the six princesses are.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

So when the host of the Six Princesses asked Liu Haocun: "Do you think you are a talented actor?" ”

Liu Haocun replied: "Why don't you count it? ”

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

The video has not been cut, and such a clip has made Liu Haocun's popularity disappear.

Everyone said when they saw this clip that even actor Tony Leung would not say that he was a "talented actor".

Xiaohua should be at least modest.

Liu Haocun is nothing, Wu Jinyan is probably the first person to provoke the six princesses. The facts are shown in the diagram:

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

Playing a big name, it has hit the head of the six princesses.

CCTV also criticized by name, which made Wu Jinyan quickly throw the blame to the team, and then apologize with a sincere attitude.

Although the sixth princess forgave Wu Jinyan, it brought a lot of impact to her career, and her popularity also fell to the bottom.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

After so many years, the negative impact has been around Wu Jinyan until this year's "Ink Rain and Clouds" was released, and it slowly began to improve.

After so much foreshadowing, no one can offend the six princesses by kicking the iron plate, but some people don't believe in evil, and there are those who kick the iron plate in the interactive link.

The six princesses worked hard for this event and arranged for the staff to prepare to interact with the stars in the aisle.

Some well-known celebrities took the initiative to greet the staff of the Six Princesses, and there was a peaceful atmosphere.

For example, Deng Chao and Deng Jiajia had positive interactions when they passed by, and they also gave candy to Na Ran and Rong Zishan.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

But when it comes to Zhouye, it's different.

Zhou too?

Let me introduce you to this little flower.

Zhou Ye, born in Chongqing in 1998, studied in Luogeng Middle School in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province.

He was admitted to Beijing Film Academy with a score of 36th in the country, majoring in the performance department.

became classmates with Guan Xiaotong.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

In 2017, he starred in his film debut "Unbelievable", in 2019, he starred in "Young You" as Chen Nian's classmate Wei Lai, and in 21, he participated in "Shanhe Ling" as Gu Xiang and participated in the variety show "Chinese Restaurant Season 5".

Recently, the actors who have cooperated with "Brother Kid" Wang Xingyue filmed "For the Dark Fragrance" together.

"Hexagonal Warrior" Tan Jianci filmed "I Miss You Very Much", as well as "Don't Be Tempted by Me" with Lin Yi.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

After introducing Zhou Ye, let's talk about why she is different in the face of the six princesses?

Wearing a pair of heelless flats like a pull-up board, he quickly walked in front of the staff of the six princesses.

When the staff of the sixth princess greeted her cordially and called Zhou Ye, her expression actually gave birth to disgust, and she pretended not to hear and continued to walk forward.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

What happened to a tsundere sixth princess after being angry, it was also mentioned above.

However, this time, the sixth princess was very subtle and did not post it, but turned her head and put this video on the Internet.

It's not better than not knowing, it's more frightening. This video is a bit special compared to the videos of other stars.

Others have names, copywriting, and topics.

This original video let everyone see Zhou Ye's black face and arrogance.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

As soon as the video came out, the war began.

Passers-by felt that Zhou's attitude was too bad, and they didn't pay attention to people's greetings.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

And fans began to quibble that Zhou didn't wear glasses either, didn't see the person who was the sixth princess, thought it was a proxy shooting, and said that the media people greeted him quietly, and Zhou didn't hear it.

It's okay not to quibble, but the sixth princess was so angry that she got up in the middle of the night and posted a video. The video is accompanied by the text "Some background shooting clips".

In the video, the staff is wearing uniform work clothes and wearing work cards, and there is a clear channel logo on the back of the shooting phone.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

Because Zhou Ye has a movie to be released soon, it is estimated that it will be difficult to turn over if the sixth princess is offended.

Zhou also realized the seriousness of the matter, waving his little hands while walking the red carpet, and his face was about to stiffen with laughter.

The story is reversed, and the camera facing the six princesses is also trotting all the way, going up to bump fists with the people of the six princesses.

Is this reconciliation with the six princesses?

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

It's a bit fast to change your face before and after. What's the mystery behind it?

Pick it up, pick it up again.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

Let's look at Zhou Ye's smile when he faces the boss, and the smile is not too bright.

At this time, no one said that she was a stinky face terminal syndrome? The routines of this workplace are quite clear.

Li Bingbing likes Zhou Ye very much, not only taking pictures like conjoined babies, but even the drama festival in Wuzhen is taken by Li Bingbing himself.

And I would like to introduce Zhou Ye to you, this is a little flower held by Li Bingbing.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

That provoked the sixth princess on the night, Li Bingbing should have broken her leg and apologized in order to have a reconciliation scene.

Step on one foot and then get on the play?

Stir-fry and then cool down immediately? For the promotion of the new drama? This is also 800 kills and 1200 self-losses.

It's useless for you to reconcile, netizens got to know Zhou Ye, and picked up some of Zhou Ye's illiterate, many stand-ins, and acting skills flying around.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

How to say that Xiaohua is illiterate?

When watching Zhou Ye and Hou Minghao live broadcast together, they staged a literacy half.

Zhou also said "confession" as "a thousand regrets", and he made mistakes many times without correcting them, Hou Minghao wanted to correct it but didn't know how to say it, and his face was full of embarrassment.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

It's even more fun when it comes to stand-ins.

The "Female General Star", adapted from the popular novel, has begun filming, and some netizens broke the news that there are also 5 stand-ins for the starring week.

They are Wenti, Wuti, and Mati......

I've been acting in a costume drama for so long, and I can't ride a horse?

Close-up shooting also has to be a fake horse, but also to have the feeling of a horse galloping on the battlefield, the staff is hard enough.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

Forget about Ma Ti and Wu Ti, what the hell is Wen Ti?

I now know why it costs so much to make a TV series or movie.

The reason for the high cost is that the labor is small, and 208 artists have to be paid, but the staff are tired and have to pay hush money.

If you look at the picture on the acting problem, I won't comment on it.

Shake your face CCTV! The last blackface to the sixth princess was Wu Jinyan, this time it was Zhou Ye, what is the follow-up

Nowadays, the public is already brainless and tolerant of domestic entertainment.

There is no need to get used to a group of artists who have no connotation as long as the traffic is not down-to-earth learning, stars are just a profession, and they must have basic professionalism.

Finally, internal entertainment really needs to reflect.


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