
Two questions: What is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan?

author:Knight shared
Two questions: What is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan?

I'm a rider to share, don't blow or talk about motorcycles.

Recently, there have been a lot of hot words on the Internet, and the motorcycle sector has not been idle. But we should eat melons rationally at all times, of course, for some people, the truth is not important, emotions are important, especially in the Internet age.

In this issue, we will discuss two topics: what is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan? Please write your thoughts in the comment section, and the wonderful content will be pinned and liked.

What is the significance of a motorcycle tour?

Two questions: What is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan?

There is no standard answer to this question, and even the same person will have different opinions at different times. What's more, everyone's starting point and purpose will be diverse.

But at the end of the day, it's all about fun, it's a way to relax and feel the scenery, not just a rush all the way, and it's not like escaping the enemy.

Two questions: What is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan?

You can travel on a budget, but you don't have to be tortured. You can travel thousands of miles, but you don't have to fight for your life. Once you go beyond a certain limit, there is not much point in a motorcycle tour.

An old brother said well, "I ride out to see the beautiful scenery, eat delicious food, and enjoy the process rather than the result, I can walk if I want, stop when I want, watch when I want to, eat when I want to eat, run a little more when I have time, and play less when I don't have time."

Two questions: What is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan?

But there are always people who say "a blue lotus, deceived to 318" Have you ever thought that the restlessness in your heart may be caused by vanity, and there is no way to calm down and feel the process of motorcycle travel.

If you have this kind of purpose, you are in a crazy hurry, a surprise attack in one night, running thousands of miles, turning a blind eye to the beautiful scenery around you, and starving only for the numbers on the kilometer meter, how much point is there? What if you travel all over the world?

Two questions: What is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan?

This is not a soul torture, just a heartfelt word. For motorcyclists who have no experience in long-distance cycling, remember not to try high-intensity long-distance motorcycling lightly, slow down and plan reasonably to suit your current state.

It doesn't matter if you ride fast, it doesn't matter how long you ride, it's important to ride for a long time, and the beautiful scenery around you is everywhere, so you can let go of your obsession and be at peace with what happens. So motorcycling should be a pleasure rather than a sin.

Is it worth buying a big pedal of more than 30,000 yuan?

Two questions: What is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan?

In fact, this is a false proposition. Any commodity it will have its own target group, if you have to let the small pedal user choose the big pedal he must not be willing, even if it is for nothing, you have to consider whether the later operating costs can be afforded.

On the other hand, if you give a big brother who likes the king of sheep to a Qiaoge, it doesn't want it, and it may turn its head and give it away again or directly cash out.

Two questions: What is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan?
Two questions: What is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan?

As for whether this type of model is cost-effective, it mainly depends on what you compare. If the current market performance of 150 and 250 is viewed, it may be normal for the big pedal of more than 30,000 yuan to collectively reduce the price again, and many models should come to about 20,000 yuan, otherwise it will not meet the market trend of the scooter.

This is also the main reason why many people think that big pedals are not worth buying. But the question is, can you accept the reduction in the configuration of such models after the price reduction?

Two questions: What is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan?

We must know that some big pedals have been reduced by five or six thousand or even seven or eight thousand on the basis of the original price, if they are made to bleed, it will inevitably hurt the bone marrow, unless the dealer does not do a clearance sale, if not, must be calm.

Of course, this is not to say that big scooters should be sold at a high price. A factory that cannot compress costs, reduce profits, and only knows how to cut leeks is certainly not a good manufacturer, it is a capitalist at best.

Two questions: What is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan?

But on the other hand, factories want to make money and workers want to eat, and regularly smashing the table will only make the industrial structure more and more deformed. If you blindly take the standard of entry-level scooters and put them on the mid-to-high-end models, it is obviously unreasonable.

What's more, the target model is not worth choosing, mainly it is directly related to the needs of the individual, what we spend money to buy is a love and enjoyment, if it deviates from this basic criterion, it will not make much sense.

Two questions: What is the meaning of motorcycle travel? Is a big pedal worth more than 30,000 yuan?

So is it worth buying a big pedal of more than 30,000? The main thing is to see whether you have this kind of demand, whether you can find a target model that meets your personal standards, rather than hard set standards to erase everything and deny everything. (ENDS)

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