
250 pedals are so cheap, is it necessary to buy 150 pedals?

author:Four wheels and two wheels

Now that the 250 pedals are so cheap, is it necessary to buy 150 pedals? First of all, you have to determine how much budget you have, because the 250 scooter needs to pay purchase tax, if you only have a budget of about 15,000, then you can only choose the model with a price of less than 14,000 for the 250 pedal, and you can choose the car according to your budget for the 150 pedal.

250 pedals are so cheap, is it necessary to buy 150 pedals?

Although looking at the two displacement models may almost overlap in price, but because of the purchase tax, the gap will be widened in the final landing price, I believe that consumers who will consider scooters within 20,000 are still more sensitive to price, so this is also a problem that has to be considered.

250 pedals are so cheap, is it necessary to buy 150 pedals?

The second is the use and positioning, 150 pedals as an extension of 125 displacement, not only retains the practicability of 125 pedals, but also has a certain amount of fun in terms of appearance and curb weight, and the positioning of the traditional 250 pedals is more biased towards daily outings and long-distance motorcycle tours, of course, there are now many 250 pedals to the direction of the small steel cannon evolution, when the car body becomes smaller and the car becomes lighter, the 250 pedal also becomes more suitable for wandering in the urban area that is not too congested.

250 pedals are so cheap, is it necessary to buy 150 pedals?
250 pedals are so cheap, is it necessary to buy 150 pedals?

In terms of fuel consumption, the difference between the daily fuel consumption of these two displacements is about 1 liter per 100 kilometers, and the maintenance of 250 pedals will cost an extra bottle of oil and a machine filter.

250 pedals are so cheap, is it necessary to buy 150 pedals?

If you're in a congested city and can't run at speed, you're not using all the power of the 250, but you're going to have to pay more for fuel and more maintenance.

250 pedals are so cheap, is it necessary to buy 150 pedals?

If you often run long distances, then the power of the 150 will be stretched, and if you only run in the city and do not run motorcycle tours, then the maintenance and fuel consumption of the 250 will also become a burden.

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