
Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

author:The cub is in the circle of foolishness

What kind of theme has been a popular choice for domestic entertainment?

I think that spy war dramas must be on the list.

From Liu Yunlong's "Secret Calculation" to "Latent" and "Cliff", the level of domestic spy war dramas once reached its peak, not to mention Asia, even if it is a Hollywood spy war drama, it is far from being the opponent of domestic spy war dramas.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

However, the pinnacle of the creation of domestic spy war dramas seems to have stopped at "Kite", and after that, bad dramas have appeared frequently, and there are few hits, which makes people sigh.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

Fortunately, this year's domestic spy war has finally made some moves.

"The Wind Chaser", which was broadcast in the first half of the year, has good ratings, although the reputation is mixed, it is undeniable that it has kicked the door of the spy war theme open again.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

And there are a lot of ruthless dramas to be broadcast.

For example, "Lonely Boat" starring Zhang Songwen and "Deep Sea 1950" starring Yu Hewei, etc., each of which has a strong lineup, raising the audience's expectations.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

However, there has been no good news from the above two dramas for a long time, but another new work is the first to strike.

The 35-episode spy war drama "The Guardians" recently obtained a TV series distribution license, and the show's powerful actors are on the battlefield, and the lineup is extremely strong.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

A high-energy spy war drama, the content is too eye-catching

The most attractive thing in spy war dramas is the dramatic conflicts and suspense one after another.

And "The Guardians" grasps these two characteristics to tell the whole story.

Aspect 1: Extremely dramatic conflict.

The story of the play takes place in Shanghai in 1939.

At this time, in order to sabotage the development of the Japanese army's cipher system, Shanghai intelligence officer Gu Yangshan (played by Han Dongjun) took the lead and hijacked the blind alumnus Joseph Needham (played by Zhang Yishan), who developed the cipher for the Japanese army.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

However, Joseph Needham, who has always spared his life, has long hired Ding Yi (played by Zhang Yishan), a dragon actor from the Chaosheng Theater Troupe, to impersonate himself.

Due to the urgency of time, Gu Yangshan, who caught the wrong person, could only make the mistake and let Ding Yi continue to pretend to be Joseph Needham, while pretending to be the other party's assistant to infiltrate the heavily guarded Japanese military organization, waiting for an opportunity.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

The intelligence officer is paired with a dragon actor, one is dedicated to saving the country, and the other is full of acting to make money, this combination sounds too interesting.

Aspect 2, endless suspense.

Pretending to be Joseph Needham was not an easy job.

The head of the Japanese army was cruel and set a time frame in which Joseph Needham would be at risk if he did not complete the mission within the allotted time.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

On the other hand, Gu Yangshan, who infiltrated the Japanese military agency as an assistant, was also not happy.

Because the original Joseph Needham was a blind man who could not see, but Ding Yi was neither blind nor ignorant of cryptography.

How to prevent Ding Yi's identity from being exposed under the surveillance of the enemy, stealing secrets, and sabotaging the development of the Japanese army's cipher system is obviously a big problem.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

is staging a "spy in a spy" on the enemy's territory, and the real Joseph Needham's whereabouts are unknown, which makes the whole plot confusing, and it is more of a spy war to see this.

It can be said that the content of the drama "The Guardians" is very impressive, different from the traditional spy war story, the content of the drama is novel and charming, and the tension of the contest between the enemy and the enemy is full, and the plot is full, which is worth watching.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

All the members have big acting skills and a good lineup

The most attractive thing about "The Guardians" to the audience, in addition to the script, the strong cast is also a "killer feature", which can be called the acting school of all members, and one can act more than the other.

The first place, He Qi.

The national first-class actor He Qiang has strong strength, from the classic "Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" and "Mission" to "Little Huanxi" and "Wind Chaser" in recent years, there are no highlight clips in his plays.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

In the new drama "The Guardians", this old actor will play the role of Lao Wu.

In the stills, Lao Wu is wearing a coarse cloth horse coat showing the style of a literati, his face is full of sadness and worry, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

He Qi's performance is full of tension, with him, the acting skills of the new drama are stable.

second place, Jiao Gang.

The powerful actor Jiao Gang has a good performance in dramas such as "Rebel", "To a Windy Place", "Love Only", his performance is always relaxed, and any role is vivid in Jiao Gang's hands.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

In the new drama "The Guardians", Jiao Gang incarnated as Shen Wanqing, and in the trailer, he cautiously closed the door, looked around cautiously, and his eyes were full of sharpness like a sharp knife out of the sheath.

The killing intent that burst out in that moment made people feel shocked, sometimes it doesn't take too many shots, and a good actor can pull the audience into the pit with a scene.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

third place, Zhao Ziqi.

In "In the Name of the People", Zhong Xiaoai played by Zhao Ziqi is impressive. In the play, her acting skills are exquisite, giving people a strong sense of substitution, and her strength cannot be underestimated.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

In the new drama, Zhao Ziqi will play the role of Yi Aida.

In the trailer, Yi Aida is standing in place in a plaid cheongsam, under the exquisite makeup, the whole person is intellectual and elegant, her eyes are looking straight ahead, her face is calm, and there seem to be tears flashing in her eyes.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

In the trailer, Zhao Ziqi doesn't have many shots, and it seems to be mediocre, but I always feel that this role is not simple, and presumably Zhao Ziqi will bring the audience a feast of acting.

Fourth, Zhu Gang Riyao.

In "The Awakening Age", Mr. Hu Shi played by Zhu Gang Riyao does not feel like he is acting, but completely integrated into the characters, and every move makes people feel real, such acting skills are really exquisite.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

In the new drama "The Guardians", Zhu Gang Riyao will play the role of Luo Han.

In the stills, Luo Han's figure is hidden next to the car, and he seems to be a member of an underground organization who is on a tracking mission.

The eyes are firmly fixed on the target person, and the gaze is calm and composed, which suddenly arouses the curiosity of the audience, a good actor is like this, and an expression leaves the audience unlimited imagination.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

fifth, Bao Dazhi.

Zhao Lidong in "Hurricane" is also here.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

In the new drama, Bao Dazhi will play the role of Cao Yuanzhong, in the stills, he is dressed in low-key luxury and looks like a business celebrity.

Bao Dazhi is a typical "drama face" actor, who is good at presenting the character image in a life-like way of acting, and presumably the supporting role of Cao Yuanzhong will also be interpreted in place in the new drama.

Coming soon! 35 episodes of spy war drama are coming, powerful factions join forces, and the plot is comparable to "Latent"

At the same time, Zhang Yi, Han Dongjun, Zhang Tianai, Liu Huan, Fan Shiran and other actors will join the new drama "The Guardians", and the characters don't have to worry.


As a popular theme and the main ratings in the national drama market, it is an indisputable fact that spy war dramas are in decline.

Fortunately, entering 2024, spy war dramas have ushered in a small spring.

first came a "Wind Chaser", announcing the official return of the spy war drama.

After that, "When the Stars Shine" and "Harbin 1944" appeared one after another, although the results were not ideal, but they always opened up new ideas for spy war dramas.

At present, "The Guardians" is coming strongly, and from all aspects, this new work is undoubtedly a spy war drama that can be pinned on hope.

The story content is novel, and the cast is even more powerful.

I believe that as long as the show is officially finalized and broadcast smoothly, it will become this year's popular spy war drama, which is not a problem.

So, are you looking forward to the show?