
During the investigation and investigation of the Provincial Party Committee and the Working Committee for Provincial-level Organs, Nobunaga stressed the need to comprehensively improve the quality of party building in organs and strive to build model organs that can reassure the party and satisfy the people

author:Jiangsu News
During the investigation and investigation of the Provincial Party Committee and the Working Committee for Provincial-level Organs, Nobunaga stressed the need to comprehensively improve the quality of party building in organs and strive to build model organs that can reassure the party and satisfy the people

On June 26, Nobunaga Xing, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, went to the Provincial Party Committee and the Working Committee of Provincial Organs for investigation. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building and the party's self-revolution, comprehensively improve the quality of party building in organs, and strive to build a model organ that reassures the party and satisfies the people, so as to provide a strong guarantee for promoting the new practice of Chinese-style modernization in Jiangsu.

During the investigation and investigation of the Provincial Party Committee and the Working Committee for Provincial-level Organs, Nobunaga stressed the need to comprehensively improve the quality of party building in organs and strive to build model organs that can reassure the party and satisfy the people

Nobunaga first came to the home of the party members of the working committee to learn about the achievements of the party building work of the provincial organs, read the "work and study" magazine and the compilation of "hometown micro-research", and asked to start from a small incision and make efforts from specific problems, promote the deep integration of party building and business with solid and effective measures, and effectively transform the advantages of party building into development advantages. Subsequently, Nobunaga came to the relevant offices to visit the cadres of the organs, inquired about the establishment of party branches of provincial-level organs, the guidance of grass-roots party building work, etc., and encouraged everyone to persevere in strengthening theoretical arming, improving professional level, and becoming experts in party building work in organs.

During the investigation and investigation of the Provincial Party Committee and the Working Committee for Provincial-level Organs, Nobunaga stressed the need to comprehensively improve the quality of party building in organs and strive to build model organs that can reassure the party and satisfy the people

During the investigation, Nobunaga presided over a symposium to review the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Party Building Work Conference of the Central Committee and State Organs in 2019, watch the feature film, and listen to the report on the party building work of provincial organs. He pointed out that the important speech of the general secretary has raised our party's understanding of the regularity of the party building work of the organs to a new height, and provided a fundamental basis for the party building work of the organs in the new era. The practice of the past five years has given us a deeper understanding of the far-sightedness, great significance, and profound connotation of the general secretary's important speech, and a more accurate grasp of the ideas and measures for promoting party building in organs. It is necessary to continue to deepen the study and comprehension, continue to do a good job in implementation, and promote the party building work of organs to a new level.

After fully affirming the achievements made in the party building work of the provincial-level organs, Nobunaga stressed that the party building of the organs is the fundamental guarantee for the building of the organs. Provincial-level organs are the first pass of the province's "connecting the upper and lower levels" and the "first kilometer" of implementation. It is necessary to lead the high-quality development of party building in organs with the construction of model organs, establish higher standards in "stressing politics", adhere to stricter requirements in "discipline", show stronger consciousness in "responsibility", and make more obvious changes in "efficiency", consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education, carry out party discipline learning and education in a solid manner, and promote the continuous improvement of the work style of organs at every turn, and truly reflect the "two safeguards" in the specific actions of resolutely implementing the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee. It is necessary to improve the effectiveness of party building in organs with excellent achievements in centering, building teams, and serving the masses, firmly grasp the main line of studying and implementing the spirit of the important instructions of the general secretary's important speech on the work of Jiangsu, promote the focus of various work to the center, help the overall situation, implement the project of improving the ability of cadre modernization in the new era, implement the "four grassroots" system, and guide the party members and cadres of the organs to adhere to the unity of being responsible for the upper and lower levels, reassuring the organization and satisfying the masses, and unifying for the masses and relying on the masses. Solve the urgency, hardship, and hope of the grassroots and the masses with heart and affection. It is necessary to promote the implementation of the responsibility of party building work in organs with strict tone and practical measures, consolidate the main responsibility of the party group (party committee) of each department, the responsibility of the first responsible person of the secretary, and the "one post and two responsibilities" of the members of the leading group, so as to better stimulate motivation while conducting pressure, and improve the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of grassroots party organizations and party members and cadres.

Nobunaga stressed that the working committee of provincial-level organs, as a provincial party committee-dispatched agency, should earnestly perform the functions of unified leadership, guidance and supervision, promote the responsibility of governing the party in the party organizations at all levels of the organs, and continuously enhance the integrity and coordination of the party building of the organs. It is necessary to do a good job in the construction of a contingent of high-quality and professional party cadres, and educate and guide everyone to become politically aware people, experts in party building work, and intimate people of cadres and workers.

Chu Yonghong, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, and Secretary of the Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Organs, participated in the investigation.

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During the investigation and investigation of the Provincial Party Committee and the Working Committee for Provincial-level Organs, Nobunaga stressed the need to comprehensively improve the quality of party building in organs and strive to build model organs that can reassure the party and satisfy the people

For detailed reports, please pay attention to Jiangsu Satellite TV's "Jiangsu New Time and Space"

Reporter of Jiangsu Radio and Television Financial Media News Center|Gao Yan, Liu Kun, Photography|Wu Sheng, Editor|Yuanyuan ©, Jiangsu News


During the investigation and investigation of the Provincial Party Committee and the Working Committee for Provincial-level Organs, Nobunaga stressed the need to comprehensively improve the quality of party building in organs and strive to build model organs that can reassure the party and satisfy the people