
"Under the Skirt of the Traitor" Author: Ye Buhong

author:The bright moon that moves forward bravely

"Under the Skirt of the Traitor"

Author: Ye Buhong

"Under the Skirt of the Traitor" Author: Ye Buhong

Brief introduction:

[The heroine is full of white moonlight attributes + group pet + strong woman]

Qin Buwen disguised herself as a man and was a traitor for 16 years.

When her reputation was at its most intimidating, up and down Chang'an City, a dog couldn't wait to walk around her when she saw it.

Later, Qin Buwen was betrayed, and everyone betrayed and left.

She jumped off the tall building, not wanting to be reborn five years later!

This time, she didn't play the traitorous minister, but the weak little green tea!

Slandered by Miss Qianjin, she knelt on the ground with tears in her eyes.

Everyone: It's not her fault that she's so weak!

Humiliated by the treacherous prince, she wiped her tears with a handkerchief and bit her lips lightly.

Ministers: She's so pitiful, you're too much, lord!

was kidnapped by the original scumbag, and she stuck directly into someone's arms: "Lord Shoufu, people are so afraid~"

Shousuke: She's powerless, you're so vicious!

Qin Buwen is gone on the way to play Little Green Tea, and he is complacent.

How can you play the green tea fragrance by playing a traitor! But who can tell her why the Shousuke-sama, who had been dealing with her before, looked at her more and more wrong?

Late at night, the scumbag came to Qin Buwen, chatted with his heart, and poured out his thoughts.

Lord Shousuke, who was in the light of the moon, was drunk and his eyes were red.

"Qin doesn't hear it, he will, I will."

- Everyone in Chang'an City knows that the Shoufu Lord of Wenyuan Pavilion is notoriously self-controlled, cold as snow.

But I don't know when, there was a pretentious woman next to Lord Shousuke.

The words that Lord Shousuke often said became: "My family is weak and powerless, you Haihan." ”

But my lord, this person in your family just took advantage of your inattention to lift someone else's heavenly spirit cover!


Qin Buwen was the most beautiful year, driving Chang'an, 3,000 soldiers and horses opened the way for her, the Manchu Dynasty civil and military bowed to her, she had 300,000 soldiers, and entered the court with a sword, even the one in the high seat of the Ming Hall was still afraid of her for three points.

In the year when Qin Buwen was the most depressed, everyone rebelled and left, his lover betrayed him, and 300,000 Chengping troops were killed and buried alive, and his head was in a different place.

And she stood alone on the high ground of Xunyang City, her clothes were sassy.

Beneath the castle tower was the beloved of her former life, now dressed in silver armor and riding on a horse in high spirits.

"Qin Buwen, you intend to rebel, harbor evil intentions, the crime cannot be punished, don't open the city gate, and die quickly!"

Today's Li Yunmu is already the right-hand man of the second prince.

She should have guessed that the man who had always hated her to the bone was willing to bow down and be a little pick-up lamp companion during that time, which was selfish.

Thinking that she Qin Buwen had exhausted all the tricks in her life, in the end, she actually missed a move

"Li Yunmu, stepping on the corpse of my 300,000 Chengping Army and sitting in your current position, are you at ease?"

Qin Buwen smiled, but his eyes were blinded by the wind and sand.

"Your subordinates are stubborn, and they are innocent of death!"

"Is it innocent to die?" Qin Buwen smiled and tilted his head, as if he didn't understand his words, "You said they were innocent!?" ”

Tears dripped down the back of her hand, and Qin Buwen looked at the man downstairs in the city, his eyes split.

"Li Yunmu! You have to keep your sweetheart, if I don't die, I will definitely let her 'die innocently'!! ”

"You dare!"

As if he had been poked in the underbelly, Li Yunmu shouted: "Archers prepare—"

I'm so tired.

Qin Buwen has been planning for many years, thinking that he will die, but he never thought that he would die so badly.

She smiled wryly and closed her eyes.

She wanted to get some sleep.

"Shoot the arrows—"

Ten thousand arrows pierce the heart.


There was a tearing pain through Qin Buwen's heart, and a sweet and sticky feeling filled her chest, Qin Buwen was so painful that she couldn't breathe, and opened her eyes suddenly!

The soldiers and horses of the castle tower in front of her eyes had long disappeared without a trace, and in her place was a handsome face in front of her, holding a long sword and piercing her heart.

The man in front of him was also surprised!

At this time, Qin Buwen felt that she was being restrained, and only then did she notice that it was the black-clothed assassin behind her who dragged her over to block the knife!

The black-clothed assassin was stunned when he saw the beautiful man, and one turned around and fled!

Without support, Qin Buwen only felt that it was difficult to breathe, she staggered backwards, but was easily caught by the man in front of her.

"Someone!" The man called out in a deep voice.

Not far away, a man in green clothes came to the man and knelt down: "My lord! ”

Qin Buwen had no strength anymore.

The moment she closed her eyes, the last words she heard seemed to be spoken by the man holding her.

"Doctor, please bring people back for healing!"


Sandalwood lingers.

When Qin Buwen woke up again, he didn't know what time it was.

What's going on?

Isn't she dead?

The pain of ten thousand arrows piercing her heart was still yesterday, and she ...... now Where is it?

She moved tentatively, and when the maid with the water came in, her eyes lit up instantly.

"Girl! You're awake! Wait, I'll call your lord right away! ”

After speaking, the maid didn't look at Qin Buwen's reaction at all, and trotted away all the way.

Aunt, girl!?

Her daughter's identity revealed!?

Qin Buwen lowered his head suddenly, seeing that the bandage that had bound his chest all the year round had long been gone, replaced by a clean and tidy plain clothes.

- No, why are these breasts so big?

She clearly remembered that her breasts were not so well developed......

Thinking of her Qin family's great achievements, the ancestors accompanied the founding emperor to go on the expedition, leveled the frontier, fought in all directions, made immortal feats, and laid the foundation of Yaoyun for a hundred years.

Later, Yaoyun was in turmoil, and she was asked by her father to dress up as a man since she was a child.

She killed the enemy on the battlefield at the age of twelve, beheaded the traitor, punished the ministers, and worshiped the king with a different surname in the same year, enjoyed the honor guard of the emperor's relatives, and was titled Chang'an.

She has been wearing this men's clothing for 16 years.

Therefore, when the little maid called her "girl" just now, she was vigilant.

What the hell is going on?

Didn't she get pierced by ten thousand arrows on the tower of Xunyang City!?

When he turned his head, Qin Buwen was facing the bronze mirror on the dresser.

The man in this bronze mirror...... Not her at all!

An inexplicable thought flashed through Qin Buwen's mind.

She's ...... Reborn?

A glance at the furnishings in the room showed that incense was burning in the center of the room, and sandalwood was thick.

This sandalwood...... It's a familiar taste.

Before Qin Buwen could recall anything, the little maid had already invited the people behind her in with a smile.

"Come on, my lord, the girl is finally awake!"

Qin Buwen looked at the person vigilantly, his gaze sharp.

As soon as the felt curtain opened, the man wore a moon-white shirt and walked slowly.

The person who came was jade and golden, a face was exquisite, clear and elegant, his expression was very light, and a long robe reflected the light spilled in from the window, and there seemed to be brilliance around his body.

A man's temperament is as warm as a fine jade, and as indifferent as ice and snow.

Why does this man ......

So what about familiarity?

Qin Buwen frowned slightly, trying to remember.

"Girl, are you feeling better?"

The man's voice is indescribably good, like a clear spring flowing.

Qin Buwen was still vigilant, these people knew the identity of her woman, but she still didn't know whether the person who came was friend or foe.

"You...... Know me? ”

Qin Buwen asked tentatively.

When the man heard this, he frowned slightly, but there was no emotion in his eyes.

"Do you know who I am?" Qin Buwen asked again.

Finally, the man got up slowly, glanced at Qin Buwen, and ordered the maid beside him: "Go and ask the imperial doctor." ”


As soon as the maid left, there were only two people left in the huge room.

The man bowed slightly towards Qin Buwen: "Don't worry, girl, I accidentally injured you when I was fighting with others three days ago, but don't worry, the imperial doctor said that if you can wake up, it will be fine, and I will also compensate the girl." ”

Qin Buwen heard it in a fog, she lowered her head suddenly, but saw the jade plate on the man's waist.

- That's clearly the Shoufu token of Yaoyun Country!!

So, that's why the man in front of him ......

Is Yaoyun Kingdom the first assistant of the dynasty?

No, when she died, the first assistant of Yaoyun Country was not him at all!

"Dare to ask...... Childe's honorable name? ”

No matter how Qin Buwen thought about it, he didn't remember that there was such a beautiful man in the court.

If he was really a courtier, with this good look, it would be impossible for Qin Buwen to have no impression of him at all.

The man pondered for a moment, and finally slowly spoke: "Below, Ji Junjiao." ”

"Ji, Ji Junjiao!?"

Qin Buwen's voice suddenly became a little louder, and when he got the man's affirmative gaze, a touch of shock flashed in Qin Buwen's eyes.

Shouldn't Ji Junjiao be the crown prince?

How did you become the first assistant of the dynasty!?

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Qin Buwen looked at Ji Junjiao squarely, and said in a low voice: "Childe, can I ask you another question?" ”

"Girl, please speak."

"How many years is Yong'an now?"

Ji Junjiao was puzzled, but he still said truthfully: "Twelve years of Yong'an." ”

Five years later......

She came to Yaoyun Kingdom five years later!

Qin Buwen was a gentleman in the past few years, fighting cockfights and raising crickets, and looking for beauties in the Liubo Painting Boat, which was proficient in everything.

The words of this beautiful woman, Qin Buwen has seen it not less.

But the rebirth in people's books is all reborn back to a few years ago, why did she come here and be reborn directly five years later!?

Qin Buwen's mind was in a mess.

The prince and prince five years ago have now changed and become an existence above 10,000 people.

If Ji Junjiao is the first assistant, then at least it shows that he is still the crown prince who is on the throne now.

Thinking of this, Qin Buwen breathed a sigh of relief.

The second prince, Song Chengxuan and Li Yunmu, designed a pit to kill and bury her 300,000 Chengping troops alive, this account, since she is not dead now, must be calculated carefully.

This original body looked like she was about twenty years old, and Qin Buwen suddenly thought that if she hadn't died back then, she would have been twenty-one.

Now she wants revenge, and the most important thing is to have power.

Qin Buwen raised his head, the man in front of him was straight, upright, and above 10,000 people under one person, just right.

Although the ...... She Qin Buwen had some slight friction with Ji Junjiao, who was still a master.

But now that she has changed her face, as long as she hides her identity and uses Ji Junjiao to bring down Li Yunmu, she has a chance.

After making up his mind, Qin Buwen slowly raised his head, covering his chest, and his face was pale: "Childe, how do I feel...... I don't remember anything? ”

Since she was accidentally injured by Ji Junjiao at that time, now that she wants to stay, she has to use Ji Junjiao's guilt and sense of responsibility.

Hearing this, Ji Junjiao frowned slightly: "Girl, do you remember what your name is?" ”

Qin Buwen looked at the man sadly and shook his head slowly: "I...... Forgot. ”

"Childe, the Imperial Doctor is here!"

The maid took the old lady into the house.

Ji Junjiao gave up his position and let the imperial doctor diagnose the pulse.

"I've met Shousuke-sama."

"Don't be polite, bother the doctor to show this girl."

The old lady didn't say anything more, took a handkerchief and put it on Qin Buwen's wrist to check her pulse.

The imperial doctor touched his beard and said for a long time: "My lord, this girl's pulse is stable, and there is no major problem." ”

"The girl is really fateful, the sword body is only two inches away from your heart, and if it is a little deeper, there is no medicine stone."

Ji Junjiao pursed her lips: "Imperial Doctor, this girl said she didn't remember anything, what's going on?" ”

When the imperial doctor heard this, he hurriedly called the pulse again, and then opened Qin Buwen's eyelids and examined them for a long time.

"There's no blood clots," the Imperial Doctor frowned, "the girl really doesn't remember anything?" ”

Qin Buwen's eyes were slightly red, and he looked pitiful.

The imperial doctor sighed, got up and said, "It should be that this girl was overly frightened, resulting in temporary amnesia, I will prescribe a prescription for her, and take it for a few days to see the effect." ”

"There's Dr. Lao." Ji Junjiao asked the maid to take the imperial doctor down, and then turned to look at Qin Buwen again.

I don't know if it's Qin Buwen's illusion, she always feels ...... Ji Junjiao's eyes were a little scrutinizing.

Qin Buwen coughed twice, and Ji Junjiao stepped forward: "The girl has been living in the side hall for the past few days, and there is no need to worry about the rest." ”

Qin Buwen thanked Ji Junjiao, Ji Junjiao didn't linger any longer, and turned to leave.

It wasn't until Ji Junjiao's figure disappeared from sight that the corners of Qin Buwen's smiling mouth fell.

She subconsciously touched the wrench of her left thumb.

- but suddenly remembered that she was no longer the king of Chang'an now.

The wrench, along with her body, was probably thrown in a mass grave, right?

With a chuckle, Qin Buwen decided to inquire about the identity of this original body first, otherwise there would be other troubles at that time.


The maid in the room is named "Qingyue", but she is cheerful and easy to talk.

Qin didn't listen to a few inquiries, and he probably knew the identity of his original body.

It seems that Ji Junjiao was arresting a black-clothed assassin at that time and blocking the assassin in an abandoned ruined temple.

The original body was in rags, and it was estimated that he was a beggar fleeing from the famine, but he was dragged to him by a desperate black-clothed assassin to block a knife, and was rescued by Ji Junjiao.

When he knew this, Qin smiled unconsciously.

"Girl, what are you laughing at?" Qing Yue asked suspiciously while cooking the medicine.

Qin Buwen's wound had healed a lot, and he was chatting with Qing Yue in the dining room at this time.

She sat on the small bench with Qing Yue, supported her chin with one hand, and tilted her head slightly: "I think you Shousuke-sama are too kind." ”

is indeed too kind, if it were her, the identity of this "knife blocker" might be self-directed and self-acting, and if she wants to win her trust, she will never bring it back to her residence so easily.

Qin Buwen suddenly remembered that when she was in the East Palace, she made trouble everywhere and ordered to beat a subordinate in the East Palace, and after Ji Junjiao saw it, he not only saved that person, but also wrote a note to impeach her the next day.

At that time, Qin Buwen could be said to cover the sky with one hand, let alone beat a subordinate, even if she really beat that person to death, the entire palace would not dare to say anything to her.

In those years, the only one who dared to go against her was the prince and the princess.

Is...... An out-and-out "upright gentleman".

Qing Yue didn't hear the other meaning in Qin Buwen's words, and smiled very proudly: "Of course, in the entire Chang'an City, who doesn't praise our Lord Shoufu with a sentence of 'amazing talent, unparalleled in the world'!" ”

Qin Buwen just laughed with Qing Yue.

That's easy to do.

The original body is a beggar who has fled the famine, and even if she has parents, she will definitely be separated, so no matter how she makes up her identity, there will be no witnesses.


"My lord, you just left that girl behind?"

In the study, the man in Tsing Yi stood in front of Ji Junjiao and asked with some disapproval.

Ji Junjiao was painting something on the desk, and responded lightly: "The responsibility lies with me, so naturally I have to wait for her to recover." ”

The man in Tsing Yi frowned: "But my lord, what if this girl is sent by someone else?" ”

Even when the man is sitting, his body is still upright.

He spoke calmly: "If you work carefully, you will always show your feet." ”

The man in Tsing Yi cautiously probed: "Why don't you ...... Shall I go to the test? ”

Ji Junjiao didn't respond to him, but just handed him the thing he had just drawn: "Changqing, let people copy a few and search everywhere for the whereabouts of this pattern." ”

The man in Tsing Yi, who was called "Changqing", glanced at the strange pattern: "My lord, what is this?" ”

"I didn't catch the assassin that day, but I saw the tattoo on his arm, and if you send someone to check this pattern, you should be able to find some clues."

Changqing nodded, and mentioned another thing: "By the way, my lord, you were not in the pavilion a few days ago, and Li Yunmu, the household servant, came to visit you in the pavilion. ”

Ji Junjiao nodded: "Got it, you go down first." ”



As soon as Changqing left here, Qin Buwen appeared outside the door of the study.

"My lord, it's me, I have something to tell you."

Ji Junjiao put away the books, letters and various folds around him: "Come in." ”

When Qin Buwen pushed the door in, she smelled a burst of sandalwood in the distance, and after she entered the door, she knelt directly in front of Ji Junjiao.

"My lord, the people's daughter...... Something comes to mind. ”

Qin Buwen needed to gain Ji Junjiao's trust.

But judging from the previous confrontation between Qin Buwen and Ji Junjiao, although Ji Junjiao is an out-and-out upright gentleman, he is by no means a good person.

It is not easy to gain his trust.

What's more, her current identity is already suspicious, if she can't clear her suspicions, Ji Junjiao will definitely not let her stay here.

Thinking of this, Qin Buwen's head was buried lower, quietly waiting for the man in front of the desk.

Ji Jun's eyes were flat: "What did the girl think of?" ”

Qin Bu heard the sound like a mosquito and a fly: "The folk girl remembered that the folk girl fled all the way to Chang'an with the others, and her hometown suffered a disaster, and the folk girl had not eaten for several days, and when she was resting in the broken temple, she was caught by the black-clothed assassin to block the knife......"

The man's slender fingers tapped on the table: "Where is the girl's hometown?" ”

Qin Buwen shook his head: "Minnu...... I don't remember, I just remember that the folk girl carried a close-fitting peace charm, which should have fallen in the broken temple......"

Ji Junjiao bowed slightly: "If the girl still thinks of something, you can tell me, and I will send someone to contact the girl's relatives." ”

Qin Buwen said with some hesitation: "My lord, that peace charm is very important to me, can I ...... Go back to the broken temple to get it back? ”

Ji Junjiao pondered for a moment: "You have been asleep for a few days, there are many displaced people in that broken temple, I am afraid that someone has picked it up." ”

Qin Buwen heard this, and his eyes were slightly red: "My lord, I want to find it." ”

Ji Junjiao didn't understand the importance of a peace charm, but he had never been in the habit of asking others.

"That's fine, I'll send someone with you, the recent influx of refugees in Chang'an, you are not safe alone."

"Thank you, sir."


Of course, Qin Buwen knew that Ji Junjiao sent people to follow her, and there was an element of spying on her.

It's just that her first task now is to gain Ji Junjiao's trust, even if Ji Junjiao doesn't send someone to follow, she will take the initiative to ask for it.

Qin Buwen's injuries were mostly healed, and when she came to the broken temple with the guards, it was already evening.

"It should be around here, can you please ask this big brother to help me find it?"

Gotta find a way to separate from this guard for a while.

The guard hesitated for a moment, nodded, and began to search the neighborhood.

Qin Buwen turned his back to the guards and walked to the corner of the ruined temple.

- When Qin Buwen was shackled by the man in black, she subconsciously grabbed the token on the waist of the man in black.

In order to prevent the token from being found when he was unconscious, Qin Buwen threw the token here before he passed out.

Peeling off the dilapidated bricks and tiles, Qin Buwen finally found the token!

She sneered when she saw the pattern and lettering on the token.

Sure enough, she guessed correctly.

That assassin was an agent sent by Mobei, and he appeared here, presumably to make a deal with Yaoyun.

It's just that Qin Buwen couldn't figure out why Ji Junjiao appeared here.

Got the news in advance? Whose news is that?

"Girl, I've searched for it over there, but I haven't found it."

Hearing the voice from the guard, Qin Buwen put the token away, and then turned around, his eyes red.

"I didn't find it either."

The guard couldn't bear it: "Girl, why don't we look for it carefully, maybe we missed something." ”

Qin Buwen shook his head and sniffled: "No need, Lord Shoufu is right." It's been so many days, and it should have been picked up by someone else. ”

The guard wanted to say something, but Qin Buwen wiped his tears and walked back dejectedly.

- There is no amulet in the first place, and only if you can find it, there will be ghosts!


After returning home, Qin Buwen hid the token first, thinking about how to pass on the news to Ji Junjiao.

On the other side, Changqing gave Ji Junjiao a copy of the rubbed pattern.

"My lord, who did you say was the person who sent you the secret letter and asked you to go to the temple?"

Ji Junjiao looked at the black tattoo pattern: "It's still checking." ”

"What is the purpose of this man's hands and eyes to deliver the message to you?" Evergreen frowned.

Ji Junjiao's voice was cold and clear: "No matter what the purpose is, the court's meticulous work must be caught." ”

"My subordinates understand."

After Changqing exited the study, he did not immediately go back to his residence, but walked towards Qin Buwen's residence.

At this time, Qin Buwen was playing chess in the courtyard.

When she got the news that Chengpingjun was killed, she was saddened, she found several reasons and transferred all the henchmen around her.

It is also not known if they are still alive now.

With her for so many years of infamy, Qin Buwen didn't want them to be buried with her.

The black chess piece in his hand fell, and Changqing appeared behind Qin Buwen.

"The girl can also play chess?"

Changqing's voice couldn't hear the emotion, and it was a little cold.

Qin Buwen got up abruptly and blessed Changqing: "I've seen Lord Changqing." ”

Changqing narrowed his eyes, looked Qin Buwen up and down, and his gaze fell on the stone-carved chessboard again.

- The chess pieces on the chessboard are black and white, and they are clearly played, where is the appearance of playing chess!

"I saw chess sets here, so I played with them." Qin replied quietly.

Changqing pursed her lips: "Does the girl remember anything?" ”

It turned out that he had come to test her.

Qin Buwen lowered his eyes: "I only remember that the folk girl fled all the way to the famine, and the rest ...... Didn't think about it. ”

Changqing's tone was cold: "The girl even forgot her name? ”

Qin Buwen bowed his head and was silent.

Changqing didn't say anything more, only said: "The girl lives in peace, my master will take good care of the girl." ”

"Thank you, Lord Evergreen."

Before the words fell, Changqing turned around, the long sword in his hand was unsheathed, and stabbed straight towards Qin Buwen!

Qin Buwen's brows furrowed slightly, and when the tip of the sword stopped in front of her eyebrows, Qin Buwen's eyes widened, and his whole body trembled.

Changqing quietly withdrew the long sword and showed the spider at the tip of the sword to Qin Buwen.

"Girl, be careful, it doesn't taste good to be bitten by a poisonous spider at this time."

Qin Buwen took a few steps back suddenly, his body trembled, but he didn't dare to look at Changqing, and thanked him in a trembling voice: "Thank you, Lord Changqing......"

Changqing frowned imperceptibly: "The girl is scared?" ”

Qin didn't hear or speak, just lowered his head, and his body was still swinging.

Changqing pursed his lips, clenched his fists and bowed to Qin Buwen: "I'm sorry girl." ”

"It's okay, yes, it's because the people's girls are too timid, don't blame Lord Changqing......" When Qin Buwen said this, there was a bit of crying in his tone.

Changqing didn't linger any longer, and bowed again: "Girl, rest early, Changqing retires." ”

When Changqing finally left, Qin Buwen slowly raised his head, his eyes full of exploration and calmness.

This season, Jun Jiao is surrounded by a lot of talents.


On the other side, in the study.

"Just went to the ruined temple?"

In front of the bookcase, the man looked at the tattoo on his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

The guards who followed Qin Buwen said respectfully: "Lord Hui, I just went to the broken temple." ”

"Did you find the peace charm?"

"No, that girl searched for a long time and didn't find anything, and her eyes were red when she left."

The guard obviously didn't think Qin Buwen was a bad person, and replied with a little distress.

Ji Junjiao nodded: "You go down first." ”



Early in the morning of the second day, Qin Buwen came to the study to look for Ji Junjiao.

In the past few days, the court has been resting, and Ji Junjiao has stayed in the study every day, I don't know, I think there is a stunning beauty hidden in the study.

"My lord, I made some tea."

There was a sound of paper rubbing in the study, and then a man's voice came from the study: "Come in." ”

Qin Buwen came to Ji Junjiao's side with tea, and hesitated while pouring the tea: "My lord, are you investigating the man in black?" ”

Ji Junjiao's movements in his hand froze, and he turned to look at Qin Buwen.

As if he didn't see the inquiry in Ji Junjiao's eyes, Qin Buyi said to himself: "I was kidnapped by the man in black that day, and the folk girl grabbed his hand in a panic, as if she saw a black tattoo on his arm. ”

Ji Junjiao's fingerbones paused slightly, but his expression was as flat as ever: "What kind of tattoo is it?" ”

Qin Buwen thought about it seriously and gestured: "It's like ...... A wolf? But it seems that there is only one eye, and the rest ...... At that time, she was so flustered that the folk girl didn't remember. ”

Ji Junjiao took out a piece of paper from the bookcase and showed it to Qin Buwen: "Is this a pattern?" ”

Qin Buwen took the paper and looked at it seriously for a while, then said, "Yes, it's such a pattern!" ”

"Although the girl has amnesia, she has a very good memory."

Hearing what Ji Junjiao said, Qin Buwen knew that Ji Junjiao was testing her, and she smiled: "I don't know very well, but I was very panicked at the time, and I remembered the tattoo at a glance." ”

Ji Junjiao lowered his eyes for a long time before continuing to ask: "What does the girl remember about this tattoo?" ”

The fish bites.

Qin Buwen suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth, and instead frowned, as if he was trying to remember.

"The folk girl fled all the way to this place, alone, so she didn't dare to go with other refugees," Qin Buwen foreshadowed, "When she found the ruined temple, the folk girl was afraid of arguing with other people, so she hid in a hidden corner. ”

Qin Buwen frowned, and tried to recall: "When I was half-asleep and half-awake, I seemed to hear someone say something...... 'Chang'an Palace', 'Mobei' or something......

When Ji Junjiao heard this, his eyebrows narrowed: "Chang'an Palace? ”

Qin Buwen nodded: "My lord, what kind of place is the Chang'an Palace?" ”

Ji Junjiao glanced at Qin Buwen and explained, "It's the late prince's mansion, nothing special. ”

Qin Buwen nodded obediently, and didn't ask any more questions.

"My lord, the folk girl has something to ask for."

"Girl, but it doesn't hurt to say."

Qin Buwen lowered his head and said in a snort: "Can the adults borrow some money from the people's daughter, the people's girl wants to go out and buy some things." ”

Ji Junjiao raised his eyes and glanced at Qin Buwen, and said lightly: "The girl's injury has not healed, you don't have to work hard, if you lack anything, just let the Changqing in the mansion buy it for you." ”

Qin Bu listened, the tips of his ears were so red that he couldn't look like he looked like he was, and his head was buried even lower.

"My lord, the people's daughter...... I want to go on my own. ”

Hearing the embarrassment in Qin Buwen's tone, Ji Jun frowned: "What's wrong?" Is it an evergreen embarrassed girl? ”

"No, no, no," Qin Buwen hurriedly waved his hand to explain, "Yes...... The folk girl wants to buy some personal belongings, and it is really inconvenient for the evergreen adult. ”

Ji Junjiao's mind didn't turn for a while: "What are your personal belongings?" ”

Qin Buwen lowered his head, and his voice was as thin as a mosquito: "Minnu...... I want to buy some underwear, small clothes, menstrual ...... or something."

This time, it was Ji Junjiao's turn to sit in front of the bookcase.

Qin Buwen's heart blossomed, but on the surface, he still pretended to be ashamed and angry, lowering his head and not daring to look at Ji Junjiao.

For a while, the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing.

I don't know how long it took, but Ji Junjiao coughed lightly and broke the deadlock.

"That being the case, girl...... Just go to the bookkeeper and get some money, and you don't have to go through me. ”

When Ji Junjiao spoke, his tone was dry and hoarse, and he was clearly supporting the appearance of a gentleman.

Qin Buwen nodded and thanked Ji Junjiao, and did not forget to behave: "My lord, can the folk girl let Qingyue accompany you?" The folk girl is not very familiar with Chang'an City......"

Ji Junjiao nodded carelessly: "Yes." ”

Although Qin Buwen wanted to see Ji Junjiao's flustered little expression more, he also knew that it would not be in line with her character if he stayed any longer.

After thanking Ji Junjiao, Qin Buwen quietly retreated.

When the door of the study was closed, Ji Junjiao subconsciously reached out to touch the teacup on the bookcase, and accidentally knocked over the teacup, and the hot tea was all spilled on his shirt!

He hurriedly got up and swept the tea leaves on his body, only to notice that some of the books on his bookcase were also stained with water, and hurriedly reached out to clean it up!

Thinking that he Ji Junjiao has studied the Four Books and Five Classics since he was a child, knows how to advance and retreat, and understands etiquette, and he has not been so embarrassed in the past 22 years.


On the other hand, Qin Buwen's mood was so good!

Playing tricks on Ji Junjiao, but Qin Buwen has been a long-cherished wish for so many years!

Really, back then, as the king of Chang'an, she stole chickens and dogs, burned, killed and looted, and did all kinds of evil, and Ji Junjiao, who was the crown prince at that time, did not deal with her.

It belongs to the scene of encountering it on Chang'an Street, and even a mosquito did not dare to call.

Qin Buwen wanted to rectify him several times.

But this Ji Junjiao is a dignified and ceremonial master, Qin Buwen sent several people to stare at him, and he stared at him for two months, but he didn't find out anything wrong!

On the contrary, this Ji Junjiao often has to refer to her in front of the emperor because of various big and small things!

According to the emperor's description, piled up in his hands, Ji Junjiao's impeachment of her can build a mountain of books!

This season Junjiao is very nosy!

In short, the wish that has not been fulfilled for many years is now over, how happy Qin Buwen is to be raised!

Taking some money from the account room, Qin Buwen took Qing Yue out of the mansion.

"Girl, if you want to buy clothes, go to the 'Penglai Pavilion' on West Street, where the fabrics and satin are the most fashionable at the moment."

Qing Yue took Qin Buwen's arm and enthusiastically introduced Chang'an City to Qin Buwen.

Qin Buwen looked at the scenery around Chang'an City, and the corners of his mouth finally had a little more genuine smile.

Speaking of which, according to the year of her death, she hadn't seen this Chang'an City for five years.

After the First Battle of Mobei, Qin Buwen took the Chengping army to Xunyang City, which was her fiefdom and the closest capital to Mobei.

There, Qin Buwen stayed until he died, and did not return to Chang'an.

Now the people of Chang'an City live in peace, and the bells are ringing and eating, but it is very lively.

On both sides of the main street of Chang'an City, there are vendors selling goods, and the vendors are shouting something, some are knocking on the bangzi, some are holding rattles, and some are shaking bells, and the sound is converging into a lively tune, just like a picture of national security!

followed Qingyue to stop and go, watched a lot of excitement, and went to "Penglai Pavilion" to buy a few finished clothes, and the two walked back hand in hand.

"Qingyue, do you know where there is a bookstore in Chang'an City?"

Qin Buwen asked nonchalantly.

"Bookstore? Does the girl want to buy a book? Qingyue was puzzled.

Qin Buwen replied: "I want to buy some paper and pens and go back to practice calligraphy." ”

"Practicing calligraphy?"

Qin Buwen nodded: "Yes, it was the adults who were kind enough to help me, but after I recovered from my injury, I was going to leave, I have no strengths, that is, I have studied for a few years." ”

"I thought that when the time comes, I will make a living by selling words and writing letters, and it will not be a trouble for adults."

When Qing Yue heard this, he was almost moved to tears.

She looked at Qin Buwen with tears in her eyes: "Girl, if you need stationery, you can borrow some from the adult's study." ”

Qin Buwen waved his hand, a little embarrassed: "Your Excellency is the first assistant, there must be many important things in the study, if there is nothing important, I will definitely not dare to go to the study to disturb the adult." ”

Qin Buwen, who entered the study twice a day, said sincerely.

Qing Yue thought so, and took Qin Buwen's hand: "The girl is really thoughtful. ”

Then he pointed ahead: "The front is 'half an acre of square pond', this is the largest bookstore in our Chang'an City, girl, let's go there and have a look!" ”

Qin Buwen nodded with a smile and followed Qing Yue forward.

Half an acre of square pond is opened.

When Qin Buwen was brought into the bookstore by Qing Yue, he saw the whole picture of the entire bookstore.

From the outside, I only felt that this bookstore was magnificent and spacious, and when I entered the bookstore, I found that the entire bookstore was divided into five or six floors, which was extremely luxurious.

"Two girls, what do you want to buy?"

The shopkeeper standing in front of the counter greeted while making an abacus.

"Boss, let's take a look, you're busy!"

Qing Yue was worried that Qin Buwen would not be at ease, so he said to the shopkeeper and took Qin Buwen to go shopping.

The bookstore was full of objects, and after a while, Qing Yue's eyes were attracted by the words of those talented and beautiful people.

Qin Buwen saw the opportunity and walked to the counter.

"Shopkeeper, do you have any gold paper and Huizhou ink that were fashionable seven or eight years ago?"

The sound of the abacus stopped, the shopkeeper helped his crystal glasses, looked at Qin Buwen, and squinted: "Girl, what do you want to do with paper and ink so early?" ”

Qin Buwen replied like a stream: "Our gold paper and Huizhou ink are rare things, and now that we have come to the capital, we want to see and understand." ”

The shopkeeper did not doubt him: "Yes, yes, but I haven't used it for many years, and I put it up." Girl, wait a minute, I'll let the guy fetch it for you. ”

Qin Buwen nodded.

The paper and ink were taken, Qin Buwen put his hand on the rice paper and rubbed it for a moment, then lowered his head slightly and smelled the ink fragrance.

It's true.

"There is a shopkeeper of Lao."

Qin Buwen smiled and handed over the silver money.

After taking the paper and ink, Qin Buwen bought another brush, pretended to buy a few miscellaneous books, and left with Qing Yue.

Not long after the two left, a distinguished carriage stopped at the door of the bookstore.

The owner of the carriage did not come down, but only lifted the corner of the curtain and knocked on the door frame.


A voice came from inside the carriage, a cheerful male voice.

The guard, known as "Ming An", nodded respectfully and walked into the bookstore.

The shopkeeper of the bookstore obviously recognized Ming An, and his face was instantly full of smiles: "Master Ming, long time no see, long time no see!" ”

Ming An bowed slightly: "Shopkeeper, I'll buy something." ”

As he spoke, Ming An handed the note he had prepared in advance to the shopkeeper.

When the shopkeeper saw the two things written on the note, he frowned slightly: "Huh? ”

"What's wrong, shopkeeper?" Ming An spoke, "Is there nothing?" ”

"Oh, yes, yes!" The shopkeeper came back to his senses and hurriedly explained, "Haha, just now a girl also asked for a thousand gold paper and Huizhou ink, what a coincidence." ”

Ming An did not speak.

The shopkeeper also laughed twice, and handed over the gold paper and Huizhou ink that he hadn't put back just now: "Lord Ming, take it." ”

Ming An put a gold ingot, nodded to the shopkeeper, and turned to leave.

Outside the door, the regulation of horse-drawn carriages attracted many onlookers.

"The tassels at the four corners of this carriage are actually made of jade!"

"What's more, you see that these ears are all threaded with gold thread!"

"Ho! Who is this kind of regulation!? ”

"Don't you see the crane carved on the front of the car? This is that Lord Situ! ”

"Situ? Is it the Zhengyipin Situ who suffered from a leg disease, but was promoted by the saint? ”

"It's him ......"

"Yaoyun stipulates that those with disabilities are not allowed to be officials, but this Lord Situ is hand-picked by the Holy Emperor!"

The surrounding people watched the car and talked about it.

When Ming An came out of the bookstore, he handed the paper and ink he bought to the man in the carriage.

"How is it so fast?" The man's voice was clear.

This gold paper and Huizhou ink are old things eight years ago, "half an acre of square pond" is changing with each passing day, and it should take some effort to find these old objects.

Ming An replied: "Back to my lord, the shopkeeper said that a girl just now also asked for these two things, and she didn't have time to put them back." ”

"Someone asked for the exact same?" The voice in the carriage sank a little.




"Ah, it's okay," the man's voice said lightly, "Let's go, go to Wenyuan Pavilion to meet our Shousuke-sama." ”



After Qin Buwen returned to Wenyuan Pavilion, he originally wanted to go to Ji Junjiao to hang around twice, but he was stopped outside the main hall by Changqing.

"Girl, adults have guests to meet in a while, and it is inconvenient to meet people for the time being."

"Ah," Qin Buwen smiled, "Then don't bother, I'll come back later." ”


Qin Buwen returned to the room, took out a pen and paper, dipped it in ink, and muttered for a while, then began to write.

After a while, Qin Buwen put down the brush, picked up the written letter and blew it.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at the undried handwriting on the letter, and hooked her lips.

Ji Junjiao, Ji Junjiao, I've dug the pit for you, you have to jump into it.