
From the popularity of natto to the inheritance and innovation of Tongjun Valley light tempeh Fermented Tongjun Valley, fragrant light tempeh

author:Daily Business Daily

Business Daily News (trainee reporter Wang Peiqi) has a sticky taste and a slightly sweet taste, which can be fried into tempura or eaten on top of rice. In recent years, Japanese natto has become famous. But you know what? Natto actually originated from the ancient Chinese tempeh. As early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, the medicine was recorded in the "Famous Doctor's Catalogue", and the Northern Wei Dynasty Jia Sixian's "Qi Min Yao Shu - Soybean Method" and the Southern Dynasty Liang Tao Hongjing's "Materia Medica" and other documents recorded the practice of light tempeh, and the production process of light tempeh in Tongjun Valley was inherited here.

The Tongjun Valley craftsman team has a firm grasp of specific elements and key technologies such as the selection of beans, the pre-treatment of black beans, the control of white and yellow clothes, and the proper grasp of the fragrance of tempeh, which is the reason why Tongjun Valley Light Tempeh is different.

From the popularity of natto to the inheritance and innovation of Tongjun Valley light tempeh Fermented Tongjun Valley, fragrant light tempeh
From the popularity of natto to the inheritance and innovation of Tongjun Valley light tempeh Fermented Tongjun Valley, fragrant light tempeh

The processing process of Zhepai light tempeh is to add mulberry leaves and artemisia annua to decoction juice, filter and mix well with washed black soybeans, ferment to white to yellow under the action of Aspergillus oryzae spores after steaming, and finally dry it. Shentu Yinhong, the leader of the technical expert group of Chinese fermented Chinese medicine decoction pieces in China, the founder of the Tongjungu brand and a craftsman from Hangzhou, said, "In the process of fermentation and processing of light tempeh, microorganisms play a leading role. The quality of the fermented product is directly related to the growth of microorganisms. It is necessary to monitor the activity of microbial secreted enzymes during the fermentation process, and of course the key processes such as ambient temperature, humidity, stacking method and timely mixing of the fermentation plant are essential." The original intelligent fermentation system of Tongjun Valley is a digital and information-based technical system to provide a perfect guarantee for the fermentation of light tempeh.

From the popularity of natto to the inheritance and innovation of Tongjun Valley light tempeh Fermented Tongjun Valley, fragrant light tempeh

Light tempeh after fermentation

The "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" states that light tempeh has a pungent, bitter, and cool taste, and has the benefits of relieving the surface, removing annoyance, and promoting depression and heat, and has been clinically used by doctors in the past dynasties, which also makes light tempeh a very widely used traditional Chinese medicine.

Shentu Yinhong, a provincial-level master of traditional Chinese medicine processing skills with 37 years of experience in pharmacies, revealed that in fact, light tempeh has been used as a fermented traditional Chinese medicine to have a large number of unqualified phenomena across the country. In addition to the purity of the raw materials, the fermentation process is also extremely difficult to control, in addition to the safety and effectiveness indicators of compliance, whether it has a unique aroma is the key, and the aroma is insufficient or has a musty smell and other peculiar smells are inferior products.

The fermentation plant in Tongjun Valley is equipped with a circulation system. While controlling the temperature and humidity, the content of oxygen, carbon dioxide, ammonia and other substances in the workshop is precisely controlled. "If the herbs are good, the medicine is good." Tongjun Valley also has extremely high standards for the control of light tempeh raw materials. Black soybeans are the fermented raw materials of light tempeh, which are generally divided into yellow kernels and green kernels, and Tongjungu chooses the more expensive and authentic green kernel black soybeans.

There is a huge difference between the process, standard, safety and effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine light tempeh and the edible tempeh in our daily life.

From the popularity of natto to the inheritance and innovation of Tongjun Valley light tempeh Fermented Tongjun Valley, fragrant light tempeh

Tongjungu Biomedical Technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd.'s Liushenqu (Sanxian) planting base

In fact, in the fermentation process of Chinese medicine light tempeh, the role of the two traditional Chinese medicine excipients of Artemisia annua and mulberry leaves is very important. In the self-built original medicinal material base of Tongjun Valley, you can see the figure of Artemisia annua and mulberry leaves.

"The whole process traceability system is used in the medicinal material base to track the planting, harvesting and processing of medicinal materials. The water, air and soil conditions of the base are monitored by special personnel, and the use of fertilizers and pesticides in the planting process will also be strictly monitored. Shentu Yinhong shared.

It is reported that the R&D team of Tongjun Valley is preparing for the production of related products, aiming to continue to make Tongjun Valley's strength and contribution to the development of the Chinese herbal medicine industry.