
Short story: A one-day holiday (1) Car accident

author:Koku's tree hole
Short story: A one-day holiday (1) Car accident


The same school?

Never mind!

After graduating for so many years, everyone's lives, circles, and values have long been very different, what can we do when we get together in a noisy and noisy way?

In addition to using alcohol to reminisce about the old days, the rest is to build relationships, borrow money and show off.

In the past, when I talked about class reunions, I made excuses to refuse, but this time, I decided to participate. Not because of my change of opinion, but because of the phone call with my lover.

If he hadn't made the call, I wouldn't have gone to class reunions, I wouldn't have had a car accident, and I certainly wouldn't have a story about this day.

On Thursday night, he was away on a business trip and "discussed" me going to his cousin's wedding on Saturday, "I can't go back, you don't want to go again, it's obviously not good!" ”

I don't want to go, really, this is her fourth marriage, I have been there the first few times, what does it matter if this time is missing? Besides, I will not be stingy with my blessings to her.

His tone sounded gentle, like cotton, but I knew that if I didn't obey, he would soon reveal the needles inside the cotton.


After he finished speaking, I copied his gentle tone, "You just said that I have something to do and can't get to the scene, I'll give her a big red envelope, can't you?" ”

My lover was silent on the other end of the phone, and I guessed he was upset, and every time we didn't see eye to eye, he used silence to intimidate me until I did what he wanted.

I don't want to be empathetic this time, I'm in my 40s, biting my back molars to suppress myself from fulfilling others, and trying to create a gentle and virtuous character, I'm a little fed up.

Without waiting for a satisfactory reply, his tone gradually sharpened, "It's really hard for you to do something, okay, you can do it!" ”

He had told me many times that when his deputies questioned his opinion, he would give it to them, and after weighing it, he would finally let him raise his flag.

He threw this sentence to me, not really letting me decide freely, but hoping that I would be soft, "I'm going to your cousin's wedding, Lao Zhao, don't be angry." ”

I don't!

I refused to go to the wedding not because I had any estrangement with his relatives and friends, but because I didn't like the loud and noisy scenes.


Let me tell you about my cousin's third wedding.

At the wedding scene, a group of people who are not in contact with each other on weekdays suddenly gathered around a table, you held my hand, I put my arm around your shoulder, and I couldn't wait to touch the tip of my nose and say all the thoughtful words of hush and warmth.

Like them, they are free to control enthusiasm and feelings, and Zhang Chi has a degree, I won't, and I don't want to act!

Pop songs were played at maximum volume throughout the scene, except, of course, the time of the wedding ceremony.

The wedding scene is indispensable for a very self-congratulatory host and a patchwork amateur band, relying on far-fetched host lines, sensational tones and noisy performances, the ceremony was pushed to a climax.

The most ironic part of the session that made me feel extremely ironic was the host's simple and profound question, "XXX, would you like to be someone's wife, whether rich or poor, sick or healthy, you will never give up?" ”

A high-pitched and loud "I do" would rush out of my cousin's majestic body, and I was puzzled that she had to say such a firm and deep vow to a different man every few years.

After the wedding banquet begins, large plates with a diameter like a pot are placed on the table one after another, relatives and friends peel off the plastic skin of disposable chopsticks, pick up vegetables, drink, smoke, chatter, and use several mouthfuls, and the strong bride holds the honest groom to toast, drink, and accept blessings.


When it was the turn of friends and family, the bride would express her gratitude and excitement in her own way, and the last time I sat inside, I was slapped several times by her fan-like slap.

"Brother and daughter-in-law, how long has it been since I saw you, why are you always so busy? It's good to come out and get together, I miss you. ”

She said sweet words to me, but her eyes looked away, "Go quickly, Lao Gu is here, arrange a seat for him." She said as she pushed the dazed groom.

The groom, who was over half a hundred years old, walked away with a happy smile on his face, and if he had known in advance that he was just one of the many runners in the bride's long marriage relay race, would he still be able to smile?

After attending the wedding, my skin was swollen after being slapped by my cousin, and I called the school doctor, Lao Liu, who said that it was because the skin tissue was stimulated, and the cells produced a variety of inflammatory mediators, resulting in tissue edema.

I couldn't laugh or cry.

Of course, the wedding party can be left early, but it will leave a reputation among relatives and friends as arrogant and unsociable.

As my wife rises in position, his requirements for his family have become stricter, and he wants his wife to be perfect in the eyes of others, and it is best not to have any flaws.


When I was younger, I was in excellent physical condition, and attending this kind of wedding was a piece of cake, and I stood like a bell in the midst of the floating blue second-hand smoke and the loud and loud music, and it didn't matter how long I stayed.

Now I have constant trouble in my lumbar and cervical spine, I cough when I smell smoke, and I have to take a break for half a day after attending a wedding, and I don't want to suffer this sin again.

I couldn't wait for my compromise, my lover sent me countless voices, he was a leader in the system, very good at doing ideological work, but unfortunately I didn't want to be educated by him, I didn't listen to a single one.

I directly took a screenshot of the chat of the classmate group to him and told him that I was going to a class reunion, and I hadn't been there for many years, and it was significantly worse not to go again!

The husband sings with the woman, and I'm copying his tone, hehe.

On Saturday, I dressed up, saying that I was dressing up, but I was wearing two pieces of jewelry, and a woman of my age, no matter how white her face was, no matter how red her lips were, and how thin her heels were, if there was no hard currency, it would not reflect the luxury.

Since I participated, I had to follow the rules, not to mention that I was still the object of their key invitation!


I know the reason why they invited me, and I am looking at my old Zhao, the director of the development zone, this position is very energetic, and the people who want to get close to him are like carp crossing the river.

Before going out, I thought of Lao Zhao's words - what is higher than strength is power, what is higher than power is power, and if a person has power, he has everything.

So, I returned to the bedroom, took off those expensive jewelry, my wife is expensive with my husband, with Lao Zhao, even if I appear in the Jingchai cloth skirt, it still shines, why do I need to deliberately?

The weather was bad, and the light rain kept coming down, so I drove to the place of this party, Huanxi Sand Villa.

I have been to this villa many times, the boss is a whitewashed green forest man, and now he has long since retired to the rivers and lakes, not only has an industry but also a beautiful public office.

There is a projection effect in psychology, which means that the more people lack something, the more emphasis is placed on it, and this boss is, he gave the villa a very elegant name - Huanxi Sha.

Each room in the villa is named after a poem, but the interior decoration is distinctly golden, earthy.


When the car drove onto the highway, Tang Bin, a classmate who organized the party, called in, "Jiahui, where are you?" ”

I told the truth, and he intimately instructed over there, "Everyone is almost there, let's make trouble for a while, the road is slippery, you drive slowly, you don't arrive, we won't have a seat!" Death awaits you! ”

His tone is soft and natural, with a little inconspicuous and unobtrusive, and it sounds like there is no sense of disobedience, and it is very comfortable.

In March, Lao Zhao said that he had met Tang Bin at the economic management training center in other provinces, but due to time constraints, they only spoke for 5 minutes, and Tang Bin wanted to invest in a local R&D base project, and asked Lao Zhao to support him.

I was surprised when I heard it, "Tang Bin, a merchant who sells electronic products, why did he suddenly want to invest in the R&D base project?" ”

Lao Zhao sneered, "Nowadays, people exaggerate, there are ten words, for fear of being looked down upon, he said that investment projects are actually small followers in the project team." ”

After he finished speaking, he told me again, "Tang Bin came to me under the banner of your classmates, and hoped that I would vigorously support me, you keep a little distance from this kind of person!" Something, let him find me! ”

I asked him what he meant by support, and he said that he didn't just want me to give them some policies in terms of inspection and verification of strength and qualifications.


Thinking of this, I am more vigilant about Tang Bin, he organized this party, wouldn't he use me as a breakthrough for Lao Zhao, right?

There are all kinds of stories of "hunting" and "being hunted" in life, are we being targeted by them?

When the white dog on the side of the road suddenly came out, I slammed the steering wheel and accidentally collided with a car coming from the opposite side.

A loud noise filled my eardrums, and I felt like I had been pushed by something, but I didn't feel any pain, and then I fell into a bottomless dark tunnel.

When I felt it again, I found myself standing outside the car, my car overturning over by the guardrail on the side of the road, and the glass shards scattered to the ground.

Next to my car, the front shell and bumper of a white car were torn and peeled off, the body was badly deformed, and the driver was lying motionless on the steering wheel, and the collar of his white shirt was dyed red.

I looked down at myself, not only was there no injury anywhere, but on the contrary, I felt extra light, which made me feel weird, but the situation was critical, I couldn't think too much, I just wanted to get the people in the car to the hospital as soon as possible.

There was a car coming from the opposite side, and I waved my hand desperately, but the damn driver ignored my presence and drove over as if no one was around.


The speeding car brought up a strong wind, and I was blown up, and I closed my eyes and shouted for help in a panic, and a hand grabbed me in the air.

I turned my head to see a man in a white shirt, floating in the air like me.

I was horrified, and asked him who he was in a trembling voice, and he pointed to the white accident car with the tip of his chin, "I am the soul of that man!" ”

"Huh?" I felt incredible, and I looked down at myself in panic.

He seemed to see through my mind and pointed at me and said, "You are also the soul of that woman, and we are all out of body now!" ”

I was stunned, "You mean we're all dead?" ”

He shrugged disappreciatively, "It's hard to say whether life or death is for the time being!" But when a person loses consciousness, the soul comes out of the shell to rest! ”

I shook off his hand and fell back to the ground, "We need to find someone to save us!" ”


Compared with my hastiness, he looked calm and free, and spread his hands rashly, "Don't be delusional, we can't play any role, others can't see us." ”

"Huh? Then wait to die? "I was unwilling, and for the first time I had a personal feeling of "powerlessness to return to the sky".

He looked at me meaningfully, "We don't have much time, once the physical body is declared physically dead by the doctor, we will be taken away by the messenger, since we are powerless to change the outcome, we might as well do something meaningful!" ”

I wanted to cry without tears, "What is the meaning? ”

He raised his hand and swiped in the air, "Go see the people who make us feel like we're going to have a good time, or see the scenery that we will have time to set foot in in the future......"

He suddenly spoke faster, as if to save time, "You can do whatever you want before the messenger arrives, and now we can go through walls and go anywhere, and we can read other people's thoughts." ”

I looked at him in amazement, "How do you know so much?" ”

He snapped his fingers a little smugly, "Because I've had this happen once before!" ”

Looking at his expression, very proud, I want to laugh, this is also something to be proud of?


A few cars stopped on the side of the road, and the people in the car started to call 120, and I approached my deformed car, and bent down to see that the flesh inside looked like it was asleep, with a serene expression, and a little blood on the right side of my forehead, which didn't look terrible at all.

I'm very satisfied, and I really don't want to scare others with blurred flesh and blood.

"Someone will come to your rescue soon, hold on!" After saying goodbye to the physical body, I followed him, and to be specific, I flew, and the scenery below me receded rapidly, which felt great.

I used to watch Xianxia TV series, those people braved the wind and turned the cherry blossoms into formations, but I couldn't help but feel a little complacent when I didn't think that I could do it.

"I'll give you a suggestion, since time is limited, you'd better prioritize what you want to do, and refer to the four quadrants of the importance level!" He said.

I nodded, "Thank you, my name is Su Jiahui, what do you call me?" ”

"My name is Leng Xin!" As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed to a place where my first stop was, we still have a lot of time to chat, goodbye!

As he spoke, he flew out at a rapid pace, and I listened to the whirring wind in my ears, and did not dare to waste any more time, so I turned my head and flew in the other direction, where I sprouted and pulled my leaves.

To be continued