
The girl called her uncle to borrow money during the holidays, and the uncle responded with a video without squeaking, and was silent after watching it

author:The breeze is silent, and the bottom is its own

After the college entrance examination, almost every child wants to relax.

After all, the children are also very hard, ten years of hard study, cold and summer, how not easy.

Some children have made plans early in the morning, and after the exam, they will go out to travel, eat and have fun, and relax.

There is nothing wrong with the child's idea, but according to the economic situation of the family, if the family conditions are rich enough, then you can rest assured to travel, major cities in China, tourist attractions, go around,

You can even travel abroad to see exotic customs and broaden your horizons.

The girl called her uncle to borrow money during the holidays, and the uncle responded with a video without squeaking, and was silent after watching it

But for those families with average family conditions, or even some difficulties, children should not be too extravagant, it is already very good to let your parents smoothly give you college tuition, if you propose to travel abroad, but also to borrow money, it is really incomprehensible.

Some netizens below shared such a short video story, a girl said that she was about to have a holiday, and she wanted to travel with her classmates during the summer vacation, but she was shy, so she wanted to borrow a sum of money from her uncle for temporary use.

The girl called her uncle to borrow money during the holidays, and the uncle responded with a video without squeaking, and was silent after watching it

The girl's uncle's economic conditions are not bad, he should be able to get the money, however, the uncle did not respond to the girl immediately, and directly said whether to borrow or not, he didn't squeak, just sent a short video to the girl.

The girl was a little surprised, and curiously clicked on the video, in which a middle-aged man stood next to the truck, braving the scorching heat, trying to unload the cargo.

It is the scorching summer, the noon sun can make people sunburn, there is no trace of cool breeze, so hot that people can't breathe, this is Guangdong, and now is the season of high temperatures.

The girl called her uncle to borrow money during the holidays, and the uncle responded with a video without squeaking, and was silent after watching it

#深度好文计划#画面中男子, of medium to upper stature, of thin build, of dark complexion, bare-chested, wearing only a pair of large trousers, and cheap slippers on his feet, he struggled to take a bundle of goods and carry it on his shoulders,

As if this bundle was not enough, the man asked the people in the truck to help him add a bundle, so that he could carry it a few times and earn more money.

The girl called her uncle to borrow money during the holidays, and the uncle responded with a video without squeaking, and was silent after watching it

Sweat ran down the middle-aged man's dark and shiny skin, quietly sliding, he didn't have time to wipe the sweat at all, struggled to carry the goods, and strode towards the opposite store.

Round and round, the man seemed to work tirelessly, until he had unloaded the cart full of goods, and then he squatted wearily in the shade under the tree and gulped down water.

The girl was silent instantly, and the man in the picture was none other than her father!

The girl called her uncle to borrow money during the holidays, and the uncle responded with a video without squeaking, and was silent after watching it

The uncle's intention is self-evident: Child, you want to travel abroad, right? It's not that Uncle doesn't lend you money, but just lets you see how hard it is for your father to work hard to move goods to earn money!

Traveling abroad once can cost thousands, tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands, and these money are nothing to the children of rich families, maybe they are the children's pocket money, and the living expenses of the family for a few days.

However, for ordinary wage earners, that is a lot of money, maybe a year of hard work, in the end they will save 2-30,000 yuan, how can they let their children squander their hard-earned savings?

The girl called her uncle to borrow money during the holidays, and the uncle responded with a video without squeaking, and was silent after watching it

Look at this father, doing low-level work, relying on his efforts and the sweat money he earned, it is so difficult to maintain the livelihood of the family.

I don't know how the girl will feel in her heart, I think her heart will be more touched, dad makes money so hard, even if the daughter can't share the economic pressure for the family, at least she shouldn't add pressure to her father,

Dad also has a time when he is old, and his shoulders, no matter how strong and strong they are, there will be a day when they are gradually aging and their physical strength is exhausted.

If it is a sensible and grateful child, it is estimated that he has already thought about going out to work to earn money and work hard to reduce the financial burden on his family, not to mention borrowing money to travel abroad.

This uncle's method of educating his niece is worth learning from, he didn't accuse, he didn't scold, just using a video screen, let her understand the hardships of life, the difficulty of her father,

I hope that the child can understand his uncle's hard work, understand his father's difficulties, study and work hard, and one day he has the ability to travel abroad and travel around the world, that is really cool!

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