
In 1937, the bloody battle of Xinkou was serialized on 204, and on the 16th, the battle of Lingshan on the right wing of Xinkou

author:Shanxi characters

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Let's talk about the battle on the Lingshan [4 km east of Xinkou]:

About 500 enemy troops on the Lingshan [4 km east of Xinkou] sneaked up on the night of yesterday (15th) and approached the northern foot of Lingshan.

At dawn on the 16th, under the cover of artillery fire, they attacked the 1260 heights of our Lingshan, and the enemy of about 500 people attacked the positions of the 384th Regiment (Regiment Commander Zhu Zhan) and the 64th Division [Division Commander Wu Tinglin] Supplementary Regiment (Regiment Commander Wu Liangxiang) frontally, and there were follow-up troops crossing the (Hutuo) River to increase, and the battle was extremely fierce.

The commander of the 390th Regiment, Xing Guoguang, led his troops (owed to the 1st Battalion) to advance westward from the northern foot of Lingshan, and attacked the enemy in the belly of the mountain with the 384th Regiment (Regiment Commander Zhu Zhan), and ordered the 3rd Battalion to be the first line and the 2nd Battalion to be the reserve. The commander of the 3rd Battalion, Ren Yueyuan, commanded the 7th Company to attack the enemy's flank, and the 9th Company was armed with two heavy machine guns to cover the left flank of the 7th Company.

At that time, the wind direction was semi-reversed, the dust and sand covered the sun, and it was very difficult to shoot at the sun, Ren Yueyuan battalion commander was desperate, led the team to attack, to a distance of 100 meters from the enemy, when he was attacking on the back, the battalion commander Ren Yueyuan was seriously injured in the head, and died immediately. The commander of the battalion and the 7th company were wounded one after another, and the soldiers of the 7th company suffered many casualties. Zhang Liangchen, the commander of the 8th Company, was assigned to take charge of the whole battalion and lead the company to command the attack. The enemy is still stubbornly resisting. Zhao Hanchen, commander of the 2nd Battalion, was assigned full responsibility for the command of the attack, and increased the 5th and 6th companies, and used machine guns and mortars to cover the onslaught. The 6th Company attacked the enemy from the right, and the 2nd Battalion attached to Chen Jibiao cooperated with the 8th Company Commander Zhang Liangchen to command the left flank.

The position of the 5th Company on the left wing of the 384th Regiment (Regiment Commander Zhu Zhan) was broken through by the enemy, and the battalion commander Si Zhanqing was killed in battle. Later, the 9th Company of the regiment and the 64th Division Supplementary Regiment [Regiment Commander Wu Liangxiang] Chang Battalion Attached to the Battalion Attached to the Counteroffensive cooperated in the counterattack, and it was resumed.

At 14 o'clock, the enemy increased his troops and counterattacked, but was repulsed by our army. At 16 o'clock, the enemy was flanked by our 384th Regiment (Regiment Commander Zhu Zhan), 64th Division Supplementary Regiment [Regiment Commander Wu Liangxiang] and 390th Regiment [Regiment Commander Xing Guoguang]. But they still resisted stubbornly, sometimes shooting at us with grenadiers and light machine guns. We are separated by a deep ditch and cannot advance.

At 17 o'clock on the 16th, more than 10 enemy artillery pieces were recovering and reinforcements were still attacking the position, and our troops suffered all casualties and the position was broken through. The commander of the 192nd Brigade Yang (Tianmin) led the rest of the 2nd Battalion of the 388th Regiment (Regiment Commander Wang Wencai, a native of Huang'an, Hubei, and the 3rd Division Sergeant School) to join the new reinforcements, and the enemy began to retreat.

At 19 o'clock, the enemy concentrated fire on our Lingshan [4 km east of Xinkou] position with artillery fire, and its infantry attacked us again and again under the cover of artillery fire, and the battle was fierce and reached the extreme. Wang Wencai, the commander of the 388th Regiment, personally led the 2nd Battalion to help.

At that time, Zhu Zhan, the commander of our 384th Regiment (regiment commander Zhu Zhan), took the lead in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, causing serious injuries and a breakthrough in the first part of the position. Our 387th Regiment (Regiment Commander Wang Hanjie) Yang Regiment led the 1st Battalion of the regiment to counterattack the enemy, and the officers and men fought bravely to be the first, and its 2nd Company suffered all casualties and still failed to succeed. After the side fire of the 390th Regiment [Regiment Commander Xing Guoguang] and the fierce attack of the whole line, the enemy was repulsed, and the position was restored.

The Chinese side suffered heavy casualties and heavy damage to firearms, so it immediately stopped the attack, adjusted its troops at 20 o'clock, and built fortifications to hold on.

At that time, the commander of Liu (Maoen) Corps fought fiercely for several days, and the casualties of his corps reached more than 3,000 people.

Commander-in-Chief Wei (Lihuang) then ordered the 17th Army [Army Commander Gao Guizi] (owed to the 3rd Division) to be placed under the command of Army Commander Liu (Maoen), and ordered the army to advance rapidly to the vicinity of Shangxialing Village.

The commander of the 15th Army [Army Commander Liu Maoen] led the headquarters to enter Shoulu Town from Hongdao Town at 21 o'clock on the 16th.

In 1937, the bloody battle of Xinkou was serialized on 204, and on the 16th, the battle of Lingshan on the right wing of Xinkou

The picture above is the 5th illustration of the Battle of Xinkou, the right wing corps of the Central Army (15th Army) fighting near Lingshan [4 kilometers east of Xinkou]. From October 15th to 17th, it was partially magnified. The names of the combat units and places shown above are shown in this map. [Repeat]

Introduction to Yang Tianmin, commander of the 192nd Brigade of the 15th Army

Yang Tianmin (1891-1951), whose name is Hongcheng, was born in Yangling Village, Baisha Township, Yichuan County, Henan Province, and studied in a private school at an early age, and made a living by plowing the fields with his father at the age of 15. In 1913, Zhang Zhigong recruited new recruits in the area of Peng Po and Baisha, and he joined the 4th Company of the Zhensong Army as a soldier, and was later promoted from squad leader to platoon commander, company commander, and battalion commander.

In 1926, Yang Tianmin served as the commander of the 8th Regiment of the 3rd Brigade of the 2nd Division of the Shaanxi Army.

In May 1927, after the 2nd Division was defeated by Feng Yuxiang's army in Luoyang West, he and Wu Tinglin, commander of the 4th Brigade, and Yao Beichen, commander of the artillery regiment, returned to Feng Yuxiang's department, and was later incorporated into the 8th Front Army of the 2nd Group Army of the National Revolutionary Army. In 1928, the new warlords went on a northern expedition to capture Beijing and Tianjin, and Yang Tianmin's troops were stationed near Tianjin.

Jiang (Kai-shek), Yan (Xishan), Feng (Yuxiang) During the "Central Plains War", Yang Tianmin rebelled against Yan and Feng Tou Jiang with Liu Maosi, and served as the commander of the 397th Regiment of the 67th Division of the 11th Route of the Rebel Army, and participated in the battles of Ningling, Xiangcheng, Mixian, Xingyang, and Gongbian. In 1931, he served as the commander of the 192nd Brigade of the 64th Division. In 1933, he went to Lu'an, Anhui with Liu Maoen, and encircled and suppressed the Red 25th Army and the 28th Army for 4 years. During the attack, more than 1,000 Red Army soldiers were killed and captured, and countless houses were burned down.

In August 1937, Yang Tianmin's troops went to the anti-Japanese front in North China with the 15th Army, participated in the Battle of Xinkou in October, and moved to the area of Zhongtiao Mountain to continue to resist the Japanese after the defeat.

In 1938, he was transferred to the deputy commander of the 64th Division, and the following year he was promoted to the deputy commander of the 15th Army. In 1941, Zhongtiao Mountain was lost and retreated to Henan. In 1942, he concurrently served as the commander of the Linsong Division, and later as the commissioner of the 10th Administrative Region of Henan. In June 1944, the Japanese army launched the Henan Campaign, and he and the army commander Wu Tinglin led his troops to hold Luoyang for half a month, and fought fiercely with the Japanese army.

In January 1946, the 15th Army was reorganized into the 15th Division, with Yang Tianmin as the deputy division commander. In March, he attended the appeasement meeting presided over by Liu Zhi, director of the Zhengzhou Pacification Office, and in accordance with the principle of "clearing out the Central Plains Communist Army," he personally commanded the Jingziguan Campaign and intercepted the PLA Central Plains Breakthrough Troops.

In July 1947, Chen Xie's army crossed the Yellow River and advanced into western Henan, and Yang Tianmin and his division commander Wu Tinglin were ordered to intercept it. On October 2, the People's Liberation Army annihilated a brigade at Tiemen, and he turned around and fled eastward. In November, during the battle in Jiaxian, he was captured together with division commander Wu Tinglin and deputy division commander Yao Beichen. On April 27, 1951, he was executed by the Yichuan County People's Government.

The 15th Army fought for the East and West Ronghua Village

Yu Zhong, platoon commander of the machine gun company of the 191st Regiment of the 191st Brigade of the 64th Division of the 15th Army of the 381st Army, recalled:

At the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, the 15th Army [Army Commander Liu Maoen] 64th Division 191st Brigade [Brigade Commander Xing Qingzhong] had very poor weapons, except for a few 82 mortars and some 30-section heavy machine guns, and the new rifles of the 1st Battalion of the 382nd Regiment (Regiment Commander Zhang Shihui), the rest of the rifles were all old and tattered, and most of them did not have bayonets, and each soldier was equipped with a not very good broadsword.

Xing Qingzhong, the commander of the 191st Brigade, was born as a helper and was illiterate, but he was absolutely obedient to his superiors, and he could personally command the front line when he fought, and he dared to fight. Some people say that when he didn't fight for three days, his hands itched. He has a decent style, does not embezzle, and opposes other people's hospitality and gifts, and uses beating and scolding education for his subordinates. His principle was: "No mercy no hit, no punishment without grace." ”

He first looks at whether he is brave in battle, second, whether he can obey, third, whether he is honest and willing to work, and finally whether there is corruption. In addition to spiritual education, he also practiced bayonet guns, splitting knives, boxing, cross-barring, and jumping on wooden horses. Therefore, although the weapons of the 191st Brigade are not good, the officers and men are united and have a certain combat effectiveness.

After the 191st Brigade withdrew from Hengshan to Longwangtang [15 kilometers east of Xinkou] on the right flank of Xinkou, the brigade commander Xing Qingzhong sent a battalion attached to lead a platoon commander of the first company to go down the mountain to the bank of the Hutuo River to reconnoiter the enemy's situation. From the root of the mountain to the river, it varies from three to five miles, and there are many villages along the river. After descending the mountain, he found that the enemy was crossing the river, and Wang Yingfu sent people to monitor the enemy on the one hand, and sent people back to the village to report on the other.

That night, the main force of the 191st Brigade [Brigade Commander Xing Qingzhong] went down the mountain and occupied Ronghua Village [8 kilometers southeast of Yuanping] Village in the east and west.

On the morning of that day, the 191st Brigade of the 64th Division of the 15th Army [Army Commander Liu Maoen] on the right flank of Xinkou launched a village battle with the enemy in the villages of Ronghua Village in the east and west [8 kilometers southeast of Yuanping]. More than 1,000 of our army withstood the 1,000 Japanese troops who crossed the river, and the two sides fought for 3 days and 3 nights. The enemy is well armed and has great firepower. Under the command of brigade commander Xing Qingzhong, all the officers and men fought bravely to kill the enemy, played the role of a broadsword, and brought out the prestige of a broadsword.

[To be continued, please watch the next episode]

[This book has applied for copyright registration]

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