
After the "teacher" recommended stocks, the flash crash was 20cm and the limit was limited, and the demon stocks were on the floor, and the ten-fold bull stocks plunged

author:Retail Investor Brother Hua

Now the stock market is completely a pit market, yesterday afternoon finally ushered in a decent rebound rise, everyone is still thinking about where it can rebound to, the result today is the first stick, the three major indices directly opened low and went low, closed out a bald head and bare feet of the yin line, yesterday's gains all fell back

After the "teacher" recommended stocks, the flash crash was 20cm and the limit was limited, and the demon stocks were on the floor, and the ten-fold bull stocks plunged

The market has played a rebound half-day tour market, more than 4,700 stocks in the two cities have fallen, and individual stocks have seen various fancy flash crashes

The pig killing disk reappeared in A-shares, and Baibang Technology staged a 7% rise in 10 minutes to a 20cm drop limit

Baibang Technology had a rare sharp fluctuation in early trading today, starting from 19.50 yuan at 10:54 to 10:58, rising to a maximum of 22.39 yuan, up nearly 15%, and the stock rose from falling to 7%, and then, an incredible scene happened. After the stock price rose to the highest price of 22.39 yuan, it suddenly turned around and dived straight down, to 11:04, once touched the 20cm drop limit, in just ten minutes, the stock price rose from the fall, and then to the diving limit, which is rare, at noon closing, some investors posted a number of "teachers" at 10:55 shouting to recommend the purchase of Baibang Technology chat records, investors only need to buy, after a short rush directly to be suffocated, suspected of recommending stocks "killing pigs" out of the rivers and lakes

After the "teacher" recommended stocks, the flash crash was 20cm and the limit was limited, and the demon stocks were on the floor, and the ten-fold bull stocks plunged
After the "teacher" recommended stocks, the flash crash was 20cm and the limit was limited, and the demon stocks were on the floor, and the ten-fold bull stocks plunged

The five-board demon stock Golden Kirin staged a light-speed dive in seconds after opening high

Today's popular board demon stock Jin Qilin, after five consecutive price limits, today opened at a price of 2 points from the difference in the price limit, everyone thought that its sixth price limit was stable, but what I didn't expect was that from the first second of the opening transaction, it staged a light-speed smashing disk, and the opening was staged within one minute of the quasi-sky floor, and the high level closed out a large bald head and bare feet super large yin K-line, with a turnover of 579 million yuan throughout the day

After the "teacher" recommended stocks, the flash crash was 20cm and the limit was limited, and the demon stocks were on the floor, and the ten-fold bull stocks plunged

10 times the big bull stock Zhengdan shares crashed and fell sharply in the afternoon

This year's first ten-fold rise in the bull stocks, Zhengdan shares in two consecutive days of shock after a slight fall, in this afternoon at the opening of a sudden dive, within seven minutes of the stock price once flash crash fell 15%, the end of the decline narrowed, closing 26.57 yuan, down 9.38%, the whole day turnover of 1.996 billion yuan

After the "teacher" recommended stocks, the flash crash was 20cm and the limit was limited, and the demon stocks were on the floor, and the ten-fold bull stocks plunged

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