
2024-2030 China multi-layer solid wood flooring industry market panorama research and future trend research report

author:Beijing Boyan Zhishang Information Consulting Co., Ltd., 2010

2024-2030 China multi-layer solid wood flooring industry market panorama research and future trend research report

2024-2030 China multi-layer solid wood flooring industry market panorama research and future trend research report

Report No.: 1771942

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  With the development of the economy, China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry is growing. According to the data of the China Home Furnishing Industry Association, by the end of 2018, the revenue of China's home furnishing industry reached 8.6 trillion yuan, of which the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry accounted for 1 trillion yuan, accounting for 11.6%, and the flooring industry has developed rapidly.

  With consumers paying more and more attention to the quality of indoor environment, the market demand of multi-layer solid wood flooring industry has increased greatly, and its market share is expanding. According to the Shanghai Economic Report, the market share of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry accounted for 68.7% in 2018, while the market share of other industries was only 31.3%.

  The competition pattern of the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry is also very fierce, and there are three main types of enterprises competing in the industry, namely large domestic enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises.

  Large domestic enterprises are mainly well-known domestic home furnishing retailers such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour, who have a lot of resources, such as logistics resources, brand resources, etc., and can sell their products to consumers at lower prices, so as to gain more market share.

  SMEs are mainly local enterprises that have more flexibility and efficiency, and attract more consumers by improving product quality and convenient services, so as to gain more market share.

  Foreign-funded enterprises are enterprises imported from abroad, they have more advanced technology and production processes, can provide better products and services, and thus gain more market share.

  The market status of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry has shown a rapid development trend, and the competition pattern is becoming more and more fierce. Large domestic enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, and foreign-funded enterprises are all trying to expand their market share to meet the needs of consumers.

The "2024-2030 China Multi-layer Solid Wood Flooring Industry Market Panorama Research and Future Trend Research Report" released by Boyan Consulting has a total of 13 chapters. Firstly, the market development environment of the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry and the overall operation situation of the multi-layer solid wood floor are introduced, and then the current situation of the market operation of the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry is analyzed, and then the competition pattern of the multi-layer solid wood floor market is introduced. Subsequently, the report made an analysis of the business status of key enterprises on multi-layer solid wood flooring, and finally analyzed the development trend and investment forecast of multi-layer solid wood flooring industry. If you want to have a systematic understanding of the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry or want to invest in the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry, this report is an indispensable and important tool for you.

The data of this research report mainly use national statistical data, General Administration of Customs, questionnaire survey data, and data collected by the Ministry of Commerce. Among them, the macroeconomic data mainly comes from the National Bureau of Statistics, some industry statistics mainly come from the National Bureau of Statistics and market research data, the enterprise data mainly comes from the National Bureau of Statistics large-scale enterprise statistical database and stock exchanges, etc., and the price data mainly comes from various market monitoring databases.

Table of contents of the text

Chapter 1 Basic overview of multi-layer solid wood flooring

Section 1 Overview of multi-layer solid wood flooring

1. Definition of multi-layer solid wood flooring

Second, the advantages of multi-layer solid wood flooring

3. The structure of multi-layer solid wood flooring

Fourth, the characteristics of multi-layer solid wood flooring

Fifth, the development process of multi-layer solid wood flooring

Section 2 Production process of multi-layer solid wood flooring

Section 3 Maintenance measures for multi-layer solid wood flooring

Chapter 2 2019-2024 analysis of investment trends in China in the all-multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Section 1 Analysis of the development status of the full multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2019 to 2024

1. Analysis of market supply and demand in the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

2. Analysis of the current situation of technology development of foreign multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

3. Analysis of the price trend of the world's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Section 2 Analysis of the market situation in some regions of the world from 2019 to 2024

1. The United States

2. Europe

III. Japan

Section 3 2019-2024 World Multi-layer Solid Wood Flooring Industry Development Trend Forecast

Chapter 3 2019-2024 China multi-layer solid wood flooring industry market development environment analysis

Section 1 Analysis of China's Macroeconomic Environment from 2019 to 2024

1. Analysis of China's GDP

2. Analysis of the consumer price index

3. Analysis of the income of urban and rural residents

4. Total retail sales of consumer goods

5. Analysis of fixed asset investment in the whole society

6. Analysis of total import and export volume and growth rate

Section 2 The social application of multi-layer solid wood flooring in China must be based on the standardization of multi-layer solid wood flooring

1. Multi-layer solid wood flooring standard

Second, multi-layer solid wood flooring policies and regulations

Third, the import and export policy of multi-layer solid wood flooring

Section 3 Analysis of the consumption environment of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring market from 2019 to 2024

Section 4 2019-2024 Social Environment Analysis of China's Multi-layer Solid Wood Flooring Industry

Chapter 4 Analysis of the development status of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2019 to 2024

Section 1 Analysis of the development status of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2019 to 2024

1. Analysis of the development status of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

2. Analysis of the demand market status of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

3. Analysis of the technical development trend of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Fourth, China's multi-layer solid wood flooring market trend analysis

Section 2 Technical analysis of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring products from 2019 to 2024

1. Characteristics of technical changes in China's multi-layer solid wood flooring products

Second, the new technology of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring product market

3. Analysis of the current situation of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring products

Section 3 Problems and Thoughts in China's Multi-layer Solid Wood Flooring Industry

Chapter 5 2019-2024 China Multilayer Solid Wood Flooring Industry Market Analysis

Section 1 2019-2024 China multi-layer solid wood flooring market size analysis

1. The market size and growth rate of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2019 to 2024

Second, the market saturation of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Third, the impact of the domestic and foreign economic situation on the market size of the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

4. Market size and growth forecast of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2024 to 2030

Section 2 Analysis of the structure of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring market from 2019 to 2024

Section 3 Analysis of the characteristics of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring market from 2019 to 2024

First, the life cycle of the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Second, the impact of technological change and industry innovation on the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

3. Differentiation analysis of multi-layer solid wood flooring in China

Chapter 6 China Multilayer Solid Wood Flooring Regional Market Analysis from 2019 to 2024

Section 1 Changes in the regional market structure of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring

Section 2 Multi-layer solid wood flooring "Northeast region" market analysis

Section 3 Multi-layer solid wood flooring "North China" market analysis

Section 4 Market analysis of multi-layer solid wood flooring in the "central and southern regions".

Section 5 Market analysis of multi-layer solid wood flooring in East China

Section 6 Analysis of the market of multi-layer solid wood flooring in the northwest region

Chapter 7 2019-2024 China Multilayer Solid Wood Flooring Industry Marketing Strategy Analysis

Section 1 Analysis of marketing strategies of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2019 to 2024

1. The main marketing strategy of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Second, the analysis of the key points of the marketing of multi-layer solid wood flooring enterprises in mainland China

3. Analysis of network marketing strategy of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Fourth, the exploration of off-peak season marketing ideas for multi-layer solid wood flooring enterprises

Section 2 Analysis of marketing ideas of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring brands from 2019 to 2024

1. Discussion on the strategy of the rapid growth of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring brand

Third, the effective marketing of multi-layer solid wood flooring brands needs to establish an innovative marketing model

Fourth, the effective marketing of multi-layer solid wood flooring brands should pay attention to the performance of products

5. Analysis of the market cultivation path of the new brand of multi-layer solid wood flooring

Section 3 Analysis of consumer demand in China's multi-layer solid wood flooring market

First, the change of consumer demand in the multi-layer solid wood flooring market

Second, the demand analysis of the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

3. Analysis of consumer demand in China's multi-layer solid wood flooring brand market in 2024

Chapter 8 2019-2024 China Multi-layer Solid Wood Flooring Brand Demand and Consumer Preference Survey

Section 1 Survey on the target customer group of multi-layer solid wood flooring in China

1. Survey of consumer preferences at different income levels

2. Survey of consumer preferences of different ages

3. Survey of consumer preferences in different regions

Section 2 Market research on multi-layer solid wood flooring brands

1. Macro survey of consumers' brand awareness of multi-layer solid wood flooring

2. Survey on consumers' brand preference for multi-layer solid wood flooring products

3. The primary cognitive channel for consumers to multi-layer solid wood flooring brands

Fourth, the brand survey that consumers often buy

5. Multi-layer solid wood flooring brand loyalty survey

6. Survey on the market share of multi-layer solid wood flooring brands

7. Research on consumers' consumption concepts

Section 3 Analysis of Attitudes and Influences Related to Different Customers' Purchases

1. Price sensitivity

Second, the influence of the brand

3. The impact of convenience of purchase

Fourth, the degree of influence of advertising

Fifth, the degree of impact of excessive formaldehyde

Chapter 9 Production Analysis of China's Multilayer Solid Wood Flooring Industry from 2019 to 2024

Section 1 Analysis of the total production of multi-layer solid wood flooring lines in China from 2019 to 2024

1. The total production and growth rate of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2019 to 2024

2. The production capacity and growth rate of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2019 to 2024

Third, the impact of the domestic and foreign economic situation on the production of multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

4. 2024-2030 China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry production and growth forecast

Section 2 Production analysis of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring sub-industry from 2019 to 2024

Section 3 2019-2024 Production analysis of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring subdivisions

Section 4 Analysis of the supply and demand balance of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2019 to 2024

First, the status quo of supply and demand balance in the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Second, the impact of the domestic and foreign economic situation on the balance of supply and demand in the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

3. Forecast of the balance of supply and demand in the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Chapter 10 2019-2024 China multi-layer solid wood flooring industry market competition pattern analysis

Section 1 2019-2024 China multi-layer solid wood flooring market competitiveness research

First, the competitiveness of the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry is reflected

2. Analysis of the market competitiveness of multi-layer solid wood flooring

3. Competitive analysis of multi-layer solid wood flooring brands

Section 2 Analysis of the concentration of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2019 to 2024

1. Analysis of the market concentration of multi-layer solid wood flooring

2. Regional concentration analysis of multi-layer solid wood flooring

Section 3 2019-2024 Analysis of the competitiveness strategy of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring enterprises

Chapter 11 Analysis of the current situation of some enterprises of multi-layer solid wood flooring in China

Section 1 Sichuan Shengda Forestry Industry Co., Ltd

Section 2 Guangzhou Liheng Wood Group

Section 3 Zhejiang Shiyou Wood Co., Ltd

Section 4 North America Fengqing (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd

Section 5 Zhejiang Rabbit Floor Sales Co., Ltd

Section 6 Zhejiang Shenghua Yunfeng New Materials Co., Ltd

Section 7 Nanxing Home Technology (Huzhou) Co., Ltd

Section 8 Beijing Ruijia Eurasia Wood Co., Ltd

Section 9 Suzhou Yongyang Decoration Materials Co., Ltd

Section 10 Anhui Yangzi Flooring Co., Ltd

Chapter 12 2024-2030 China Multilayer Solid Wood Flooring Industry Market Development Forecast Analysis

Section 1 2024-2030 Market Development Trend of China's Multilayer Solid Wood Flooring Industry

First, the development trend of the international multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Second, the development trend of domestic multi-layer solid wood flooring products

3. Analysis of technical trends in multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Section 2 2024-2030 market development prospects of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

1. Analysis of the market development prospect of the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Second, the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry contains business opportunities analysis

Section 3 2024-2030 China multi-layer solid wood flooring industry market development forecast

1. Market capacity forecast of multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Second, the production scale of the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry forecast

Third, the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry sales scale forecast

Section 4 2024-2030 China Multilayer Solid Wood Flooring Industry Market Profit Forecast Analysis

Chapter 13 2024-2030 China Multilayer Solid Wood Flooring Industry Market Investment Analysis

Section 1 Overview of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry market investment from 2024 to 2030

Section 2 Analysis of investment opportunities in China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2024 to 2030

First, the market investment prospect of multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Second, the multi-layer solid wood flooring industry market investment hotspots

3. Regional investment opportunities in the multi-layer solid wood flooring market

Section 3 Investment risk analysis of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2024 to 2030

1. Macro policy risks

2. Market operation risks

3. Raw material risk analysis

Fourth, the risk of operation and management

5. Safety and quality risks

Section 4 Investment Advice

Table of Contents of Charts

Chart: Market size and growth rate of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2019 to 2024

Chart: Market share of key enterprises in China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2019 to 2024

Chart: 2019-2024 China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry total demand

Chart: 2019-2024 demand concentration of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Chart: 2019-2024 demand growth rate of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry

Chart: Market saturation of China's multi-layer solid wood flooring industry from 2019 to 2024

See text for more charts.......

2024-2030 China multi-layer solid wood flooring industry market panorama research and future trend research report

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