
There are no shortcuts in life

author:Kodama Historical Institute
There are no shortcuts in life

Sentence / Kodama

No matter when you reach the top in life, or whether you reach the top, there will be no less ups and downs in life, and fame and wealth cannot solve the deep problems in the armor of emotions and happiness.

Many years later, Li Si understood a truth, the high position of Prime Minister Daqin could not improve his happiness index, but made his life thrilling step by step, until the moment he was killed, he had an epiphany, it turned out that the carefree days in his hometown Shangcai who could lead their big yellow dog with their son to chase the hare at any time were the happiest.

However, he can only briefly replay the beauty of the past in his mind, and then say goodbye to history forever.

When Shang Cai was a grassroots civil servant in the Chu State, Li Si's distress was that he lived too ordinary, almost in silent mode, and by observing the living conditions of hamsters and toilet rats, Li Si came to a conclusion:

Only fame can make a person happy and be noticed.

At this time, Li Si was obsessed with getting ahead, and his intention was not to realize the value of life by changing his own situation, but to win the attention of the outside world by obtaining a position, so that he could stand in the spotlight and draw happiness from the things of fame and wealth.

A person's ending is often decided when he starts to do things, and Li Si's fate has been decided from the moment he walks out of Shangcai's hometown.

In order to achieve the goal quickly, Li Si was simple and direct, and he devoted himself to the disciple of the great Confucian Xunzi in a straight line, followed Xunzi to learn the art of the emperor, and after graduation, he firmly chose the Qin State as the dojo for practice. As for why he chose the Qin State, it is because the trend of unification by the Qin State has become more and more obvious, and Li Si wants to integrate himself with the trend to ensure a quick take-off and achieve the goal in a short time.

It is undeniable that whether it is the art of the emperor or the stage of the Qin State, these have helped Li Si achieve his goal in a fast-forward manner, and at the moment when he became the prime minister of the Qin State, the flash light hit Li Si's body intensively, and no one in the world knows the king.

Li Si thought that he had obtained the so-called happiness at this moment, but on the contrary, the multiple-level growth of status and wealth did not bring him the so-called happiness, but went more difficult, especially when he saw the bustling scene of the traffic in front of his house, he was extremely worried: "I remember that the teacher said that the ban on things is prosperous, and it seems that my future road will be difficult to walk." ”

This proves a truth, people's troubles will not disappear in a vacuum, with the growth of wealth and status, the fact is that after success, there will only be more troubles than before.

People are often suffering before success, feeling empty after success, and having troubles. Look at the people around you, some people are extremely miserable and tortured by poverty before they get rich, but after they get rich and become famous, they are endlessly empty, and sometimes they even have to resort to medicine to get a good night's sleep.

The essence is that wisdom and realm do not improve with the growth of wealth, so there is a mismatch between cognition and wealth, and since wealth and body and mind cannot be balanced, then suffering is inevitable.

After reading too many cases like this, I sometimes wonder, what is the meaning of success for people?

After reaching the pinnacle of his life, Li Si's troubles were how to gain the lasting trust of the First Emperor and how to extend his reputation in the era of the Second Emperor. Driven by this psychology, Li Si did a series of irrational things, such as the death of Han Fei, the bribery of the eunuchs around the first emperor, and the change of Dune Palace...

After doing these things, Lees's pain continued to increase, because his heart was extremely uneasy. I remember that there is a clip in the TV series "Tiandao", Lin Yufeng, chairman of Lesheng Group, went to his friend Zhou Jianhua after he was challenged by Ding Yuanying and lost the battle in the shopping mall, and wanted to solve Ding Yuanying through special means, but Zhou Jianhua's point of view was that he was advised not to be impulsive, because even if things are done secretly, your heart will be tortured forever, and you will lose the meaning of life.

I think so.

Just like those professional killers in the movie, even after they wash their hands in gold, they are still highly sensitive every day, and there is no happiness at all.

The greatest happiness in life is peace of mind, the kind of peace of mind that can proudly say "this heart is bright" when you pass away one day in the future.

As for Li Si, along the way, the deeper the pain, until the day he was framed by Zhao Gao and beheaded, he was finally relieved. At the last moment of his life, Li Si had an epiphany about life, and it turned out that the time when he was hunting freely in his hometown Shangcai was the happiest day.

There are no shortcuts in life

Shang Cai's wasted years were Li Si's happiest days Photo source/stills

In fact, Li Si's understanding is still biased, and there is nothing wrong with pursuing success itself, but more importantly, cognition must also be improved, and there must be the wisdom to control the position. Look at Fan Li and Zhang Liang, both of whom have pursued success and realized their personal value, but they can both be indifferent to fame and fortune, not kidnapped by fame, and their happiness index has always been online.

In other words, cultivation is the first priority in life, and a person must not only have the ability to be moved by the fireworks of life on ordinary days, but also have an indifferent heart in the face of wealth and fame, and always be vigilant against increments.

In this way, there is no shortage of the ability to feel happiness in any situation.

It can be said that people's inner stability, emotional stability, and the calmness of life are more important than the growth of wealth, and if there is no wisdom to control wealth, wealth will become a burden on people.

This kind of thing also happened to Wei Qing. We don't know Wei Qing's attitude towards life when he was a slave rider in Princess Pingyang's Mansion, but after becoming a general, his troubles are more and more, in addition to solving complicated work, he also has to deal with complex interpersonal relationships, and he has to face Emperor Wu's vigilance and suppression of Wei's relatives.

After becoming the Great Sima, Wei Qing was even more trembling than before. Why did he please the beauties favored by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty by giving away wealth, in fact, it was to survive in the treacherous court politics, and even after being injured by Li Dang, he chose to swallow his anger, not because he was broad-minded, but because he didn't want to be the focus.

Da Sima's road is more difficult to walk than the wasted years when he was a slave in the Pingyang Princess's Mansion. To a certain extent, the ups and downs of life are constant, and will not increase or decrease with the change of status and wealth.

Fortunately, Wei Qing's personal realm has been supported by the trough years in the Pingyang Princess Mansion, and his wisdom is always online, although he lowered himself to the dust in the temples of the empire, but after all, he finished the rest of his life smoothly, and was fixed in history with the label of "God of War", and also enjoyed the treatment of accompanying the funeral of Maoling.

There are no shortcuts in life

After becoming a general, Wei Qing walked trembling and trembling Source/Stills

But Huo Quzhi was not so lucky. Because he has lived in the court since he was a child, he quickly grew into a general with outstanding military literacy under the personal training of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Wei Qing, and was named a marquis and a general when he first appeared, standing in a high position that others need to climb for decades.

After the Battle of Mobei, Huo Qubing was worshiped as the Great Sima, the same level as Wei Qing.

It seems that he became famous as a teenager and a winner in life, but this is actually harming Huo Qu's disease. Because, the ups and downs of life are constant, it does not mean that Huo Quzhi does not have to taste the sourness, bitterness and spiciness, on the contrary, because he stood on the top of the mountain in an instant, the bitterness and bitterness experienced by Huo Quzhi are even stronger, such as complex interpersonal relationships and hostile relations with the Wei Group.

None of these Huo Qu diseases are capable of dealing with them.

Huo Qubing was a star on the battlefield, but when faced with the situation where Emperor Wu of Han promoted himself to balance the Wei Group, his clever brain immediately short-circuited, and he didn't know how to deal with it. Don't say that Wei Qing and Huo Qubing are uncles and nephews, the fact is that the relationship between father, son and brother is very fragile in the political field, not to mention the uncle and nephew, after being worshiped by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty as the Great Sima, Wei Qing's doorman immediately switched to Huo Quai's disciple, you can say that Wei Qing has no emotions in this matter, even if Wei Qing himself is calm, but you can guarantee that his wife Princess Pingyang and others can be indifferent.


People are extremely sensitive, and Huo Quzhi must be able to keenly capture the chill from the Great General's Mansion.

On the one hand, his uncle, and on the other hand, the king who appreciates and promotes him, Huo Quzhi is simply unable to cope with this complex political environment. Why did he shoot Li Kang, he was showing goodwill to his uncle and the Wei group, but this made the situation worse, because Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty would think that Huo Quai's illness even Lang Zhongling, one of the Jiuqing, would dare to kill Li Kang, how would this person be controlled in the future?

Both sides are not pleased, Huo Quzhi has been in a dead end in political relations since then, and his emotions are gradually collapsed by this complex situation.

Huo Qu's death is likely to be related to political struggles, either he died of depression and illness, or he committed suicide due to emotional breakdown, in short, it is difficult for you to imagine that a person in his prime will suddenly die in a rich life.

In essence, the tragedy of Huo Qubing is that he is fame first, and accepting the challenges of life is later, if Huo Qubing tasted the bitterness of life before becoming famous, then he will definitely have the wisdom of Wei Qing to deal with challenges.

But the fame of the teenager just allowed him to bypass this process, and the bitterness of life did not let Huo Quzhi go, but thickened the concentration of bitterness and spiciness, so that the former god of war would not be able to do so.

Therefore, you have to accept the challenges of life as early as possible in life, so that you can be calm enough and have wisdom to deal with it when fame and fortune strike. Why do the old people always say that it is necessary to endure hardships as soon as possible, in fact, this is the truth.

Look at those who gained fame and fortune at a young age, and they all wanted to spend a long time healing the lack of their hearts.

There are no shortcuts in life

Coping with political challenges and complex interpersonal relationships is Huo Qu's shortcoming Source/Stills

There are no shortcuts in life, we all have to taste the ups and downs, the difference is only, whether to taste before success or after success. But life experience tells us that we still have to accept the challenges of fate as soon as possible and experience the trough, so that we can calmly cope with fame and fortune in the future.

Most people always want to bypass the trough, but in fact, they miss the best period of growth, and if you bypass the trough in advance, then the trough after success can only be deeper and difficult to cross. The best thing to do is to face the challenges of life calmly and take all the sour, bitter and spicy things that life throws at you, so as to ensure that you can drive the famous car more proficiently after success.

Look at Zeng Guofan, if he hadn't been practicing hard when he was a Beijing official, then he would not have had the strength to deal with the challenges of the Taiping Army. Similarly, if life is not better than death in the war, then he will not have the calmness when he controls the officialdom in the future, becoming a Han official and the leader of the Hunan system, and he will not have accumulated so much practical experience at the level of self-cultivation and success.

Zeng Guofan is a typical example of fighting fate first, and then accepting the flowers of life. If the order is reversed, it is likely to be a disaster.

From this point of view, it is really not a good thing for teenagers to become famous.

Also, managing a marriage, experiencing a love disaster, being filial to your parents, and repeatedly competing in complex interpersonal relationships are all compulsory courses in life, and it is difficult for us to avoid them, and the taste will not be less.

Even if we are doing business, we also have to go through a painful cycle of torment and loneliness, and we are struggling to support. This is the law. Only in this way can we better manage the situation after success.

In other words, only when a person has tasted the bitterness and bitterness that should be tasted can he better handle the relationship with wealth and fame, and can he have a deeper level of calmness and calmness in life.

Never try to eat only sweet things, that will cause your body to be bloated and your physical indicators will drop.

The standard life must be a taste of both sweet and sour, so as to ensure balanced nutrition.

Also, there is no standard answer to life, it is not what age you should do, you may get married late because your mind is not mature enough, not enough to do a good job as a husband and father, your career success is late, it is likely that your cognition is not enough, your mental strength is not strong enough, God does not let you succeed early but is protecting you.

Life is a process of experience, you have to taste the ups and downs, it's just a matter of time, and there is no shortcut to cross any link.

But a wise man will happily accept the low point that fate has arranged for him early, because he understands that life after that will be more of a bright future.

Because, energy is conserved, sweet and sour is also balanced, taste all the sour, spicy, and bitter early, and the rest is a delicious dessert.

Remember, don't try to take shortcuts and grow by leaps and bounds.

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