
The Boeing Starplane was trapped on the International Space Station, and the astronauts could not return

author:Tender little leeks

The Boeing Starplane was trapped on the International Space Station, and the astronauts could not return

The Boeing Starplane was trapped on the International Space Station, and the astronauts could not return

Due to the malfunction of Boeing's Starplane, American astronauts are stuck on the ISS and unable to return to the surface. American experts suggested inviting Musk on a rescue mission.

The Boeing Starplane was trapped on the International Space Station, and the astronauts could not return

The quality of the Boeing starplane is also enough to collapse, and there are always all kinds of problems. Of course, the Americans have already blamed the Indian third brother for this matter, saying that the Indian third brother cut corners. We don't know if it's because the Americans are popular or because the third brother is popular, so the third brother of India helped with such an important project. The project that the third brother participated in, it is strange if there is no problem!

The Boeing Starplane was trapped on the International Space Station, and the astronauts could not return

I don't think Musk will necessarily help with this, after all, the two are competitors. Musk has repeatedly criticized Boeing's Starplane as a money-burning project.

The Boeing Starplane was trapped on the International Space Station, and the astronauts could not return

At this point, the most reliable approach may be to ask Russia for help, after all, Russia has been deeply involved in the International Space Station project and has helped the United States transport astronauts. However, the United States is somewhat unable to save face when it goes to Russia for help at this time.

The Boeing Starplane was trapped on the International Space Station, and the astronauts could not return

Although Boeing sent astronauts into space with a sick starplane and couldn't come back, it didn't affect the touching blockbusters that Hollywood would make in the future. I thought of the name for them, "Save America's Heroic Astronauts". The strength of the Americans is that funerals are treated as happy events, and by the way, they make another box office!