
"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

author:Wu Yuan chases the drama

The annual costume rebirth drama "Spending the Year of China" is finally here.

At the beginning of the story, the forty-year-old male protagonist, Pei Wenxuan, the first assistant of Great Xia, entered the palace to see the driver.

When Emperor Li Chuan was dying, he entrusted Pei Wenxuan, who represented the poor family of the world, to never let the world fall into the hands of the family.

"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

And the biggest family in Great Xia is the eldest princess Li Rong.

After that, Pei Wenxuan went to the eldest princess's mansion and met the princess Li Rong who was sick in bed, and had a final showdown.

The eldest princess Li Rong is thirty-eight years old, and she has been married to Pei Wenxuan for 20 years.

There was a short honeymoon period, but they have been separated for many years, and the suspicion and estrangement between each other have deepened, and it is not surprising that they broke up unhappily.

"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

As soon as Pei Wenxuan left, Li Rong's body deteriorated sharply, and it was guessed that Pei Wenxuan was poisoned, and at the last moment of his life, he gave the order to assassinate Pei Wenxuan.

In the end, the two of them were born together, returning to twenty years ago, when Pei Wenxuan was the poorest, and when Li Rong was the most innocent and romantic.

After experiencing a reunion, the reborn two people both discovered each other's existence, and after some exchanges, they decided to put aside their previous suspicions and work together to prevent the tragedy from happening again.

"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

Rebirth opens up God's perspective, has more information, and has a natural advantage for unpredictable prophets of many things.

However, the world is unpredictable, especially the treacherous court, which often affects the whole body.

People who open the perspective of God often forget one thing, they are not the real God, and this is the case with Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan.

"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

The tragedy of her previous life, what Li Rong wanted to change most was the relationship between herself and her younger brother Li Chuan.

She didn't want to watch her younger brother change from a benevolent boy to a violent king like her father, and at the same time prevent Su Rongqing's tragedy.

At this time, the situation in the court was that the Shangguan family behind the queen was dominant in the court, and the Yang family, who was stationed at the border pass, had their own troops.

Yang Quan, the son of the Yang family, asked to marry the eldest princess Li Rong, and the civil and military officials echoed it.

"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

Because of this, the old emperor became more and more jealous of the crown prince Li Chuan. plans to marry Li Rong to prevent the family from marrying, and at the same time support King Su to take over the border military power and balance the crown prince.

These actions are actually preparing for the abolition of the prince and the suppression of the Shangguan family.

In order to keep the glory and wealth of the family under the imperial power, the Shangguan family also intends to make Shangguan Ya the crown princess.

In Li Rong's view in her previous life, this struggle experience had a great impact on her younger brother's mental growth, and if she could, she hoped that her younger brother would not experience this.

"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

Therefore, after discussing with Pei Wenxuan, he decided to attack the Yang family in advance and force them to rebel.

In this way, it can not only avoid the war on the border later, bring the lives of the five cities, but also help the crown prince Li Chuan to win the military power, avoid the military power from falling into the hands of Li Su, and consolidate the position of the crown prince.

However, such a strategy actually only solves the immediate problem, and there is no city government of a forty-year-old minister.

"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

Is the old emperor really afraid of the crown prince Li Chuan? No, he is afraid of the Shangguan family. What he is worried about is that in the future, Li Chuan will ascend the throne and become a puppet of the Shangguan family.

This kind of worry and anxiety made the old emperor not even dare to eat the pastries handed over by his daughter Li Rong, for fear of being poisoned by the Shangguan family.

Even after Li Rong tried it himself, the old emperor only stretched out his chopsticks and put them in his bowl in the end, but did not eat them.

"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

In fact, the old emperor's worries became a reality, and Li Chuan, who ascended the throne, also lived in this panic.

Before he ascended the throne, he was still a young general in fresh clothes and angry horses, and he never made a noise after he ascended the throne, but his body collapsed at a young age.

And all this started with Qin Zhenzhen's murder in the palace, this palace is more like a cage, and he can't even protect the woman he loves.

Who can he trust?

"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

Therefore, Li Rong helped Li Chuan win over Pei Wenxuan too early, and Pei Wenxuan helped Li Chuan win the military power, which were two mistakes, which only made the old emperor more jealous of the prince.

Although he did not marry the Yang family, in the eyes of the emperor, the result was not much worse, and the Shangguan family was already dominant.

The old emperor wants to be a monarch and a minister, not to share the world with the family, and Li Chuan will also experience this kind of mood in the future.

Therefore, the fall of a Yang family did not solve any problems. , because there is also the Shangguan family, the Su family, and even the Pei family.

"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

There is actually only one way to make the old emperor let go of his suspicions, and that is the fight between the prince and the Shangguan family, the kind of life and death.

Only the family and the family, the prince and the family, the Hanmen and the family, fight to the death in the court, and need him, the emperor, to mediate, can he feel the power in his hands and be truly at ease.

Everyone is happy and marries each other, then they are like a clown, which is the last thing the emperor wants to see.

"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

The Yang family is gone, the crown prince has mastered the military power, and the Shangguan family is obsessed with the position of the crown princess.

Then the emperor will inevitably pull other families into the water, so as to balance the power of the crown prince and the Shangguan family in the court. And looking at the court, the Su family is the most suitable.

Therefore, the Su family will inevitably be pushed to King Su, causing the two families to fight, and when Li Chuan ascends the throne, Su Rongqing will still be unable to escape his fate after liquidating King Su and the Su family.

"The Year of China" premiered, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were reborn and made two mistakes in a row, and they lived in vain for forty years

Everything seems to have changed, but it hasn't.