
The United States clamored to turn the Taiwan Strait into hell, and the Ministry of Defense shot back in reciprocal terms: Namei is ready to go to hell first

author:Liu Lanxunjian

Taiwan Island is located in the cross-sea area, connected to the South China Sea, the East China Sea, and the West Pacific waters, and is directly related to the security of the mainland's coastal economic belt. This key geographical location made the island of Taiwan a battleground for soldiers during the period of sea power. This is due to the needs of the geopolitical layout and the background of the United States' obsession with infiltrating the island of Taiwan and supporting and agitating for "Taiwan independence." At present, the United States' hard military strength is no longer able to maintain military confrontation with the PLA in the Taiwan Strait, and the first island chain is collapsing. In the absence of hard power, the United States has resorted to verbal blackmail and intimidation as a tool to interfere in the Taiwan Strait and instigate "Taiwan independence." Indo-Pacific U.S. Commander Paparo recently claimed that the United States has a plan called "Hell Landscape" to prevent Chinese mainland from taking over Taiwan. The U.S. side seeks to invest thousands of drones, unmanned boats, and unmanned underwater vehicles to stifle the PLA's operations in the Taiwan Strait when the mainland takes over Taiwan, prolonging the war in order to buy time for the subsequent military deployment of the U.S. military and its allies. Paparo threatened that the US side would turn the Taiwan Strait into a hell of unmanned weapons.

In response to the US side's remarks, Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, made a reciprocal response to the US side. The Chinese side pointed out on the 27th that those who clamored for other people's homes to become hell should be prepared to go to hell first. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) dares to fight tough battles and can win battles, and we have never accepted such threats and intimidation.

The United States clamored to turn the Taiwan Strait into hell, and the Ministry of Defense shot back in reciprocal terms: Namei is ready to go to hell first

The Taiwan issue is the core interest of China's core interests. Paparo, the commander of the U.S. forces in the Indo-Pacific, should be wary of the consequences of his own words, and the U.S. approach to China's related threats may drag the U.S. itself into an unarmed hell. At present, at the level of unmanned weapons, compared with China, the United States is in a backward position. China's advantage lies in the continuous iteration of automated products and weapons in technical practice and improvement, supported by a sufficiently large civilian application market.

And in the continuous training and preparation of the PLA, technological progress has been transformed into effective military strength. Weapon platforms, including unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned boats, and unmanned underwater vehicles, involve batteries, automation, and intelligent technologies. It itself is the current dismantling and reorganization of electric vehicles, civilian drones, intelligent robots and other products in the military field. The leading companies in related fields are all Chinese enterprises, and as Chinese companies such as BYD continue to expand their market share in the field of electric vehicles, Tesla is difficult to support alone. The main opponent facing DJI in the field of drones is Chinese domestic companies, and China has a faulty lead in global drone production capacity. Chinese medium-sized and large UAVs are already on the export control list.

The United States clamored to turn the Taiwan Strait into hell, and the Ministry of Defense shot back in reciprocal terms: Namei is ready to go to hell first

As another track of unmanned weapons in the field of robot dogs, the civilian robot dogs produced by Chinese enterprise Unitree Technology were used by the United States Marine Corps to verify the launch of rocket artillery. In the China-Cambodia joint military exercise in May this year, the PLA's robot dogs have gone abroad to participate in the exercise, demonstrating sufficient information detection, automatic firing of weapons, climbing over obstacles and maneuvering capabilities, and the ability of man-machine cooperation to jointly complete military tasks.

This progress is something that the current US military has failed to achieve. Civilian industry is the foundation of the military industry and a reservoir for the expansion of military production capacity. China's industrial production capacity in the field of electric vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and intelligent robots, which means that in wartime, it can complete the replacement from electric vehicles to unmanned boats, from civilian drones to military drones, and from intelligent robots to robot dogs that can automatically launch rocket artillery. China's current stock production capacity in related products determines the exponential expansion of China's production capacity in unmanned weapons in wartime.

The United States clamored to turn the Taiwan Strait into hell, and the Ministry of Defense shot back in reciprocal terms: Namei is ready to go to hell first

According to statistics released by the Civil Aviation Administration of China at the end of March, by the end of 2023, there were 1.267 million registered drones in China, an increase of 32.2% compared with 2022. There are 19,000 companies operating drones. China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology revealed on April 18 that by the end of 2023, there will be more than 2,300 enterprises participating in the development of drones in China, and more than 1,000 drone products will be mass-produced. In 2023, more than 3.17 million civilian drones will be delivered.

The main purpose of the US plan to form an unmanned weapon hell in the Taiwan Strait is to use thousands of unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned boats, and submarines to attack and obstruct the PLA's military operations. The problem is that thousands of drones, which are huge in the United States and the West, do not have the qualifications to be in the limelight in China.

The United States clamored to turn the Taiwan Strait into hell, and the Ministry of Defense shot back in reciprocal terms: Namei is ready to go to hell first

If war breaks out and the United States attacks and harasses China in the Taiwan Strait with thousands of drones, will China be able to come up with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of drones in the direction of US military bases in the Philippines, South Korea, and Japan? If the United States uses drones and other weapons to stop Taiwan when the mainland takes over Taiwan, China's current projection capability will not be limited to the Taiwan Strait. Whether in the Middle East or Eastern Europe, China has sufficient industrial capacity to send the United States into the hell of unmanned weapons in the direct and indirect battlefields with China.

Those who threaten to send others to hell must be prepared to go to hell first. The United States, which is already in a weak position on the unmanned weapons platform, has caused trouble for itself because of its own provocations that it does not know how to relent.