
The elderly who are helping their children with children often have the following phenomena, see if you have any?

author:The old garden is silent and slow
The elderly who are helping their children with children often have the following phenomena, see if you have any?


In the past, in rural life, many families had wives who were full-time housewives at home, responsible for taking care of the baby and doing housework, and the husband went out to work, making money to support the whole family alone.

In today's society, the economic pressure is high, many families and husbands have to work, have to work to make money, after having children, can't get out, they have to trouble the elderly at home to help take care of the baby.

Now that people are living well, many people in their 60s are also very strong, and they have nothing to do after retirement, and it is reasonable to help their children take care of their children.

After all, many elderly people are not young, sixty or seventy years old, physical function has begun to decline, memory has also declined, physical strength is not as good as before, in the process of bringing a baby, will also encounter all kinds of difficulties, more often, also helpless, involuntarily.

The elderly who are helping their children with children often have the following phenomena, see if you have any?

The elderly who are helping their children with children often have the following phenomena, see if you have any?

01. 24 hours full-time with a baby, no personal time, and almost zero social life.

Nowadays, many young people have a lot of work pressure, they have to go to work during the day and work overtime until late at night. So the old man is basically taking the baby 24 hours a day, walking the baby during the day, bathing the baby, and getting up at night to brew milk powder, change the baby's diapers, and coax the baby to sleep.

should have enjoyed a leisurely retirement life, but since helping to take care of the baby, many elderly people basically have no personal leisure time of their own, and basically have to stay at home 24 hours a day.

Moreover, some elderly people originally lived in the countryside, went to the city where their children worked, lived in high-rise commercial housing, and were locked in a "birdcage" all day long.

The elderly who are helping their children with children often have the following phenomena, see if you have any?

If a person does not have any social life, then life must be very dull. Especially for the retired elderly, some people are used to living in the countryside, and they have to go out for a walk every day, and there are often contacts between households.

But many old people, after going to the city to help their children take care of the baby, are actually very unaccustomed, but after all, they are their own children, if they don't help their children, their children will definitely have complaints. So as an older person,

The elderly who are helping their children with children often have the following phenomena, see if you have any?

02. With a baby, I am really tired, and people who are older feel physically and mentally exhausted.

If you have the experience of taking children, I believe you should have a feeling, that is, in fact, it is very tiring to take a baby, especially for the elderly, sometimes they often feel that they can't sleep enough, their bodies are very weak, and they feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Because taking a baby requires being very careful, how many hours to feed and how much milk powder is needed. And children have poor resistance, sometimes it is easy to feel uncomfortable, a little bit of a situation, such as fever, hot prickly heat, then adults are very anxious, but also very troublesome.

Therefore, in fact, it is really not much easier to take a baby than going to work, and the spirit must be in a highly tense state all day long, and it is necessary to ensure that the child is always under his sight.

The elderly who are helping their children with children often have the following phenomena, see if you have any?

03, I tried my best to help, but I had to be complained by my daughter-in-law and son, and I realized what it means to be "thankless"!

Many elderly friends in the process of raising a baby, often follow the traditional thinking of the older generation, after all, in the past, raising children, not so much attention, so sometimes there is a lack of some scientific methods in the process of raising a baby, and there may be some rough practices.

The younger generation, sons and daughters-in-law will be more scientific, and sometimes they may be a little unpleasant to the old man's way of bringing the baby, but come to blame the old man for some problems in the process of bringing the baby, and the contradiction will come.

As an old man, we are also very helpless, we work hard to help our children take care of the baby, and we have to be talked about by young people, we really feel what is called "thankless". It really is

After all, we are old, and we have not undergone professional training, so we are definitely not as good as those professional confinement nannies, but their children will not understand, and they will say directly what they think you are doing badly.

Therefore, now in fact, many old people have seen through, can they not help their children with the baby, or try not to help their children with the baby, after all, people are old, many times it is impossible to satisfy everyone, and we also have our own life, but also to enjoy life appropriately, do you think it makes sense?
