
A key factor that must be present if you don't want your brand to age

author:Yimai brand design

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First, determine the target customer group

Whether the target customer group is suitable for upgrading and rejuvenating, because not all brand target customer groups are mainly young users, and changing the route will lose the original users.

Second, do not look at the surface, grasp the essence

Avoid doing too much superficial work, brand rejuvenation and upgrading, not simply rejuvenating the product packaging design, using copywriting that young people like, inviting young idols to endorse, etc., which are short-lived and short-lived freshness on the surface, cannot really rejuvenate the brand.

Brand rejuvenation is from the inside out.

A key factor that must be present if you don't want your brand to age

Third, the brand's strategy to avoid aging

1. Evolution of brand strategy

Develop an overall strategic positioning, and learn to subvert and reconstruct traditional marketing thinking.

For example, Xiuyu Coffee Kitchen was established in 1995 and is a well-known old restaurant in Wuhan, with a history of 27 years.

2. Product innovation

Combined with its own advantages, on this basis, it will launch more categories that meet the needs of young consumer groups.

For example, night buns break the conventional consumption scene and add a new tea drink of niche fruits. Continuous verification of products, continuous iteration is the breakthrough of rejuvenation.

A key factor that must be present if you don't want your brand to age

F&B brand design

3. Innovation in visual design

The unique and youthful product design is often much more eye-catching than the same good-looking design on the market, and the unique and eye-catching memory points are more likely to be paid attention to by users, continue to plant grass and repurchase.

For example, the Butterful & Creamorous packaging is very unique and eye-catching, very recognizable, easy to attract people's attention, and very easy for people to remember.

4. Innovation in marketing and communication methods

Most people don't like to watch hard and wide, and take the interests and hobbies, life attitudes and values of the user group as the starting point, carry out targeted publicity and marketing, and publicize in a way that users are interested in.

The cross-border co-branded product "Coconut Cloud Latte" of Coconut Tree and Luckin has found a good balance point of "combination of soil and tide" and mastered the traffic password for young people.

5. Experience innovation

Firmly grasp the personality pursued and loved by most young people, create a new consumption environment, and create a new consumer experience. Provide opportunities for immersive experiences or valuable products, activities, and events that evoke a sense of identity and empathy from the group.

Pop-up stores are a hot trend both abroad and in China, and Li Ning has cleverly jumped on this express train to keep up with the trend in terms of visual and shopping experience.

A key factor that must be present if you don't want your brand to age

F&B brand design

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