
There will be two major actions in the countryside, and this is what is going on

author:Zhao Yunwen

The development of rural areas has always been inseparable from the country's policy inclination, if there is no capital investment, then the facilities can not be improved, and if there is no policy support, agriculture can not achieve comprehensive reform. In addition, if the state does not improve the environment of the peasants and improve the people's livelihood, then there will be many difficulties in the peasants' lives.

Nowadays, with the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, the mainland has begun to improve the rural infrastructure, and at the same time, it has also begun to optimize and improve the rural environment. However, at the same time as the countryside ushered in this series of measures, this year's rural areas will usher in two major actions, involving villages and villages, what is going on?

There will be two major actions in the countryside, and this is what is going on

Recently, the Ministry of Natural Resources organized a meeting on the 34th National Land Day, in which it was once again emphasized that all localities should resolutely abide by the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land protection, and also required all localities to seriously carry out the assessment of the responsibility system for cultivated land protection and food security, and implement and improve the reward and punishment mechanism for the assessment of cultivated land protection responsibility targets.

At the same time, some cultivated land protection measures mentioned in the Food Security Law were mentioned at this meeting, and the system of "appropriation by supplementation" will be strictly implemented to ensure that the reform of the system of balance of occupation and compensation is effective.

He also stressed that this year we will continue to take hard measures to "grow teeth" to resolutely curb the "non-farming" of cultivated land, prevent "non-grain conversion," and seriously investigate and deal with the illegal occupation of cultivated land.

There will be two major actions in the countryside, and this is what is going on

The deployment of this series of measures has also released a very important signal to the whole society, which is to adopt a posture of "strict protection and strict management" in terms of cultivated land and food security.

In addition to strictly implementing the system of balancing the occupation and compensation, it is now necessary to implement the responsibility system, and hard measures will also be taken to strictly investigate and crack down on the non-agricultural and non-grain conversion of cultivated land and the indiscriminate occupation of cultivated land by localities.

Therefore, in the coming days, both individual villagers and agricultural production entities should pay attention to some behaviors, do not indiscriminately occupy cultivated land to build houses, and the main body should not arbitrarily change the nature and use of cultivated land, otherwise they will be punished.

There will be two major actions in the countryside, and this is what is going on

Previously, for the commercial self-built houses in urban and rural areas, all parts of the country have organized survey actions, and some commercial self-built houses with potential safety hazards have also been rectified, and the potential safety hazards have been eliminated in a timely manner.

This year, in order to further ensure the safety of rural housing and strictly control the new addition, under the guidance of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, various localities have also begun to conduct a thorough investigation of rural self-built houses, three-storey and more three-storey farmhouses, and at the same time, measures have also been taken to rectify some illegal reconstruction and expansion of rural houses.

Nowadays, under the guidance of the policy, some places have also begun to establish a rural housing safety physical examination system, that is; In the process of investigating potential safety hazards in rural houses, various regions will also regularly organize farmers to self-inspect and collectively inspect to guide farmers to conduct physical examinations on houses, especially old houses in rural areas, and do a good job in safety appraisal.

There will be two major actions in the countryside, and this is what is going on

Of course, the safety appraisal of houses in rural areas with a certain number of years is also to ensure the safety of everyone's life and property, and the physical examination of houses is also to ensure that villagers can find potential safety hazards in time and avoid some safety accidents and accidents of house collapse.

Okay, so that's all for you to share two actions, what do you think about this? Let's talk about it.