
Modi will make a high-profile visit to Russia, and Putin hopes that China, Russia and India will reach a two-point strategic consensus, which is very unhappy with the United States

author:A strong country is a sword

Although we Chinese netizens often ridicule India, and many people even call India Ah San, sometimes we have to admit that under the leadership of Modi Laoxian, the third brother, a strange country that seems to be inaccessible on the surface, still has its merits.

The old immortal's thoughts were very clear:

In this critical stage of great changes unseen in a century, our population and market in India are the greatest natural advantages, and all spheres of influence will inevitably compete to win over my eldest brother.

In this case, don't blame the third brother for being polite, it's not easy for anyone to come, we all have to knock off the bamboo and take the opportunity to get a vote.

Don't miss the opportunity, I'm so happy!

Strengthen the country and discuss the sword, accompany friends to witness the evolution of the world's great changes unseen in a century, if you like it, please like it and support it, thank you!

Modi will make a high-profile visit to Russia, and Putin hopes that China, Russia and India will reach a two-point strategic consensus, which is very unhappy with the United States

As for China, we, like Russia and the United States, are facing such an embarrassing situation.

If China and India could really put aside the troubles on the border for the time being, and work together with Russia, the Middle East and other BRICS countries, they would have been able to do a great job a long time ago.

But for now it seems that it can only be if!

It's a bit of a shame.

However, the mountains are not turning around, and with the mediation of Russia, it is possible that China, India and India will still be able to reach a great consensus.

Modi will make a high-profile visit to Russia, and Putin hopes that China, Russia and India will reach a two-point strategic consensus, which is very unhappy with the United States

Everyone knows that no one can do anything about India's bullish temper, especially against Russia and the United States, and India is now making it clear that it wants to control these two countries and obtain the greatest political benefits.

For example, India did not send its foreign minister to Russia to attend the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting, but Indian Prime Minister Modi himself went to Italy to attend the dialogue meeting of the G7 Summit, which made Russia, which is currently eager to seek support, very sad.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov even spoke harshly, criticizing India by name, claiming that the BRICS platform must find ways to improve the access mechanism in the future.

However, after Lavrov expressed his dissatisfaction, India and Russia quickly reached a remarkable achievement through diplomatic communication, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Moscow on July 8.

What is even more critical is that the Russian side has also seized the opportunity to release rumors, claiming that they will do everything possible to organize a trilateral meeting between China, Russia and India, so as to take the opportunity to improve Sino-Indian relations and jointly confront Western countries.

This really stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, and soon attracted the general attention of the entire international community.

The swordsman personally believes that no matter how much resistance India gives us, we still have to communicate with India with great strategic patience and strategic goodwill, because China, India and Russia still have common interests in at least two aspects, and Russian President Putin is also actively promoting this matter.

What are the two aspects?

Modi will make a high-profile visit to Russia, and Putin hopes that China, Russia and India will reach a two-point strategic consensus, which is very unhappy with the United States

First of all, of course, we should find ways to make the BRICS pie bigger and stronger, which is a basic plate in our game with the United States and the West.

This has become a hot topic all over the world.

Because the just-concluded G7 summit in Italy has been considered by many experts and scholars to be a typical alliance of losers.

The seven traditional industrial powers of the West, except for the old United States, which can suck the blood of other countries at will, other countries are basically injured and disabled under the attrition of the proxy war in Ukraine, and have their own development problems.

In stark contrast, even Russia, which is deeply troubled by the war, has seen a very good overall development in the past two years, and other countries, including China, India, Brazil, and Middle Eastern countries, all have their own characteristics and are currently in a relatively stable and upward state.

And more importantly, due to the increasing global discourse power of Brother Long, he has long become the only real world factory in the world, so Brother Long has consciously carried out in-depth exchanges with countries such as Brazil, India, and Russia to hedge against the economic sanctions imposed on us by the United States and the West.

In this way, a benign interaction will be formed, so that the global discourse power of the BRICS platform can be more and more connected through China.

Modi will make a high-profile visit to Russia, and Putin hopes that China, Russia and India will reach a two-point strategic consensus, which is very unhappy with the United States

The BRICS platform is a relatively harmonious, fair and open platform, and the original intention of its establishment is to create a platform for the majority of developing countries to shelter from the wind and rain.

According to the information given by the Russian side, before the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, at least 35 countries have submitted applications and want to be the lucky ones for the next batch of expansion.

There's a gambling problem here!

Russia and India certainly want to continue to have a greater say in the BRICS platform, and do not want to see China's influence growing.

This is also the fundamental reason why Russia and India have been engaged in a benign interaction over the years, and they want to constrain China's development from both the north and the south.

On this point, we should also look at the problem calmly, and there is no need to be angry, because this is a normal competitive relationship between countries.

Although Russia will definitely rely more on China in the next three to five years, they will definitely have a greater tacit understanding with India in the longer 10, 50, and 100 years.

That's for sure.

Modi will make a high-profile visit to Russia, and Putin hopes that China, Russia and India will reach a two-point strategic consensus, which is very unhappy with the United States

China's goals are even more ambitious.

We disdain to engage in these palace fights, because we are sincerely promoting the Belt and Road Initiative and the community of shared future for mankind, hoping to make more friends, and have initially straightened out the markets in China, Russia, Central Asia, ASEAN, the Middle East, South America, and Africa.

At the same time, we also have to admit a reality: if we cannot effectively divide Europe, or if we cannot effectively reduce the negative impact of Russia on us, Laos and the United States will always have a big basic position, and they will definitely form a big strategic alliance with Europe, and as long as this strategic alliance exists, Laos and the United States will still maintain their strong strength for a long time.

So our next focus will definitely be on Europe, especially in the Middle East + Eastern Europe.

Modi will make a high-profile visit to Russia, and Putin hopes that China, Russia and India will reach a two-point strategic consensus, which is very unhappy with the United States

In this case, of course, we hope to be able to pull countries like Turkey and Serbia into the BRICS platform, and then radiate through the Middle East to the entire Eastern European region, and even string together with Poland and other spheres of influence that China has visited during this time, hedging against the United States and relieving strategic pressure on Russia.

In that case, our cake will be very big, and the Belt and Road Initiative will basically take shape, and then we will go down to the final stage, which will make Lao Mei quite uncomfortable, because we have advanced into their back garden.

Therefore, although Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov claimed that they would reach a consensus with China and India as soon as possible and would not admit new members to the BRICS platform this year, I personally believe that this is more the desire of India and Russia than China.

As far as we are concerned, if we want to straighten this issue straight, China, Russia, India and Pakistan, these old members of the old BRICS platform, should be respected and should do their ideological work.

It is precisely in this sense that China, Russia, and India will inevitably reach a certain strategic consensus.

Modi will make a high-profile visit to Russia, and Putin hopes that China, Russia and India will reach a two-point strategic consensus, which is very unhappy with the United States

The second is to jointly build the southern market and lead the vast number of southern countries to the dollar together to fight against the hegemony of the United States.

This point has been established since the end of the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa last year, and the focus of the work of the Jinshan platform in the next few years will be to find a way to straighten out the payment problem of the BRICS platform and build a perfect payment system that bypasses the US dollar system as soon as possible.

It is 10 times more important to attract new members to the BRICS platform, or even 1,000 times more important.

Because we all know that the reason why the United States has been coaxing all these years is that it has relied on nothing more than four points, the petrodollar system, the presence of US troops all over the world, the global media controlled by Jewish groups, and the scientific research capabilities that occupy the first-mover advantage.

And the most critical of these is the dollar system, which accounts for too much of the global trade activity, and has almost become the hard currency of the global trade activity, which allows the United States to sanction other countries at will.

Russia also suffers from it!

Modi will make a high-profile visit to Russia, and Putin hopes that China, Russia and India will reach a two-point strategic consensus, which is very unhappy with the United States

In such a situation, Russia, like China, really hopes that India can live a little bit and jointly promote the BRICS payment system with RMB as the intermediate currency for their own interests and for the long-term development of the BRICS platform.

But as we all know, Modi is also a human being, and he now sees that China and Russia are very anxious, and they use the Sino-Indian border as a condition to force us to make substantial concessions on this matter, otherwise they will never agree to use the renminbi, and it will create all kinds of trouble for Chinese companies to enter the Indian market.

What to do?

On the one hand, there is a major opportunity for the internationalization of the Chinese people's currency, and on the other hand, the core interests of the country cannot be shaken.

According to the consistent tradition of our Chinese, China and India can completely put aside their disputes, focus on the future, and there is no need to stumble on this dead knot, but the Indians just do not listen, coupled with the United States and the West's one-sided support for India to do things, India always thinks that they have a great chance of success.


Modi will make a high-profile visit to Russia, and Putin hopes that China, Russia and India will reach a two-point strategic consensus, which is very unhappy with the United States

All in all, it is understandable that each country will consider the problem from its own perspective, but the BRICS platform has entered a critical substantive stage, and there is no need to stay stuck at this point for too long.

China, Russia and India, as senior members of the old BRICS, must also make a big decision for their own bright future, and if Russian President Vladimir Putin can mediate the relationship between China and India, it can be regarded as a beautiful thing, and the United States will definitely be angry and vomit blood.

Modi will make a high-profile visit to Russia, and Putin hopes that China, Russia and India will reach a two-point strategic consensus, which is very unhappy with the United States

And if India always does not enter the oil and salt, it will be temporarily abandoned by the Belt and Road Initiative and the entire BRICS platform as a nail in the global village.

It will not be so easy for them to become human beings again, and they will inevitably struggle under the West's strategy of focusing on wool gathering.

Then we'll see.

Let's see if the third brother can turn around and change his mind.

Modi will make a high-profile visit to Russia, and Putin hopes that China, Russia and India will reach a two-point strategic consensus, which is very unhappy with the United States