
Love is simple

author:Tingting Fengdan
Love is simple

True love

It's actually quite simple

You listen to your own heartbeat


It's in your heart

Don't doubt the clutter of the red dust


You go to see the moon at midnight

Its light is not as hot as the sun

It's so tender that it makes you feel warm

Love is simple


Everything was quiet


Sprinkle around every corner

And it

No one needs to witness it

It's silent

The simplicity of true love

Love is simple


Look at that mountain in the moonlight

That temple on the high mountain

will be the whole temple

Quietly leaning into the river

Moonlight is still

The water is also still

The temple is quiet

Silently, everything fits the Buddha's chapters

Love is the heart of a Buddha

Love is the main theme of all the chapters

Love is simple


Each of our hearts is pious enough

You're going to get to the bottom of it

Love is simple

Love is silently understood

In fact

A thousand words to say

No one can tell the true meaning of love

Love is simple


I have a soft spot for Chinese characters all my life

Appreciate the 5,000-year-old civilization of China

Your strokes, every stroke

Like flowers blooming in spring, the branches and leaves shake the breeze

Pleasing to the eye, smart and beautiful

Travel back in time in Chinese characters

Listen to the words of the ancient sages,

5,000 years of civilization and wisdom

Make friends in kanji

Journey up and down the tunnel of time

Meet the soul of tacit understanding

Bloom interprets the meaning and beauty of life

In the red world

There are too many fates in a lifetime

It's hard to meet

You haven't seen me

I haven't seen you

And there is a beautiful encounter

It's in the Chinese characters


There is a warmth

There's a sweetness

Meet each other in kanji

Hand in hand for a life encounter

Enjoy a beautiful life

Love is simple

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