
Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

author:Rain falls on the riverside

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Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path
The content of this article has reliable sources of information, and relevant sources are added at the end of the article


"Welcome to the Walk of Fame." I haven't heard this sentence for many years, and I don't think I will hear it in the future. Bi Fujian, represented by this sentence, is also difficult to appear on the TV screen again.

From the shocking "CCTV first brother" to disappearing from the screen, it has only been a few years, and now he has been banned for nearly ten years, what kind of life is he living?

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path


To say that the previous Bi Fujian is also a good young man, he was born in Dalian in 1959 and ranks sixth in the family.

When I was a child, the family situation was not good, my mother had been suffering from bronchitis, and my eldest brother was polio, and the whole family was crushed by these two things.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

But Bi Fujian is born with a lively temperament, and his brain is still smart, so he went to learn from others to play erhu, play the flute and gourd silk.

Even the most popular Yangge in the Northeast at that time, he also twisted it decently, and later due to various circumstances, he went to the army to become a soldier.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

At that time, he was a literary and artistic soldier in the Admiralty, and at the age of 26, he did not return to Dalian again until he changed careers, and he still had a dream of being a soldier at that time, and the target college was the Dalian Flagship College of the Navy.

However, the burden of the family weighed on him, and the situation of his eldest brother and mother was not optimistic, and there was no spare money for him to go to this university.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

In desperation, he had to give up this dream, thinking about going with the flow and waiting for the organization to assign him a job, but he didn't expect things to change.

Beijing Broadcasting Institute began to recruit students, and Bi Fujian, who was wandering on the street, just saw this notice, perhaps it was also an omen in the dark, and he got up in a daze.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

At that time, his friend also followed him and saw his desire, and also knew that he had no money, so he took the initiative to take out the 4 yuan registration fee.

Bi Fujian also lived up to expectations, emerged in this interview scene, and directly won the first place and was successfully admitted to the directing major of Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

Since then, he has started a new life path, and after graduating from college for 4 years, Bi Fujian was hired by CCTV early because of his excellent grades.

and directly became the director of the Ministry of Literature and Art, and the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" we saw before was the one he participated in filming, and it was also his debut film.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

received a very good response and slowly accumulated some fame and experience for him, but with his temperament, he is absolutely not satisfied with the status quo.

So later, he signed a life and death contract with a related company to go to the North Pole and became a member of the Arctic scientific expedition.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

took the position of cameraman, and within the scope of the Chinese host at that time, he could be regarded as the first person with such courage, it was the North Pole, and he would die if he was not careful.

But he just went, maybe the opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, especially this kind of person who dares to challenge himself, will always be favored by the god of fate.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

Bi Fujian, who had just finished filming in the North Pole, was directly appointed by CCTV as the producer of Dream Theater, but a problem suddenly arose when filming was approaching.

Without a host, the leader set his sights on Bi Fujian, a young man who dared to think and do, and was ready to let him challenge himself and give it a try.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

Who knew that he directly opened up a new path for Bi Fujian, and he successfully walked from the back of the stage to the front of the stage and became a special host.

Obviously has a simple face, but the words he says are humorous and calm, this sense of contrast and approachability, let him quickly hit his own popularity.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

Therefore, when the show Avenue of Stars appeared later, the leader directly recommended Bi Fujian to try it in the past without much thought.

Facts have proved that his decision is relatively correct, and the ratings of this show have risen again and again because of Bi Fujian's existence, until it has become a variety show known to people all over the country.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

The phrase welcome to the Avenue of Stars, as soon as I heard it, it was 10 years, and in the past 10 years, the status of the Avenue of Stars has risen, and the fame of Bi Fujian has also risen again and again.

When a person's life seems to be smooth sailing everywhere, then it proves that this person may encounter some great calamities.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

【Drunken gaffe】

Everything seems to have an omen, and in one of the episodes of the Avenue of Stars, several amateurs brought a sketch.

Bi Fujian put on a robe in that sketch, and wore a nondescript apple rosary around his neck, and sang that Fahai, who had been banned at the time, did not understand love.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

Bi Fujian's behavior directly aroused the dissatisfaction of the Buddhists, and many believers spontaneously gathered on the TV station to demand that the show be dropped.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

Due to Bi Fujian's disrespectful behavior of ghosts and gods, his reputation in the hearts of fans has also declined, and his status has been shaken since this moment.

During the time when Bi Fujian was most famous, I don't know who came to the wind and knew that he liked some calligraphy and painting, and he was also quite accomplished on this road.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

My level of appreciation is not very high, and it is difficult to evaluate, but there are indeed many people who are touting his words, and many people are spending a lot of money to ask for a pair of ink treasures.

There is even a billiards star athlete who asks him for works, and this star athlete has always had the title of nine-ball diva.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

So Bi Fujian wrote 4 words "Nine-Ball Queen", but he didn't expect a big oolong to be made here, which was to show off his literary talents, thinking that all of them would use traditional characters.

Who knew that the 4 words of traditional Chinese characters were wrong, and this calligraphy master directly became illiterate, and this slap in the face was also powerful enough.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

At this point, those who were not used to him began to use this incident to ridicule and criticize him in the media, which had a slight impact on his reputation, but it was not big.

But for him, it wasn't these external factors that really ruined him, or because of himself, that he forgot that the most important thing about being a public figure is to be careful in what he says and does.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

Perhaps it was the feeling of being hugged by the front and back for many years that made him forget the path he had insisted on in his heart.

Bi Fujian, who was in the middle of his fame, became more and more impetuous, and he began to expose this frequently in some public places, and things finally reached its peak in a drinking party.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

At first, it was just an ordinary dinner party, but the bad thing was that he drank too much at the drinking party and said something inappropriate.

And it was also left with images. This matter quickly began to ferment, causing dissatisfaction among the superiors, and all the positions of the B service store were removed.

But it was indeed a mistake, and this matter was absolutely impossible to erase with a drunken gaffe, so a generation of Tianjiao fell off the altar.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path


During this time, some netizens posted on the Internet that they saw Bi Fujian appear in Hong Kong, but he is no longer the kind of guest who is invited.

Rather, he was presenting an opening event for a school specializing in the arts, which seemed very shabby.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

I think the funds should not be very sufficient, because the conditions are indeed average, and the occasions that Bi Fujian presided over before are simply heaven and earth.

Some people also found traces of Bi Fujian at some wedding scenes, and it seems that he began to copy his old business again and was the host at various events.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

Someone swiped it on the Internet before, as if Bi Fujian was selling his own calligraphy and paintings, but I don't know why its price is higher than others'.

Of course, you have someone to cheer you on, it's nothing more than some of his previous fans or something, and he is willing to spend money to buy this commemoration, after all, this is his idol.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

In fact, what shocked me the most was that Bi Fujian said by netizens that he could even open three rounds of back-and-forth soliciting customers as an amateur business.

Is it true that there is such a lack of money? You must know that his pension has reached 7,000, 7,000 yuan, plus business activities from time to time, can't he wrap up his daily life?

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

If that's the case, how can those who have a pension of a few hundred or 2,000 yuan live? has been so many years, from CCTV celebrity to nameless host.

This kind of change still brings a certain warning to people, that is, no matter what time it is, caution and caution are king, and he must have a deep understanding of this.

There is only one canoe left on the Avenue of Stars now, and few people can afford such a drop, and it is really embarrassing that things are in this situation.

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path
Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path

Information sources:

The CPPCC Network ———— Bi Fujian was convicted of violating discipline, and the Discipline Inspection Commission of the CCTV organ will deal with it seriously

Maoyan Entertainment——— Bi Fujian's recent photos were exposed, and he dressed up at the birthday banquet and sang in a low-key manner, and he was in a good state on June 1st

Baidu Encyclopedia ———— Bi Fu sword humiliation incident

Review of ———— Characters of China Youth Network: Bi Fujian: Gaffes are on the table

Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path
Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path
Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path
Facts have proved that "Grandpa Bi", who "disappeared", has embarked on another single-plank path