
150,000 to 9.7 million, always keep in mind a move "3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 are tigers"

author:Strand in jade

A small story of trading, with a big truth:

In the primeval forest, tall and tall trees grow everywhere, such as the oval leaf Nanmu, the catalpa tree with opposite leaves, the camphor tree that can repel insects, and the oak tree that can be used as a dye. They are intimidating.

There is a kind of spirit ape that is good at flying and jumping, living in this primeval forest, just like a fish in water. You see, they climb lightly and nimbly from one tree to another, leaping up and down, and occasionally grabbing a vine and swinging to the branch of another large tree for a rest. They frolic in the big forest, are at ease, and their spirits are vivid, so not majestic, just like the kings in the deep mountains and old forests, no one can help it. Because their bodies are very dexterous and their whereabouts are uncertain, even sharpshooters like Hou Yi and Feng Meng may not be able to aim at it.

However, if the apes were driven to live in a thorny bush, it would be a different story. There are thorny trees, thorny jujubes, and citrus trees with a sour and bitter taste. In these thorny bushes, the spirit apes no longer dare to move, they have no trees to climb and no branches to jump, and their ability to leap cannot be displayed. Therefore, they can cautiously look around the forest, look left and right, crawl tremblingly, and tremble with nervousness, so that they are not terrified!

Why is it that the same group of spirit apes behaves so differently in the arbor forest and in the bushes? This is not due to some sudden illness in the ape's muscles and bones, but only because of the environment in which it later lived, so that it could not fully exert its ability to climb and leap!

The embarrassment of the spirit ape shows that in addition to subjective efforts, the objective environment is also essential and sometimes even plays a decisive role in whether any kind of skill can be fully displayed. It can be seen from this that in the era of respecting knowledge and talent, it is very important to create a relaxed and harmonious objective environment so that all kinds of talents can give full play to their wisdom and talents.

Techniques and methods should be applied flexibly according to specific conditions.

150,000 to 9.7 million, always keep in mind a move "3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 are tigers"

The A-share market represents the "four figures" of earnings

1. 20% - the best take-profit point

20%, the best take-profit point for stock trading. In the stock market, there is no winning general, and it is inevitable to be trapped and lose money, and at the same time, it is necessary to realize that it is not possible for all stocks to keep rising. According to a statistic, 70.8% of the current shareholders are a "greedy" word, from a profit to a loss, from a small loss to a big loss. Therefore, it is recommended that investors should set a take-profit point when buying stocks, and resolutely sell stocks after the stock price rises by 20%, and many senior investors on Wall Street are still insisting on this ratio. The other is the stop loss point, which is 7%-8% lower than the purchase price.

2. 50% - the golden ratio of holdings

50%, that is, 50% of the position of the stock and 50% of the position of the capital, which is convenient for investors to formulate different position control strategies according to their own operating style. The so-called position ratio is the proportion of the market value of the position to the total amount of the entire fund, but this ratio is dynamic. For example, if an investor's initial capital is 100,000 yuan and he buys stocks with 50,000 yuan, the position ratio is 50%; Although with the rise of the stock price, the total assets and the market value of the stock will continue to change, for example, if the stock price rises by 20%, the total assets will be 110,000 yuan, and the market value of the stock will increase to 60,000 yuan, and the position ratio will become 54.5%, but the golden ratio of 50% of the position at the beginning of the market should still be remembered.

3. 60% - judgment of low price circle

60%, a judgment ratio of the low-price circle, refers to the stock price relative to the previous high, and the decline of individual stocks of more than 60% can be regarded as the low-price circle. When the stock price rises first and the volume ratio is high, and the stock price is in the low price circle, it means that the main force intends to raise the stock price, and the risk of shareholders participating is small. On the contrary, if you buy those high-priced stocks at this time, it is very risky and there are many traps. Therefore, shareholders can refer to the ratio of "60%, low price circle judgment", which can basically avoid the tragedy of blindly chasing individual stocks and being trapped, so as to improve the efficiency of capital utilization.

4. 721 - The "Curse" of the Stock Market

721 is the stock market curse often talked about by investors, "seven losses, two draws and one win", which is the probability of making a profit in the stock market, which means that 90% of shareholders are losing money. If investors want to break this curse, financial planners say that the key is for investors to change their investment concepts and change the wrong concept of getting rich overnight. The stock market is not a casino, but a university question, which is related to macroeconomics, policy sensitivity, psychology, stock market technology, comprehensive quality, etc. It's not just luck, but there's no attitude to learn. Therefore, at the beginning of entering the market, we should understand this point and pay attention to the rational allocation of assets, on the one hand, you can participate in some stable investments such as Yisheng Yueying with an annual income of about 10%, which can ensure a stable source of income; On the other hand, participating in high-risk investments such as stocks and futures can obtain higher returns, diversify investments, and maximize returns.

How to operate the stock trading method - 3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 vertical are tigers

What does "3 to 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 vertical are tigers"? It is the target stock selected by the investor, if the opening rushes to 3 to 5 points, the average price line keeps up, when the stock price is slightly adjusted, and then pulled up by the big buy order and then goes up a step of more than 8 points, and then put it down and between 7 and 8 points there is a sideways change of hands, at this time the average price line is not broken, and the trading volume is in a stable and balanced state, forming a horizontal and vertical trend. Once this trend is formed, it will inevitably be supported by the strength of the price limit.

150,000 to 9.7 million, always keep in mind a move "3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 are tigers"

What is the operation skill of "opening 3 to 5, horizontal 7 vertical 8 is a tiger"? The details are as follows.

First: the stock price must open at 3 to 5 points.

Why does the stock price have to open at 3 to 5 pips? Because if there are less than 3 points, it means that the strength is not enough, but if there are more than 5 points, it means that the pull is too strong, and the main force is suspected of pulling up the shipment. Therefore, it is safest for the stock price to open at 3 to 5 points.

Second: After the stock price is on a higher level, it must be stable and change hands in the area of 7~8 points.

Why? This is because if it is lower than 7~8 points, it means that the desire to push up is not strong, and it may not be able to impact the price limit later. If it is more than in the 7~8 points around the pause to do a direct impact on the price limit, although it looks very strong, but in fact there is a false, do not rule out that the main force is a lure behavior.

Third: we must understand the importance of "horizontal 7 vertical 8".

The significance of "horizontal 7 vertical 8" is that the main force wants to conduct a test before the price limit in this area. From the psychology of investors, the first day to buy the stock has been profitable on the 3~5 point step, short-term investors in order to capture new targets will throw chips in this area, as the sideways continues, some timid investors will also have the urge to sell, but they also want to see if they can be thrown at a higher position. As the stock price rises to a new level, this part of the quasi-sellers has increased the impulse to sell.

At present, how to decide the timing of stock selection and trading of A-shares?

The following is to share with you the general outline of the stock market map, K-line, moving average basis, tangent, indicator analysis, stock selection methods, plate rotation and various scams in the stock market, I hope to give you a stock knowledge combing, I hope that stockholders can find a suitable method for themselves and want to learn.

1. General outline of stock market mapping

150,000 to 9.7 million, always keep in mind a move "3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 are tigers"

2. K-line foundation

150,000 to 9.7 million, always keep in mind a move "3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 are tigers"

3. Moving average basis

150,000 to 9.7 million, always keep in mind a move "3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 are tigers"

4. Tangent foundation

150,000 to 9.7 million, always keep in mind a move "3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 are tigers"

5. Indicator analysis

150,000 to 9.7 million, always keep in mind a move "3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 are tigers"

6. Statistical analysis

150,000 to 9.7 million, always keep in mind a move "3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 are tigers"

7. Stock selection method

150,000 to 9.7 million, always keep in mind a move "3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 are tigers"

8. Plate rotation

150,000 to 9.7 million, always keep in mind a move "3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 are tigers"

9. All kinds of scams in the stock market

150,000 to 9.7 million, always keep in mind a move "3 and 5 at the opening, 7 horizontal and 8 are tigers"

(Note: The map is compressed here, if you can't see clearly, you can ask me for high-definition pictures)

Stock trading experience

Patience is also the virtue of trading, as if when the tiger catches food, it is also quietly approaching the food, waiting for the best time to catch, in fact, we are the same in the stock market, we need to wait for a good time to choose the opportunity to move;

If you don't wait, then you'd rather wait and see, don't move, the most tragic thing about stock speculation is that the time has come, but the principal is gone, and it is nonsense to want to return to the capital at this time.

The experience in the stock market is a lesson of gains and losses will be deeply experienced, everyone's experience seems to be ninety-nine-eighty-one difficult, there is always a difficulty that cannot be crossed, any technical analysis is reasonable;

In the end, it is summed up by others, and no matter how inspirational the story is, it is also a journey that others have traveled.

The personal style is different, the scale of funds is different, and the shareholding cycle is different, so the methods and methods of the predecessors can only be used for reference, and they cannot blindly copy the homework, because in the end they can only rely on themselves.

The above is a summary of my 16 years of practical experience and technology in stock trading, not necessarily applicable to everyone, everyone needs to use the summary in combination with their own practice, as a trader, the most terrible thing is not that you have technical problems, but that your cognition is not enough, and you fall into these trading traps but do not know it! There is no such thing as an invincible trading system, only people who are invincible in using a trading system! This is the truth, the trading system will eventually return to people!

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