
Not reconciled, Fatah released the Chinese pigeons

author:Wenchang talks every day

Not long ago, news came out that the Hamas and Fatah regimes in Palestine will hold a second round of reconciliation talks in China. In the context of Israel's continued attacks on Gaza and the extremely severe humanitarian catastrophe facing the people of Gaza, there is an urgent need for unity within Palestine. However, according to recent Reuters news, Palestinian officials of various factions revealed that the talks between Hamas and Fatah in China, which were originally scheduled for this month, have been postponed indefinitely. Because of the deep divisions between the factions, analysts do not expect much reconciliation between the two factions. The decision to postpone the reconciliation talks was made by Fatah, who refused to participate in the peace talks without any reason, even though China had made serious preparations for the talks. Hamas also accused Fatah of postponing the talks, which shows that Hamas is actively seeking reconciliation, but Fatah is unwilling and released the Chinese pigeon.

Not reconciled, Fatah released the Chinese pigeons

First of all, the political views of the two sides are completely different, and Hamas, as the leading armed force in the Gaza Strip, has long been on the front line of confrontation with Israel, and its position is relatively radical. And the Fatah regime in the West Bank, also known as the Palestine Liberation Organization, led the Palestinian resistance to Israel in the 60s of the last century, demanding that the Israelis be driven out by armed struggle. But after 1988, Fatah changed his tactics and has been advocating dialogue and reconciliation with Israel until now, and his backbone has been broken. In the 2006 Palestinian elections, Hamas won the popular election, but Fatah did not recognize it, and then Hamas went to Gaza, while Fatah was in the West Bank. The question of Palestine is very complicated, and the contradictions between the two factions are also very difficult to resolve. But now that the enemy is in the present, infighting continues within Palestine.

Not reconciled, Fatah released the Chinese pigeons

Fatah's sudden reluctance to negotiate reconciliation also has a lot to do with the situation in Gaza. The last round of negotiations coincided with Israel's killing spree in Rafah, and Fatah was naturally worried that Israel would reach the West Bank. But in just a few months, the tide was turned. Israeli ground forces have been slow to take Gaza and have suffered heavy losses. In Lebanon, to the north, Israel has continued to strike at targets inside Israel, recently sanctioning a ground military operation against Lebanon, with some weapons already deployed to the Lebanese border, and the United States announcing aircraft carriers to participate in the operation. If Israel's energies were to shift to Lebanon, the Palestinians would be able to breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. Moreover, Allah is not of the same magnitude as Hamas, and Israel may really fold in Lebanon. So Fatah is in no hurry to negotiate reconciliation at this time, completely ignoring the tragic humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, and ignoring the Israeli settlers and military police doing whatever they want in the West Bank, where they have continued to detain Palestinians and tear down Palestinian houses with excavators by illegal Israeli settlers. The territory of the Palestinian country is about to be swallowed up, how long can Fatah maintain this false "peace"? This time it's Gaza, and next time it's the West Bank, don't you understand the truth that your lips are dead and your teeth are cold? The Palestinian people are suffering, and their suffering still does not evoke unity. Internally, it is difficult to expect the Arab world to be united externally, no wonder it has been pressed to the ground by Israel for so many years, but any unity does not end at all.

Not reconciled, Fatah released the Chinese pigeons

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