
Science Center Closure Event Heats Up! Toronto Chinese-American parliamentarians personally "demolished the wall" to protest!

author:The Great Wave of Cities

Science Center Closure Event Heats Up! Toronto Chinese-American parliamentarians personally "demolished the wall" to protest! Urge the closure decision to be reversed

Just as opposition parties were urging the Ontario government to revoke the Ontario Science Centre's closure order, Toronto NDP MP Kristyn Wong-Tam decided to go to the site and remove a fence outside the centre.

Science Center Closure Event Heats Up! Toronto Chinese-American parliamentarians personally "demolished the wall" to protest!
Science Center Closure Event Heats Up! Toronto Chinese-American parliamentarians personally "demolished the wall" to protest!

Source: CityNews

After a press conference at Don Mills, Wong and others removed some of the fences around the Ontario Science Centre.

Science Center Closure Event Heats Up! Toronto Chinese-American parliamentarians personally "demolished the wall" to protest!

Source: CityNews

A police officer quickly stepped forward to stop him, and Wong said, "I don't think people are going to be blocked out because of the fence." It's a very important community...... It's not fair to them. ”

Science Center Closure Event Heats Up! Toronto Chinese-American parliamentarians personally "demolished the wall" to protest!

Source: CityNews

NDP leader Marit Stiles said on Thursday (June 27) that they will continue to pressure the government to reverse the decision to close the Ontario Science Centre.

"We're going to work with the community to show Governor Ford that he can't shirk his responsibilities and let him know that it can't be closed at this time."

She added that Ontarians have the right and voice to decide what to do with the iconic building.

Stiles continued, "Closing it was a politically motivated decision by the Ontario government, and if public institutions and infrastructure hadn't been neglected before, it would have been much better now if we had invested in making sure they were properly maintained and repaired." ”

Stiles says the support for the building speaks to how special it is and how important the staff here are.

Liberal leader Bonnie Crombie has vowed that if elected, she will investigate Doug Ford's "behind-the-scenes dealings."

These include the abrupt closure of the Ontario Science Centre, the lease of a 95-year lease at Ontario Place to a foreign spa company, the relocation of ServiceOntario's location into a retail store for convenience, a Greenbelt land swap dispute, and taxpayer money being used in beer shops to speed up liquor sales at corner shops.

Science Center Closure Event Heats Up! Toronto Chinese-American parliamentarians personally "demolished the wall" to protest!

Source: CityNews

Speaking to the media, Comberry said: "No government has ever spent so much money and achieved so little. Doug Ford can't be trusted to run you with money. ”

According to reports, the roof of the building, which is more than 50 years old, may be damaged due to snow accumulation this winter.

However, some politicians and community groups have urged the government to fix the roof instead of shutting down the entire science center.

The Ontario Science Centre closed abruptly last week after engineers discovered structural problems with the roof.

(Review: Burst!) Toronto's Ontario Science Museum is closed urgently and indefinitely! There is a danger of the roof collapsing)

The original architect of the building said that the report made it clear that the closure of the building was not necessary.

Science Center Closure Event Heats Up! Toronto Chinese-American parliamentarians personally "demolished the wall" to protest!

Source: CityNews

OPSEU, the union representing 350 employees at Ontario Science Centres, announced earlier this week that it has received more than 50 layoff notices for food service employees. The president of OPSEU said the union would oppose the closure of the center.

Currently, the provincial government is looking for a temporary office location for the Science Center, which will be built at Ontario Place.

Ontario's Department of Infrastructure issued a "Request for Proposals" on Wednesday, inviting interested parties to bid. The Ford administration wanted to quickly find 50,000 to 100,000 square feet of retail/commercial space as a temporary office location for the Science Center.