
129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

author:Zhai Xiaohan

Since the beginning of the First Opium War.

The land of China has ushered in a long dark years of colonization and oppression by foreign invasion.

In order to restore the clarity of the sky and the earth, countless people with lofty ideals have come forward.

Among them, our Communist Party led a contingent called the "Red Army".

In the beginning of the salvation of the family and the country,

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

These contingents are the most senior and veteran revolutionary units of our party.

At the same time, also in the late stages of the revolution.

Cultivate the revolutionary contingent and plant the thickest and most solid soil for the cultivation of new forces.

And today,

This unit has gone through countless wars, large and small, and the team will be star-studded.

A number of future founding generals of New China and even the future leaders of the country have also served in this army.

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

This unit is the legendary 129th Division.

At the same time, it was also the original Fourth Front Army of the Red Army, the main force of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region during the Liberation War, and the Second Field Army after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The history of the legendary 129th Division

The 129th Division is a veteran team with the longest revolutionary history in the party.

At the same time, it was also a major force in our party's troops during the Anti-Japanese War.

This army is full of talents, and the stars will shine.

At the first award ceremony after the founding of the mainland.

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

And this number directly accounts for one-third of the number of generals and above.


Then in 1930, under the strong influence of the party leader's policy of "encircling the city from the countryside".

More often than not, the revolutionary forces that came from the rural environment, quickly woke up.

The ranks of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army were born and developed one after another.

The Fourth Front Army of the Red Army, the predecessor of the 129th Division, was also successfully formed during this period.

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

The Fourth Front of the Red Army was in second place in the overall army combat sequence.

It is the key force after the Central Red Army, the political head.

The Red Fourth Army had a total of 5 military headquarters.

After the successful rendezvous, further adjustments were made according to the situation of the battle.

In 1937, after the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began, the Red Army was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army.

These two teams were merged with the Red 29th Army, which was also stationed in the base area, to form the 129th Division.

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

Since then, the performance of the 129th Division in the Hubei, Henan, Anhui, and Soviet theaters has been quite active.

During the Anti-Japanese War.

The 129th Division became more and more courageous, and at its peak, it had a full 30,000 troops.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, 1

129th Division, 1st Army, 2 Marshals

The 129th Division has produced countless outstanding generals.

First of all, I would like to introduce to you the first division commander who led the 129th Division, the founding marshal of New China - Liu Shuai and Liu Bocheng.

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

Liu Shuai was one of the first pioneers on the mainland to devote himself to the revolutionary cause.

He was also one of the first batch of veteran comrades who had joined the Communist Party organization and had been tested for a long time.

In the Northern Expedition, the Nanchang Uprising, the Land Reform, the Long March, the Anti-Japanese War, and the War of Liberation, Liu Shuai can be seen commanding operations on the front line and fighting against the enemy.

And it's worth mentioning.

In the early days of the formation of the 129th Division, Liu Shuai served as the leader of the troops.

The political commissar of the 129th Division, who jointly supported the entire army and gave it a great boost in terms of political quality.

is the central figure of the second generation of the mainland's leadership core - Deng Gong.

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

And then there is the deputy commander of the 129th Division.

Same as Liu Shuai,

As mentioned above, after the Red Army's four major fronts met in northern Shaanxi, the Red Army's Fourth Front Army was divided into two units.

As a unit of the predecessor of the 129th Division, it was stationed at the base area.

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

But it is a pity that the Western Route Army is fighting alone.

Because of many problems, the Western Route Army did not make much contribution.

But even so, Xu Shuai's strong personal ability during the battle was still recognized by the organization, and he still has great trust in him.

Facts have also fully proved that the organization's trust and recognition of Xu Shuai is not blind.

After the start of the Anti-Japanese War, Xu Shuai rushed to Shandong.

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

And statistically.

Xu Shuai was also the officer who commanded the largest number of combat personnel during the entire War of Resistance Against Japan.

The two brigade headquarters of the 129th Division

When the 129th Division was first formed, it had two brigade headquarters.

The brigade commanders who led the two brigade headquarters were also awarded the rank of general at the award ceremony after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

——Wang Hongkun, commander of the 129th Brigade of the 385th Division, was awarded the rank of general.

Chen Geng, commander of the 129th Brigade of the 385th Division, was awarded the rank of general.

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

General Wang Hongkun was the commander of the Red Fourth Army.

Command includes dozens of major battles within the famous Battle of Mountain Castle.

He has made great contributions to the stable establishment and development of the revolutionary base areas in northern Shaanxi.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, General Wang Hongkun led his troops to resist the Japanese invaders in Shanxi.

In the southern plains of the motherland, we fought guerrilla warfare with the enemy, ensuring the safe and sustained development of the local base areas.

During the War of Liberation,

He has made great contributions to the cause of the liberation of the motherland.

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

And Chen Geng, the former brigade commander of the 129th Brigade of the 385th Division.

It is also a rare military talent within our army.

After returning to Japan, I will cherish the technical talent.

Under the direct leadership of Zhou Gong, he was in charge of the work of our party's special intelligence section.

After that, he also experienced countless wars, large and small.

In 1937, Chen Geng, as the commander of the 386 Brigade, led the troops to the southeast of Shanxi Province to fight against the Japanese invaders.

His outstanding military talent and military literacy have been vividly displayed on the battlefield.

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

Let the Japanese invaders suffer enough.

It can be seen from this that General Chen Geng is superb in commanding the battle.

The original 129 division is full of talents and will gather stars.

In addition to the above four, there is also General Wang Shusheng, who is Liu Shuai's right-hand man.

He provoked the anti-Japanese task of the Henan Military Region with one person and one shoulder, and was awarded the rank of general after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

129 division, how good is it? Will the stars be like clouds

There are also General Song Renqiang, deputy director of the Political Department of the 129th Division, and General Li Da, the leader of the General Staff Office.

They are all political and military talents from the 129th Division.

The pearl of the times always emerges in the waves of history.

As the first Red Army Front Army and the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army to appear on the road of armed revolution.

Although the number is compiled, it has long been abandoned and discontinued.

But its profound spirit and story will still be circulated and iterative, and will always shine.