
Britain is dead, Hong Kong judges, when will they be able to remove the "instant noodles" from their heads?

author:Zhai Xiaohan

Hong Kong is the Pearl of the Orient in our minds.

However, the fate of the mainland is the same.

Due to the Qing government's crushing defeat in the Opium Wars, Hong Kong was ceded to the British.

From then until the return of Hong Kong in 1997,

Britain is dead, Hong Kong judges, when will they be able to remove the "instant noodles" from their heads?

During this period, Hong Kong was briefly occupied by Japan due to the outbreak of the Pearl Harbor attack.

That time in 1997, if it weren't for Deng Gong's composure.

saw through and thwarted the British plot, but I was afraid that the British would still rely on it.

However, the British colonial mentality still invaded all aspects of Hong Kong society.

Traces of the British

Nowadays, whether it is in reality or when watching Hong Kong dramas.

We can all see the hoods of Hong Kong judges,

Britain is dead, Hong Kong judges, when will they be able to remove the "instant noodles" from their heads?

According to the Chinese side's arrangements for Hong Kong's return to the motherland.

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) implements a high degree of autonomy.

So, does it mean that during this period, we can't move anything in Hong Kong?

Of course not!

Despite the fact that it is highly autonomous.

But in essence, it is still a local government under the jurisdiction of the central government.

Deng Gong made it clear,

In fact, as Hong Kong society's identity with the country has gradually deepened.

Hong Kong citizens are also discussing these "tails" of colonialism.

Some people find the outfit bluffing and gives it a sense of familiarity;

And for some young people who have embraced new ideas, this kind of tail is really undesirable.

Britain is dead, Hong Kong judges, when will they be able to remove the "instant noodles" from their heads?

In fact, at the very beginning, the situation in Hong Kong had not yet reached the point where it had to be changed.

However, some farces have forced Hong Kong's Legislative Council and the central government, which supports the SAR government's administration according to law, to take action.

In this draft.

The proposer stated:

The controversial "instant noodle hood" is also among them.

Social reasons

In addition to the consideration of the "decolonization" of Hong Kong.

In fact, there is another layer of consideration for the judge's hood.

Britain is dead, Hong Kong judges, when will they be able to remove the "instant noodles" from their heads?

According to the relevant information.

The tradition of wearing wigs first appeared in Europe in the 16th century.

In other words, this is a "foreign product".

In order to go out and meet people, they began to use wigs to cover their bald heads.

Over time, this custom gradually spread among the upper classes of society and gradually spread to the whole society.

The legal profession is certainly no exception.

However, with the passage of time and the development of society.

Britain is dead, Hong Kong judges, when will they be able to remove the "instant noodles" from their heads?

For the Chinese, this hood is even more a symbol of shame.

In modern society, the image of judges and lawyers pays more attention to professionalism and formality.

Therefore, after Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the SAR government has been trying to change this phenomenon by amending the law.

However, due to various circumstances.

In fact, progress has been slow.

In 2007, the Hong Kong SAR government announced adjustments to the rules for judges to wear wigs.

Britain is dead, Hong Kong judges, when will they be able to remove the "instant noodles" from their heads?

According to the new provisions, except in criminal cases.

In fact, this in itself illustrates a serious problem:

Hong Kong, whose sovereignty has been returned to China.

At the level of the courts, the army and the police, the British system is still retained, and some customs are even followed.

Britain is dead, Hong Kong judges, when will they be able to remove the "instant noodles" from their heads?

比较著名的就是那一句:yes sir!

July 2022.

The actions of the SAR Government have been universally understood by genuinely patriotic Hong Kong citizens, who say that Hong Kong is an integral part of China.

Although based on traditional factors, some traces of the UK cannot be completely removed.

Britain is dead, Hong Kong judges, when will they be able to remove the "instant noodles" from their heads?

However, more and more Chinese factors!

However, at that time, the problem remained.

Before the National People's Congress gave a clear interpretation of Hong Kong law.

More specifically, before the introduction of the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, Hong Kong society was in turmoil.

At the instigation of Western countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, some people have frequently challenged the spirit of the rule of law in Hong Kong, dismissed the Hong Kong court's injunctions as nothing, and even called for external forces to intervene.

The people of Hong Kong have gradually accepted and recognized this change.

It is believed that this is a manifestation of the progress of the times.

Of course, for some people, they are somewhat reluctant.

The wig worn by judges is still a traditional symbol and cultural heritage.

Britain is dead, Hong Kong judges, when will they be able to remove the "instant noodles" from their heads?

To put it bluntly, it is obsessed with the so-called "Lion Rock Spirit".

It is impossible to face up to the objective reality of the development of the mainland, and it is even more difficult to endure the fact that Hong Kong's economy is gradually being surpassed by mainland cities!

In fact, if you have such a mentality, why is it not just Hong Kong people?

After World War II.

The British Empire, once a second-rate country, was completely reduced to a second-rate country.

Secretly plotting the independence of the colony, Hong Kong also returned to the embrace of the motherland with the rise of Chinese mainland.

Everyone must remember.

At the handover ceremony of Hong Kong, Crown Prince Charles, who is now Charles III, shed tears.

Britain is dead, Hong Kong judges, when will they be able to remove the "instant noodles" from their heads?

It has been 27 years since Hong Kong returned to the motherland.

Over the past 27 years, Hong Kong society has undergone tremendous changes and development.

We believe that in the days to come, Hong Kong society will continue to maintain its unique charm and vitality and make greater contributions to the prosperity and development of the motherland.

Britain is dead, Hong Kong judges, when will they be able to remove the "instant noodles" from their heads?

Hong Kong is China's Hong Kong, which has been restored to its former glory under the protection of the motherland.

Moreover, with more and more policies that favor Hong Kong compatriots.

The future of the Pearl of the Orient will definitely be even better.

Investment, we welcome.

Provocation will be met head-on!

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