
Frequent throat problems? Watch my journey to post-COVID chronic pharyngitis treatment

author:Hot-blooded doctors talk about popular science

The ravages of the new crown epidemic have not only brought us a short-term health crisis, but also inadvertently left many long-term sequelae. As a COVID survivor, I have experienced first-hand the problems ranging from acute viral infections to chronic pharyngitis. Today, I would like to share with you my journey of therapy and hope to provide some help and advice to those who have had similar experiences to me.

Frequent throat problems? Watch my journey to post-COVID chronic pharyngitis treatment

1. From new crown infection to chronic pharyngitis

At the beginning of 2023, I unfortunately contracted the coronavirus. Although he eventually recovered, the throat discomfort caused by the new crown has lingered. At first, I just felt a dry throat and mild pain with coughs and colds, but as time went on, the symptoms became more frequent and severe.

Symptom review

  • Dry throat: When I first recovered, I often felt dry throat and needed to drink water to moisten my throat, but this condition did not improve over time, but only got worse.
  • Sore throat: Whenever the seasons change or the weather gets colder, my throat starts to ache, especially in the morning and evening, when the pain is especially noticeable.
  • Persistent cough: Along with throat discomfort, I often have a persistent dry cough, which sometimes even interferes with my sleep and daily life.
  • Hoarseness: My voice started to become hoarse due to frequent coughing and sore throat, and sometimes I had difficulty speaking.
Frequent throat problems? Watch my journey to post-COVID chronic pharyngitis treatment

2. Consultation and diagnosis

The persistent symptoms forced me to go to the hospital for a check-up. After a detailed physical examination and laryngoscopy, the doctor finally diagnosed chronic pharyngitis. The doctor explained that the coronavirus may have caused long-term damage to my airways and throat, and my own weak constitution led to the occurrence of chronic pharyngitis.

3. Treatment and management

After learning about my condition, I began a long road of treatment and recovery.

drug therapy

  • Anti-inflammatory medications: The doctor prescribed me some anti-inflammatory medications to help reduce inflammation and pain in my throat.
  • Cough medications: To relieve a persistent dry cough, doctors recommend some over-the-counter cough syrups and pills.

Lifestyle adjustments

  • Keep it moist: I have placed a humidifier in my room, especially during the dry season, keeping the air moist is very effective in relieving a dry throat.
  • Diet: I started to pay attention to my diet, eat more light, vitamin-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits, honey water, etc., and avoid spicy and irritating foods.
  • Drink plenty of water: Drinking enough water every day to keep your body hydrated can go a long way in soothing throat discomfort.


  • Nebulization Treatment: On the advice of my doctor, I tried several nebulization treatments to inhale medication through a nebulizer to reduce inflammation and discomfort in my throat.
  • Warm Compress Therapy: Apply a warm towel to your throat every night to help relieve pain and improve circulation.
Frequent throat problems? Watch my journey to post-COVID chronic pharyngitis treatment

4. Prevention and recommendations for chronic pharyngitis

After a period of treatment and adjustment, my symptoms have been significantly relieved. Looking back on this experience, I have also summarized some methods for the prevention and management of chronic pharyngitis, which I hope will be helpful to you.

Maintain good lifestyle habits

  • Quit smoking and drinking: Tobacco and alcohol are very irritating to my throat, and I completely quit these bad habits, and my throat obviously feels much better.
  • Proper exercise: Enhance physical fitness, improve immunity, can effectively prevent various infections and inflammation.
  • Avoid overusing your voice: Try to avoid talking or singing loudly for long periods of time to protect the health of your voice.

Pay attention to environmental hygiene

  • Keep indoor air moist: Use a humidifier or place a basin of water in your room to avoid throat irritation from dry air.
  • Regular cleaning: It is also important to clean the home environment to reduce the growth of dust and bacteria.


After experiencing the new crown, I had frequent throat problems, and chronic pharyngitis brought a lot of trouble to my life. But through active treatment and good lifestyle habits, I gradually overcame these problems. I hope that by sharing my experience, I can provide some useful advice and help for those who are also suffering from chronic pharyngitis.

It is inevitable to encounter health problems in life, but as long as we face them positively and treat them scientifically, we will definitely be able to find a solution. May everyone have a healthy throat and stay away from chronic pharyngitis!

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