
It's miserable! The old man was attacked by a big black dog, his nose was bitten off, and his eyes were blind, and he couldn't bear to look at the scene

author:Heavy rain drama can be said
It's miserable! The old man was attacked by a big black dog, his nose was bitten off, and his eyes were blind, and he couldn't bear to look at the scene

Whose fault is it that a dog bites a man? Where is the key to solving this social puzzle

Some time ago, a heart-wrenching video sparked widespread concern in society.

In the video, an elderly man in his 80s was unfortunately attacked by a big black dog in the neighbor's house. I saw that the old man was violently pounced on by the dog, and the huge black dog frantically bit the old man's face until he bit off his nose and lost his eyesight. This scene is outrageous and unbearable to look at.

It's miserable! The old man was attacked by a big black dog, his nose was bitten off, and his eyes were blind, and he couldn't bear to look at the scene

This dog bite incident in Heze, Shandong Province, undoubtedly sounded the alarm again and triggered people's reflection on dog raising behavior. We have to ask, whose fault is it? Is the dog too ferocious, or is the dog owner negligent in control? Or was it just an accident?

Admittedly, this incident is not unique. In rural areas and even some urban communities on the mainland, similar dog-bite incidents occur from time to time. According to relevant statistics, such incidents have shown a continuous upward trend in recent years, and there have been scarred victims, some of whom have even been seriously injured or even killed. This can't help but cause concern and uneasiness.

The reason for this is that in addition to the lack of necessary social responsibility awareness of some dog owners and the failure to fulfill their due control obligations, there are still some deep-seated problems in the mainland that need to be solved urgently.

It's miserable! The old man was attacked by a big black dog, his nose was bitten off, and his eyes were blind, and he couldn't bear to look at the scene

First of all, the mainland lacks a perfect "Pet Management Regulations". In some areas, the relevant regulations are either too simple or the enforcement is insufficient, making it difficult to truly regulate dog breeding and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the public. For example, for some large dogs, more stringent registration management measures should be formulated, requiring dog owners to receive professional training and master basic dog management knowledge and skills. At the same time, the boundaries of the responsibility of the dog owner should also be clarified, and in the event of an injury, the dog owner should bear the corresponding liability for compensation. Only in this way can the occurrence of dog bite incidents be curbed from the legal level.

Secondly, the mainland's dog culture needs to be upgraded urgently. In many people's minds, dogs are just a pet, used for entertainment and companionship, and the control and responsibility of dogs are often overlooked. But in fact, dogs, as animals, are aggressive and dangerous, and if not properly controlled, they can easily cause harm to others. Therefore, we need to strengthen the public's awareness of civilized dog ownership through various ways, guide everyone to establish a correct view of dogs, and fully realize the importance of dog management. Only in this way can the occurrence of dog bites be fundamentally curbed.

Third, we should intensify public opinion supervision over dog bite incidents. At present, there are many reports and discussions about dog bite incidents on the Internet, but most of them stay at the level of pure sympathy or anger, and lack in-depth analysis and reflection. We should make full use of various media platforms to conduct in-depth discussions on this social issue, guide the public to establish a correct view of dogs, and at the same time urge relevant departments to introduce more effective control measures to effectively protect the safety of the lives and property of the masses. Only in this way can we truly contain such tragedies.

It's miserable! The old man was attacked by a big black dog, his nose was bitten off, and his eyes were blind, and he couldn't bear to look at the scene

Finally, it should be emphasized that dog owners must always remember that dogs, as family members, not only bring joy to their owners, but also bear a certain social responsibility. In the event of an injury, the dog owner must not only bear the corresponding legal responsibility, but also bear the moral responsibility. Therefore, every dog owner should always be vigilant and do a good job of controlling their dogs to ensure that they do not harm others. Only in this way can we truly create a safe and civilized social environment.

Speaking of which, I can't help but think of some of my own personal experiences. A few years ago, when I was in my hometown, I witnessed a dog bite incident. That day, I was out for a walk when I suddenly heard a scream, and I followed the sound to see an old woman running in a panic with a few bloody wounds on her body. It turned out that the old man accidentally bumped into a large dog that rushed out and was bitten hard. At that time, I was really sad for my grandmother, and I was also worried about the frequency of such incidents.

As a responsible citizen, I have been wondering, who is to blame for these tragedies? Is it really only the ferocious dogs to blame? Or is it more of a responsibility for the dog owner?

I deeply feel that if every dog owner could fulfill their responsibilities and develop the habit of raising dogs in a civilized manner, most of these tragedies may not happen. After all, as a family member, the dog not only brings joy to the owner, but also bears a certain social responsibility. In the event of an injury, the dog owner must not only bear the corresponding legal responsibility, but also bear the moral responsibility.

But the problem is that many dog owners don't pay enough attention to it. In many places, we often see some dog owners letting their dogs roam the streets, never leashing them, and allowing them to run into passers-by. Some dog owners are even accustomed to this, thinking that "my dog doesn't bite" and "if you don't provoke the dog, the dog won't bite you". This misconception has undoubtedly exacerbated the occurrence of dog bite incidents.

In fact, even the most tame dogs are aggressive and dangerous. If the dog owner does not have enough control awareness and ability, it is easy to cause harm to others. Therefore, every dog owner should always be vigilant and effectively implement various measures for dog control to ensure that their pets do not harm others. Only in this way can we truly contain such tragedies.

Of course, it is not enough to rely on the conscious control of the dog owner. As other members of society, we should also take the initiative to pay attention to this issue and contribute to creating a safer and more civilized social environment. For example, we can actively call on relevant departments to issue a more perfect "Pet Management Regulations" through various channels, effectively regulate dog breeding, and protect the safety of life and property of the masses.

At the same time, we should also make full use of various media platforms to strengthen public opinion supervision of such incidents, guide the public to establish a correct view of dogs, and enhance their awareness of social responsibility. Only in this way can we truly arouse the attention of the whole society and work together to build a safer and more civilized society.

Behind the dog bite incident, it reflects many problems in the mainland in terms of dog management, legal norms, and public awareness. To truly solve this social problem, we need all parties to work together.

As a responsible ordinary citizen, I sincerely hope that through the joint efforts of all of us, we can finally create a more civilized and orderly social environment, so that everyone can live in it safely.


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