
Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

author:Poetic Breeze 7Wt

Bai Jingting Zhang Ruonan "Hard to Coax": From controversy to expectation


Event splitting: Episode shooting exposure and character interaction

Bai Jingting and Zhang Ruonan's new drama "Hard to Coax" caused an uproar on the Internet because of a few Reuters photos in the early days of filming. After netizens saw the photo of the two, they expressed their opinions, and some expressed great expectations for the pairing of the two, thinking that the two were in the right appearance, and the chemistry between the characters was also very strong. There are also some people who have doubts about whether the series can faithfully restore the original work, thinking that the casting does not match the image of the characters in their minds.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

The bits and pieces of the filming process have been continuously exposed, especially the details of the interaction between Bai Jingting and Zhang Ruonan on the set, which have been hotly discussed by netizens. A photo of the two looking at each other was interpreted by fans as "eye killing", which made the audience full of fantasies and expectations for the series. At the same time, some voices said that these Reuters photos are only a marketing ploy and do not represent the final quality of the series.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

Event splitting: character image and plot expectations

Bai Jingting plays a restrained and affectionate male protagonist Sang Yan in the play, while Zhang Ruonan plays a smart and independent heroine. The interaction between the two in the play was expected by fans to spark. Among fans of the original book, the character of Sangyon is loved because of his complex inner world and soulful character. And the character played by Zhang Ruonan is also very popular among book fans because of his intelligence and independence.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

After the news of the start of filming was announced, fans began to have a heated discussion about the choice of actors. Some fans said that the appearance of Bai Jingting and Zhang Ruonan is very in line with the character setting, and they look forward to the two of them being able to perform perfectly in the play. However, there are also some fans who believe that the acting skills of the two may become the "hard flaw" of the show, after all, the emotional scenes in the original book are very complex and require high acting skills to interpret.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

A dispute between fans and sunspots

With the gradual exposure of information about "Hard to Coax", the controversy between fans and sunspots has intensified. Fans defended the casting of Bai Jingting and Zhang Ruonan, saying that the two not only have good looks, but also have good acting skills and work accumulation, and can play the role. The sunspots think that this is a hype of "traffic stars", questioning the quality of the series and the acting skills of the actors.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

The controversy continues to simmer on social media, and interestingly, some neutral netizens have started to engage in the discussion in a mocking way. Some netizens commented: "Whether it's a fan or a sunspot, everyone is waiting for the series to start broadcasting to judge, and then see who slaps his face!" This remark quickly received a large number of likes and retweets, and became a classic quotation for netizens to ridicule each other.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

The filming progress of the series interacts with fans

As the filming progresses, the crew has also continued to release more behind-the-scenes footage and stills, and the interactive videos of Bai Jingting and Zhang Ruonan on the set are frequently on the hot search. In the video, Bai Jingting was naughty and funny on the set, and Zhang Ruonan was sometimes seriously engaged and sometimes amused to laugh, these clips let fans see the good relationship between the two in private, and also increased their favorability for the series.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

Some netizens wrote in the comment area: "After watching these behind-the-scenes footage, I feel like a pair of 'happy enemies', if this drama is not watchable, I will eat the keyboard live!" This humorous and interactive approach makes the comment section extremely lively, and fans follow each other, creating a light-hearted atmosphere.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

Reuters photos sparked a heated discussion

During the shoot, Reuters photos of several key scenes sparked a new round of discussion. In a scene where Bai Jingting and Zhang Ruonan looked at each other affectionately, Bai Jingting's Adam's apple and jawline attracted a lot of attention and became a hot topic of discussion. Some fans joked: "Sang Yan's Adam's apple is the best prop for this show, and I am thrilled to see it!" Such comments made people laugh, and at the same time stimulated the curiosity of more netizens.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

Some fans of the original book began to spontaneously organize "plot prediction teams" to try to speculate on the development of the plot through Reuters photos. A fan analyzed in detail in the comment area: "According to this photo of looking at each other, I guess this is the classic scene of Chapter 37 in the original book, and Bai Jingting's eyes completely match!" This seriousness not only shows what fans are looking forward to in the series, but also makes people pay more attention to the plot of the series.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

Anticipation and complaining on social media

As filming drew to a close, the discussion on social media intensified. Fans began the countdown in anticipation of the official broadcast of the series. Some fans said: "I like both of them very much, and I must follow the drama as soon as possible after the broadcast!" Such comments show the high level of anticipation and support that fans have for the series.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

At the same time, the sunspots were not idle, and continued to express all kinds of doubts and complaints. Someone left a message: "Can Bai Jingting and Zhang Ruonan play this complex emotional drama well?" I'm afraid I'm going to overturn! This kind of questioning triggered a counterattack from fans, and the two sides went back and forth, so it was not lively. Some fans responded humorously: "Don't worry, sunspots, come to trial when the time comes, thank you!" ”

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

Controversy over the casting of actors

At the beginning of the casting announcement of "Hard to Coax", the controversy over the choice of actors has not stopped. Bai Jingting has accumulated a large number of fans because of his performance in other dramas, while Zhang Ruonan has gained a certain amount of recognition for his fresh appearance and solid acting skills. However, this did not completely dispel the doubts of book fans, who were more concerned about whether the two could truly interpret the soul of the characters.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

Some fans of the book have published tirades on social media, analyzing the character's personality and behavioral logic, and making specific requirements for the actor's performance. A book fan said: "The role of Sang Yan is very complex, and the actor needs to have profound acting skills, I hope Bai Jingting can break through himself and deduce the deep affection and restraint of the role." This rational analysis has aroused more people's attention and expectations for the series.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

Drama promotion and fan activities

In order to increase the exposure of the series, the crew has put a lot of effort into publicity. From poster design to trailer release, every step is carefully planned to attract the attention of more audiences. In particular, several large-scale fan meetings have allowed fans to get close to their idols, which has further enhanced the stickiness of fans.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

After attending the meeting, a fan excitedly shared on social media: "After meeting Bai Jingting and Zhang Ruonan in person, I really feel that they are very suitable for the roles in the play!" Looking forward to the start of the series! This kind of sharing not only made other fans empathize, but also attracted the attention of more passers-by.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

The climax of anticipation before the show starts

As the show's start date approached, fans' anticipation reached a climax. Social media is flooded with discussions about "Hard to Coax", and fans have expressed their anticipation for the series. Some fans even prepared plans to follow the show in advance, saying that they wanted to watch the premiere as soon as possible.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

Interestingly, fans also spontaneously organized a "Catch the Drama Check-in" activity, where everyone set an alarm clock together, prepared to watch the episode together when it started, and interacted with each other in real time on social media. Some fans left a message in the comment area: "Are you ready to catch up on the show? Watch "Hard to Coax" together, see you or leave! "This kind of enthusiasm and interaction makes the whole process of chasing the drama more interesting and fulfilling.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

Summary: Controversy and expectation coexist

From the start of filming of "Hard to Coax" to the present, the controversy about this drama has not stopped. Whether it is the expectations of fans or the doubts of sunspots, it is a kind of attention to this series. As one fan put it: "Anyway, I'll see you after the episode airs!" This state of coexistence of anticipation and controversy makes people full of curiosity and expectation for the official broadcast of "Hard to Coax".

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

Whether it is the casting evaluation of Bai Jingting and Zhang Ruonan, or the speculation of the plot of the series, it is a way for the audience to express their opinions. For fans, this is not only a drama, but also an emotional sustenance. And for the crew, this attention is undoubtedly a motivation, motivating them to shoot hard and strive to present a high-quality work.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

I look forward to bringing more surprises to the audience after the official broadcast of "Hard to Coax", which also makes this long wait worthwhile. Until then, you may wish to continue to speak freely in the comment area, and maybe you can meet more like-minded drama partners.

Bai Jingting × Zhang Ruonan's "Hard to Coax": From "loud" to "completely coaxed"!

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