
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it


The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it

The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it
The twelve-word resignation report is profound and interesting, please savor it

"Boss, I'm quitting, the world is so big, I want to go and see it." This is the resignation report I handed to my boss, a full twelve words, but it contains all the feelings and determination in my heart.

"Are you serious?" The boss raised his head, his eyes full of confusion and incomprehension.

"Yes, boss, I'm serious." I took a deep breath and replied firmly.

I thought about it for a long time before handing in this resignation report. After working for so many years, commuting to and from work mechanically every day, and living the same life, the desire for freedom and the unknown in my heart has become stronger and stronger. Until one day, I finally made up my mind to leave this stable but boring job and pursue my dream.

That night, I lay in bed, thinking about the decision I made. The reactions of my family and friends were as if movie clips were flashing through my mind. My parents always wanted me to have a stable job, and they were worried that I wouldn't be able to live after I quit my job. And my friends, some of them were supportive, and some of them thought I was too impulsive and immature enough.

"Are you really going to resign?" My girlfriend asked me softly.

"Yes, I want to see the outside world." I replied.

"I understand your thoughts, but have you ever considered the difficulties of reality?" She looked at me worriedly.

"I've thought about it, and although there will be difficulties, I don't want to wait until I'm old to regret not pursuing my dreams." I took her hand and said firmly.

The decision to quit my job wasn't easy, but I knew it was what I really wanted deep down. That longing for the unknown and longing for freedom made it impossible for me to continue to live the same life. The 12 words on my resignation report are my dissatisfaction with the status quo and my expectations for the future.

On the first day after I resigned, I stood in the midst of the city's high-rise buildings and felt a sense of ease and freedom that I had never felt before. I started planning my trips and getting ready to go to the places I dreamed of. The world is so big, I want to see it, it's no longer just a dream, but a reality that is about to begin.

During my travels, I met many interesting people and heard all sorts of stories. These experiences have broadened my horizons and taught me a lot of things that I can't learn from books. I saw the beauty of different cultures and felt the kindness and warmth of the people.

Once, I met an old man in a small town who told me: "Young people, don't be afraid of change, as long as you have a dream in your heart, you can go on even the most difficult road." ”

I was deeply touched by this statement. The decision to resign was risky, but I don't regret it. It is this courage that allows me to see a wider world and discover a more authentic version of myself.

After the trip, I returned to my hometown and replanned my life. Although I didn't have the same stable job as before, I found a new direction and purpose. The twelve-word resignation report became the most important choice in my life, and it changed me from a well-behaved professional to a dreamer.

"Boss, I'm quitting, the world is so big, I want to go and see it." This is not just a resignation report, but a declaration of dreams. Through this experience, I learned that life is not only about what is in front of me, but also about poetry and distance. Although the road ahead is full of unknowns, I will move forward bravely and pursue my dreams.

In the days since I quit my job, I have discovered my infinite possibilities. The twelve-word resignation report is not only a farewell to the past, but also an expectation for the future. I believe that as long as I have a dream in my heart, the world will open a new door for me.