
After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

author:Records of all kinds of states

There are so many wonders in this world! I have heard that love is like honey, sweet to the heart, but who would have thought that there is a "mortgage trap" hidden behind this sweetness?


No, Ms. Cao from Huzhou City, Hubei Province, suffered such a farce. My boyfriend, who has only been dating for a week, has proudly vowed to give away the house, which is heartwarming to hear. But as the saying goes, "pie won't fall from the sky", this "pie" is a hot potato.

After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

The encounter between Ms. Cao and this boyfriend is like the beginning of a bloody romance drama. In just one week, the two fell in love, and the man waved his hand, saying that he wanted to give Ms. Cao a home, and said that he would help her pay a down payment of 180,000 yuan. Ouch, this is a big bargain! Ms. Cao's heart is beautiful, as if she has seen a happy life in the future.

After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

Who would have thought that behind this beautiful dream, there was an elaborate trap. It turned out that the boyfriend was a salesperson who sold a house, and his so-called "down payment" was actually offset by his commission from selling the house. As for Ms. Cao, she signed the purchase contract in a daze and went through the loan procedures by herself. This time, she was on the thief ship.

After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

In the beginning, everything went pretty well. Ms. Cao was happily waiting for the new house to arrive, but just as the mortgage repayment date was approaching, her "boyfriend" suddenly disappeared! Not only did he fail to pay the remaining mortgage on time, but he also borrowed more than 60,000 yuan from Ms. Cao in turn. At this moment, Ms. Cao was really dumbfounded.

After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

When netizens saw this, they also talked about it. Some people say that Ms. Cao is too naïve and always wants to take advantage; Some people say that this salesman is not easy, and he even gave himself up in order to sell the house. Still, more people still think something is wrong. After all, love and material things are two completely different concepts, how can they be confused?

After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

Think about it, if Ms. Cao had been a little calmer and less easily confused by sweet words, she might not have fallen into this "mortgage trap". It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world. Ms. Cao now not only has to face heavy mortgage pressure, but also has to worry about the debt of more than 60,000 yuan. This is really "stealing chickens and rice"!

After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

Still, it's interesting to talk about. Ms. Cao's "boyfriend" really worked hard to sell the house. If you think about it from another angle, he may really be a "good boyfriend"! It's a pity that behind this "good boyfriend", there is an unknown secret.

After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

Nowadays, it is not easy for Ms. Cao to check out. After all, it's easy to buy a house and hard to check out! Not to mention the various conditions and restrictions of the developer, she also has to endure the pressure and discussion from the society and the people around her. This is really "a wave of unsettled waves"!

After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

Netizens are hotly discussed

I heard about the National Wine Trust, and today I learned that there is also a real estate trust~ The down payment was advanced by the developer, and my boyfriend ran away after earning the commission~

After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

The boyfriend who has been dating for a week will give the house. It's also problematic to think on your toes. How can there be such a generous person. There is no sense of precaution at all!

After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

There is no solution to this routine. 0 down payment to buy a house. Real estate has pushed sales to a certain extent.

After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

But then again, it's a wake-up call. While pursuing love, don't forget to protect yourself. Keep a clear head at all times, don't be carried away and blinded by love. You have to understand that although love is beautiful, it must be based on reality!

Final summary

This "sweet trap" is really laughable! Ms. Cao's experience is like a mirror that reflects the heart of each of us. In the face of love, we all have to learn to keep our eyes open and keep our sanity!

After all, there is no such thing as a free lunch or love for no reason! Therefore, while we pursue love, we must also learn to cherish ourselves and protect ourselves! Only in this way can we have a better love and life! I hope Ms. Cao can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and regain her own happiness!

What do you think of such a generous boyfriend?

After a week of dating, my boyfriend gave a house to my girlfriend, and lost contact when repaying the loan: I later learned that my boyfriend was a salesperson

Material source (Star Video)