
What is the reason for severely punishing electric vehicles and encouraging farmers to abandon their homesteads?

author:Record the beauty of married life
What is the reason for severely punishing electric vehicles and encouraging farmers to abandon their homesteads?

In recent news reports, the nation's traffic police crackdown on electric vehicles has not subsided, and another disturbing news has come: local governments are encouraging farmers to abandon their homesteads. This policy made me feel very unhappy, and I really didn't want to do it. How can we treat our own people like this? Electric cars are the property of ordinary people, and their sudden seizure is nothing short of blatant robbery.

What is the reason for severely punishing electric vehicles and encouraging farmers to abandon their homesteads?

We always hear the official say that this is for our good, but in fact, isn't this practice just oppressing us, violating our rights, and taking away our private property? The peasants' homesteads belonged to the rural collectives, but the houses built on them were built by the peasants themselves with their hard-earned money. Isn't it now that some people are proposing that farmers abandon these homesteads, shake the foundations of their lives?

What is the reason for severely punishing electric vehicles and encouraging farmers to abandon their homesteads?

Some local governments have also lured high bonuses, claiming to give 50,000 yuan to farmers who are willing to give up their homesteads to buy houses in cities. Isn't this a blatant deception? I have heard many farmer friends say that although they are poor, they are not stupid. They will never be swayed by a mere tens of thousands of dollars, which they can't even buy a decent bathroom in the city.

What is the reason for severely punishing electric vehicles and encouraging farmers to abandon their homesteads?

When I saw this kind of news, my mood became extremely bad, as cold as a cold winter day. Although I am not a farmer, I am well aware of the hardships of Chinese farmers. Their homestead, someone actually wanted to buy it for tens of thousands of yuan. Once you let go, it is almost impossible to buy it back in the future, and the price will definitely be sky-high at that time.

What is the reason for severely punishing electric vehicles and encouraging farmers to abandon their homesteads?

I really think there's something bad going on behind this. They may not only want to make money from it, but more likely they want to disrupt China's order. In many places, there is already infiltration and control by foreign forces. These policies, which go against the will of the people, may be aimed at making the Chinese people disillusioned with their own government and gradually hate their country.

What is the reason for severely punishing electric vehicles and encouraging farmers to abandon their homesteads?

The many absurd events that have taken place in our country over the years have frustrated the people's confidence in the country again and again. Why do such violations of people's rights and interests happen again and again? Someone is clearly behind it. They have changed their tricks to push the Chinese people against the country and plunged our society into chaos.

What is the reason for severely punishing electric vehicles and encouraging farmers to abandon their homesteads?

If power is combined with wrongdoing, the result is inevitably a disaster for the people of the country. These would-be traitor spies, they are well aware of the benefits that social upheaval brings to them. As long as the people are disappointed in the country and their patriotism is weakened, more people will want to leave, and even when the war comes, no one will be willing to stand up to defend the country.

What is the reason for severely punishing electric vehicles and encouraging farmers to abandon their homesteads?

Therefore, if these corrupt officials and traitors are not completely eliminated, China will be in great danger. The Chinese people will be like scattered sand, losing their cohesion and combat effectiveness. In the face of this situation, can we still sit idly by and remain indifferent?

What do you think of this situation? How can we protect our land and rights? I hope you will leave your views in the comment area, and don't be stingy with your likes and shares!

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