
The last night of the 110-year-old mother: when her children returned home, she chose to leave alone

author:Red evergreen

Graduation season: The tears at that moment are the reluctance of youth

As the night deepened, the station was brightly lit, and a young man dressed in black stood alone. In his eyes, there is an expectation of the unknown, as well as nostalgia for the past. Is he waiting for the train to the future? Why are there tears flashing in the corners of his eyes at this moment?

The last night of the 110-year-old mother: when her children returned home, she chose to leave alone

1. Back and tears

On the platform, his posture is upright, and his eyes under the brim of his hat are deep and firm.

The white pattern on the backpack is particularly eye-catching in the night. Is he a graduate who is about to embark on a new journey, or is he an affectionate person to say goodbye to his best friend? When we got closer, we realized that his eyes were locked on the train that was slowly approaching in the distance.

As the train arrived, the doors slowly opened, and several familiar figures appeared. They hugged each other, tears streaming down in an instant. The boy bit his lip tightly, trying not to let his tears fall. At this moment, time seems to stand still, and only the nostalgia for youth fills the air.

The last night of the 110-year-old mother: when her children returned home, she chose to leave alone

2. The station and youth

Some people say that the station is synonymous with parting. Here, we bid farewell to friends, bid farewell to youth, and embark on a new journey. And this young man, perhaps at this moment, felt the pain of parting. His tears were not only because of reluctance, but also because of the nostalgia for the good times he once had.

Graduation season is always full of laughter and tears. We bid farewell to the campus, to the classmates who once struggled together, and to the carefree youth. But when we embark on a new journey, there will always be a reluctance and attachment in our hearts. Because that youth is the most valuable treasure in our lives.

The last night of the 110-year-old mother: when her children returned home, she chose to leave alone

3. Hot comments from netizens, resonating with youth

The moment captured by the photographer caused a heated discussion on social media. Many netizens left messages expressing their resonance with this photo.

"Seeing this picture, I was reminded of my graduation season. At that time, we also hugged our heads and cried at the station, unwilling to separate. A netizen sighed.

"It's not just the classmates who say goodbye, but also the memories of the past and the youth that will never return." Another netizen's comment expressed the thoughts of many people.

These comments make us feel the reluctance and nostalgia of youth. Every graduation season is a farewell to youth. But please believe that no matter where we go, that good time of youth will always be engraved in our hearts.

Fourth, the memory of youth will always remain in my heart

Youth is a short but beautiful time. It is full of passion, dreams and courage. During this time, we have made many like-minded friends and experienced many memorable moments together. These memories will always stay with us and become the most precious treasure in our lives.

When we look back, those memories of youth always make us feel extremely warm. They are like a beacon that illuminates our path; Like an old song, it evokes the resonance of our hearts. Therefore, let us cherish every period of youth and feel the beauty and emotion with our hearts.

V. Conclusion

The station in the graduation season is always full of the smell of parting.

But please believe that every parting is for a better reunion.

Let us bravely embark on a new journey with nostalgia and reluctance for youth.

Because, in the days to come, we will continue to write our own youth stories.

And those bits and pieces of the past will always become the best memories in our hearts.

The last night of the 110-year-old mother: when her children returned home, she chose to leave alone

Sister Hong would like to bless the graduates with this article, dance wonderfully on the big stage of society, and realize their self-worth.

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