
There are thousands of reasons for gaining weight, and there is one that I really didn't expect, you know?

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Everyone knows that there are two treasures to lose weight: controlling your diet and increasing exercise. However, there is one important factor that is often overlooked, and that is sleep – sleep. Many people don't expect that not sleeping enough will make people more likely to gain weight. It sounds incredible, but it's not alarmist.

How sleep deprivation affects weight

Lack of sleep can directly affect our weight. This is because our physical strength is replenished in two main ways: sleep and food.

When sleep is deprived, our bodies naturally tend to refuel by eating. Especially in the case of lack of sleep, the body sends out distress signals through the endocrine system, making people can't help but eat.

There are thousands of reasons for gaining weight, and there is one that I really didn't expect, you know?

Studies have found that sleep deprivation increases ghrelin in the body and decreases leptin. When ghrelin increases, our appetite increases;

And leptin is reduced, not only will the appetite be reduced, but the body will also consume fewer calories. In this way, we will eat more, consume less, and naturally gain weight.

There are thousands of reasons for gaining weight, and there is one that I really didn't expect, you know?

Not only that, but sleep deprivation also makes it easier for us to choose high-calorie foods. When we are in a state of exhaustion, the body produces a substance called "endocannabinoids", which can cause us to have strong cravings for foods high in sugar and fat.

There are thousands of reasons for gaining weight, and there is one that I really didn't expect, you know?

At the same time, endocannabinoids also stimulate reward centers in the brain, making us feel particularly happy and satisfied when eating these high-calorie foods. This is also the reason why many people can't help but order takeout and eat high-calorie foods such as fried chicken, hot pot, and small barbecue when they stay up late.

Effect of sleep deprivation on metabolism

Sleep deprivation can also have an impact on our basal metabolic rate. Basal metabolic rate refers to the amount of energy we expend at rest, and is the most basic energy required to sustain vital activities.

Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can lead to a decrease in melatonin, a hormone produced in dark environments that activates "brown fat" in addition to helping us fall asleep. Brown fat can increase our body temperature by consuming white fat, which helps in weight loss.

There are thousands of reasons for gaining weight, and there is one that I really didn't expect, you know?

When we stay up late, melatonin production is significantly reduced, and brown fat is correspondingly less active, resulting in a decrease in our basal metabolic rate. This means that we will consume less energy and lose weight with the same diet and exercise.

Effects of sleep deprivation on the endocrine system

Sleep deprivation also has a significant impact on our endocrine system, especially hormones related to weight regulation. Long-term lack of sleep can lead to increased levels of cortisol in the body.

Cortisol is a stress hormone secreted in times of stress that raises blood sugar levels and provides the body with emergency energy. But when cortisol is at high levels for a long time, it causes the body to store more fat, especially belly fat, which is the main reason why many people suffer from "beer belly" or "swimming rings".

There are thousands of reasons for gaining weight, and there is one that I really didn't expect, you know?

Sleep deprivation can also affect insulin sensitivity. Insulin is an important hormone that regulates blood sugar and is responsible for converting blood sugar into energy.

However, lack of sleep can reduce the body's sensitivity to insulin, leading to an increase in blood sugar levels and increased insulin resistance. Not only does this make people more likely to gain weight, but it may also increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Sleep and cardiovascular health

We also need to focus on the impact of sleep deprivation on cardiovascular health. Getting enough sleep is essential for the health of your heart and blood vessels. Studies have shown that chronic sleep deprivation increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

This is because lack of sleep can lead to an overactive sympathetic nervous system, increasing heart rate and blood pressure, which can cause damage to the cardiovascular system in the long run.

There are thousands of reasons for gaining weight, and there is one that I really didn't expect, you know?

Sleep deprivation can also trigger a chronic inflammatory response that increases the risk of arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis is a serious cardiovascular disease that causes the walls of the arteries to thicken and harden, which in turn affects blood flow and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Scientists have found that when sleep is deprived, levels of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein in the body are significantly increased, indicating that the body is in a state of chronic inflammation, which is very detrimental to cardiovascular health.

There are thousands of reasons for gaining weight, and there is one that I really didn't expect, you know?

Comprehensive weight loss strategies

On the basis of controlling the diet and increasing exercise, combined with adequate sleep, better weight loss results can be achieved. In terms of diet, it is recommended to choose foods rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, and avoid snacks that are high in sugar and fat. At the same time, eat regularly and quantitatively to avoid overeating.

For exercise, a combination of aerobic exercise and strength training is recommended. Aerobic exercises, such as running and swimming, can help burn calories, while strength training can increase muscle mass and increase basal metabolic rate. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week, spread over several days.

There are thousands of reasons for gaining weight, and there is one that I really didn't expect, you know?

Finally, it is also important to maintain a good mental state. Stress management is essential for both weight loss and health. Experimenting with relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing exercises, can be effective in relieving stress and improving sleep quality for better weight control.

With these comprehensive strategies, you can not only lose weight effectively, but also improve your overall health and stay away from chronic diseases. Remember, weight loss is a systematic project, and it requires patience and perseverance to start from many aspects in order to see the desired results.