
A bad habit that hurts the eyes is repeated by many people every day

author:Health Tips
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Unblinking: Unintentional injury

You may not know that every blink is quietly protecting your eyes. The physiological effect of blinking should not be underestimated, and every time you blink, tears will be evenly smeared on the surface of the eyeball.

This not only removes impurities and bacteria from the eyeball, but also provides the necessary nutrients and oxygen to the eye. Blinking is like a quick "cleansing" of your eyeballs to keep them moist and comfortable.

A bad habit that hurts the eyes is repeated by many people every day

However, when we stare at a screen, read, or focus on something for long periods of time, the frequency of blinking decreases significantly. If you don't blink enough, your eyes will become dry, tired, and even have problems such as dry eye and keratitis.

Especially in modern people, who spend a lot of time on mobile phones, computers, and TV screens every day, the bad habit of not blinking has become almost a daily routine.

The relationship between the blink and the brain

Blinking is not only an eye-protecting behavior, but also closely related to brain activity. On average, an adult blinks about 15 to 20 times per minute, which means that we blink nearly 10% of the time we are awake.

Scientists have found that blinking not only helps lubricate the eyeballs, but also allows the brain to rest and refocus in a very short period of time.

A bad habit that hurts the eyes is repeated by many people every day

There is a brief spike in activity in specific resting areas of the brain. Researchers believe that the act of blinking resembles a kind of "mental resting point" that allows our brains to concentrate better while quickly turning off visual stimuli.

However, when we use electronic devices or focus on reading, the frequency of blinking decreases dramatically. When we read, we blink an average of only 3 to 8 times per minute; When driving, especially during rush hour, the frequency of blinking is also reduced.

A bad habit that hurts the eyes is repeated by many people every day

In the long run, not only will the eyes feel tired, but the brain will also find it difficult to get the necessary rest, and concentration and work efficiency will be affected.

The risk of not blinking completely

When it comes to blinking, not blinking completely is another issue to be aware of. Incomplete blinking is when the upper and lower eyelids are not completely closed, which is very common when using a screen for long periods of time.

If the eye is not completely closed, tears cannot adequately moisten the entire surface of the eyeball, which can easily lead to dryness in parts of the eyeball, which in turn can lead to various eye problems.

A bad habit that hurts the eyes is repeated by many people every day

The dangers of incomplete blinking are not limited to dry eyes, but can also lead to uneven tear distribution and insufficient lubrication of the eyeball surface. It's like the wiper is only half working, the rest is not cleaned, and over time, the eyes will naturally have problems.

Makeup can also affect the integrity of the blink, especially when heavy mascara is applied or false eyelashes are used, the upper eyelid is restricted and difficult to close completely.

A bad habit that hurts the eyes is repeated by many people every day

Studies have shown that in this condition, the tear is not fully renewed and the eyeball is not adequately moisturized, which increases the risk of dry eye and other eye diseases in the long run.

Ways to improve your habit of not blinking

To break the bad habit of not blinking, you first need to raise awareness of the importance of blinking. Many people don't know the protective effect of blinking on the eyes and brain, and after realizing this problem, there are some practical actions that can be taken to increase the frequency of blinking.

An effective way to do this is to set up timed reminders at work or study, reminding yourself to take a break every 20 minutes and make a few thorough blinks. Not only does this help lubricate the eyes, but it also gives the brain a short break to restore focus.

A bad habit that hurts the eyes is repeated by many people every day

It's also a good idea to do blink training on a conscious basis. For example, in between work, you can close your eyes for two seconds, then gently open them and repeat a few times.

You can also slowly close your eyes, making sure the upper and lower eyelids are in full contact before opening them again. These exercises will help you develop a thorough blink muscle memory, making blinking more natural and comprehensive.

A bad habit that hurts the eyes is repeated by many people every day

Adjusting the work environment is also an important measure to reduce eye strain and increase the frequency of blinking. The brightness and contrast of the screen should be adjusted appropriately to avoid irritation to the eyes caused by too bright or too dark light.

Maintain an appropriate rest time, every hour or so, you should take a break for 5-10 minutes, and rest from a distance or with your eyes closed, which can help relieve eye fatigue.

Pay attention to blinking and protect your eyes

The simple act of blinking has a profound impact on eye health. It is becoming more and more common for modern people to use electronic devices for a long time without blinking or not blinking completely, which will not only lead to dry eyes and fatigue, but also lead to more serious eye diseases.

By improving blinking awareness, blinking training, adjusting the working environment, using eye care equipment and a scientific diet, we can effectively protect our eyes and reduce unnecessary injuries.

A bad habit that hurts the eyes is repeated by many people every day

Everyone should take care of their eye health and start small to get rid of the bad habit of not blinking. With a few small changes in our daily lives, we can make our eyes healthier and brighter, reducing vision problems in the future.

I hope that everyone can take a little time out of their busy lives to pay attention to and protect their eyes and take responsibility for their own health.

Finally, what experiences and insights would you like to share? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!

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