
Babies recruit mosquitoes These little medicines must be prepared

author:Sacred deer parenting
Babies recruit mosquitoes These little medicines must be prepared

Hey, dear parents, summer is coming, and the army of mosquitoes is quietly following. Are you ready for the "Mosquito War"? Don't worry, today let's talk about how to make your baby the final winner in this summer battle!

Babies recruit mosquitoes These little medicines must be prepared

First, let's have some humor and imagine that if mosquitoes could understand people, we would say to them, "Hey, tickles, stay away from my baby!" But the reality is that these little ones seem to have a special preference for the baby's tender skin. Don't worry, today we're going to reveal some magic tips and anti-mosquito tips to keep your baby away from mosquito bites.

### First, why does the baby become the "favorite" of mosquitoes?

Babies usually have a higher body temperature than adults, which is like a big "welcome" signal to mosquitoes. Moreover, the baby's immature skin is simply a five-star restaurant for mosquitoes, making them linger.

Babies recruit mosquitoes These little medicines must be prepared

### Second, the baby is bitten by mosquitoes, how to break it in the early stage?

When babies unfortunately become the "food" of mosquitoes, we can't sit still. The doctor suggested that in the early stage, you can use Chonglou detoxification tincture to apply externally, twice a day, which is a good helper to clear away heat and detoxify, disperse stasis and relieve pain. Remember to shake well and store in a cool place!

Babies recruit mosquitoes These little medicines must be prepared

### Third, during the redness and swelling period, mix ointment to help

If your baby's bite starts to become red and swollen, it's time to call in our army of mixed ointments. Visible results can be seen when mupirocin ointment and mometasone furoate cream are mixed 1:1 twice a day for 3-5 days. And, of course, our old friend calamine lotion, which can be applied at any time and can also relieve itching.

Babies recruit mosquitoes These little medicines must be prepared

### Fourth, during the severe rupture period, mupirocin ointment came to the rescue

If it unfortunately develops to the ulcer stage, the mupirocin ointment should be used alone, three times a day, until the symptoms are relieved. At the same time, if the itching is unbearable, you can consider oral cetirizine or loratadine, but remember that babies under 1 year old should be used with caution!

### 5. Tips for mosquito prevention, so that the baby can spend the summer safely

1. **Turn on the air conditioner**: Keep the room temperature above 26°C, and mosquitoes will be less active.

2. **Mosquito net**: Put a mosquito net on your baby's small bedspread when sleeping, so that mosquitoes can only stare dryly.

Babies recruit mosquitoes These little medicines must be prepared

3. **Long-sleeved trousers**: When you go out, put on breathable long-sleeved clothes and trousers for your baby, and tuck the trouser legs into the socks to prevent mosquitoes from taking advantage of them.

4. **Avoid the grass**: The humid and stuffy grass is a paradise for mosquitoes, try to avoid staying.

5. **Fan**: Carry a fan with you to repel mosquitoes at any time.

### VI. Final Words

Dear parents, although we can't let mosquitoes disappear completely, we can keep our babies away from mosquitoes through these tips. Remember, mosquito control is not just a battle, it's a wisdom. Let's use love and wisdom to build a strong line of defense for our babies, so that they can run freely and grow up happily this summer!

Babies recruit mosquitoes These little medicines must be prepared

Okay, that's all for today's sharing, if you have better anti-mosquito cheats, welcome to leave a message to share! Don't forget to like and retweet so that more parents can see it, and let's create a mosquito-free summer for your baby together! See you next time!

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