
Pang Tong left a plan before his death to ensure that Guan Yu would not die! Kong Ming was dying before he realized that it was better to sigh to himself

author:Boyu Mi

Speaking of the Three Kingdoms period, it was really an era of heroes, and there were as many strategists as stars in the sky, but the two most dazzling stars had to be said to be Wolong Zhuge Liang and Phoenix Chick Pang Tong. These two wise men, one with a good demeanor, like a son who came out of a painting; The other one has a mediocre appearance, but he has a lot of ink in his stomach, and he is full of wisdom. Liu Bei got them, it was like getting half of the country, and it was called a beauty in his heart.

Pang Tong left a plan before his death to ensure that Guan Yu would not die! Kong Ming was dying before he realized that it was better to sigh to himself

Still, you know what? Among these two wise men, Pang Tong's talent was almost buried. When he first voted for Liu Bei, he was not reused, but was only sent to a small place as a county commander. The reason behind this, some people say that it is because Pang Tong is not as handsome as Zhuge Liang, and some people say that it is because he did not take out Lu Su's letter of recommendation, and only based on Zhuge Liang's recommendation, he barely got a position as a county commander. But is Pang Tong a thing in the pool? After he took office, although he looked depressed on the surface, he was actually secretly observing and waiting for the opportunity. Finally, he processed the official documents that had accumulated for months in just a few hours, which surprised Zhang Fei and made Liu Bei realize his talent again.

Pang Tong left a plan before his death to ensure that Guan Yu would not die! Kong Ming was dying before he realized that it was better to sigh to himself

After Pang Tong's talent was recognized, he quickly became Liu Bei's military advisor and strategist, and made great contributions to the recovery of Yizhou. His serial scheme made Cao Jun even more frightened, and for a while, his name resounded all over the world. Liu Bei was also full of praise for him, and named him "the general of the military division", second only to Zhuge Liang. This is like what we now call the "second-in-command", which shows Liu Bei's importance to Pang Tong.

Pang Tong left a plan before his death to ensure that Guan Yu would not die! Kong Ming was dying before he realized that it was better to sigh to himself

However, on the issue of receiving Jingzhou, Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang had a disagreement. Pang Tong believes that although Jingzhou is strategically located and rich in materials, it is a fragrant bait, but at this time, Liu Bei's army is lacking, and attacking Jingzhou again is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. He suggested that Liu Bei temporarily cede Jingzhou to Sun Quan and take it back when the time was ripe. In this way, it can not only avoid a head-on conflict with Cao Jun and Sun Quan, but also preserve its strength and wait for the time to move. This is like what we are talking about now, "Taoguang Yanghui", first low-key accumulation of strength, and then win it in one fell swoop when the time comes.

Pang Tong left a plan before his death to ensure that Guan Yu would not die! Kong Ming was dying before he realized that it was better to sigh to himself

Zhuge Liang, on the other hand, insisted on attacking Jingzhou immediately, believing that Jingzhou was a treasure land of feng shui and vital to the long-term development of Shu. The two wise men expressed their opinions and fought fiercely. In the end, Liu Bei still chose to listen to Zhuge Liang's advice and let Guan Yu guard Jingzhou. It's like what we are saying now, "I listened to A, but I didn't listen to B", and what happened? History tells us the answer.

Pang Tong left a plan before his death to ensure that Guan Yu would not die! Kong Ming was dying before he realized that it was better to sigh to himself

However, the development of history has verified Pang Tong's foresight. During Guan Yu's time in Jingzhou, Cao Wei and Eastern Wu both eyed him. In the end, under the attack of Eastern Wu and Cao Wei, Guan Yu had no choice but to die, and Jingzhou also fell into the hands of others. If Liu Bei had followed Pang Tong's advice, he might have been able to avoid this tragedy. This is like what we are saying now, "if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of you", but the "old man" here is Pang Tong.

Pang Tong left a plan before his death to ensure that Guan Yu would not die! Kong Ming was dying before he realized that it was better to sigh to himself

Pang Tong's strategy seems simple, but it actually contains profound wisdom. He understands that the true wise man does not lie in short-term gains and losses, but in long-term planning. He knows how to make the most of the opportunity, knows how to preserve his strength, and knows how to find the most advantageous way out of the complex situation. His strategy reflects not only his wisdom, but also his courage and boldness. It's like what we now call "having a strategic vision", being able to see the big picture clearly and make the wisest choices.

Pang Tong left a plan before his death to ensure that Guan Yu would not die! Kong Ming was dying before he realized that it was better to sigh to himself

It's a pity that history can't be repeated, and we can't witness with our own eyes how the history of the Three Kingdoms would be rewritten if Liu Bei followed Pang Tong's advice. However, we can draw wisdom from Pang Tong's strategy, learn to remain calm and rational in a complex and changeable situation, and learn to look at problems from a long-term perspective. This is like what we now call "learning from history", learning from history and avoiding repeating the mistakes of the past.

Pang Tong left a plan before his death to ensure that Guan Yu would not die! Kong Ming was dying before he realized that it was better to sigh to himself

Although Pang Tong died young, his talent and wisdom will remain in people's hearts forever. His strategy has also become a legend in the history of the Three Kingdoms, allowing future generations to continue to reminisce and ponder. Whenever we think of this legendary wise man, we can't help but sigh: If Liu Bei really listened to Pang Tong's strategy, how earth-shattering would the situation of the Three Kingdoms at that time be? It's like what we now call "If we could turn back the clock", and we would always imagine some different historical ending.

Pang Tong left a plan before his death to ensure that Guan Yu would not die! Kong Ming was dying before he realized that it was better to sigh to himself

In general, Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang were both outstanding sages during the Three Kingdoms period, and their talents and wisdom both made great contributions to Liu Bei's hegemony. And Pang Tong's strategy reflects his foresight and profound wisdom. Although history cannot be repeated, there are many valuable lessons to be learned from it. In the days to come, let us also learn to face the challenges of life with wisdom and courage like Pang Tong! As we say now, "Life is like a battle, and only the wise can have the last laugh"!

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