
Does blood taste good? Why do mosquitoes favor certain people? Unravel the mystery of mosquito selection

author:21 Illustrated

On a summer evening, with a gentle breeze, the family sat around the courtyard enjoying a rare tranquility. However, this tranquility is often shattered by a group of uninvited guests – mosquitoes.

Have you noticed that, in the same environment, mosquitoes seem to have an extra preference for some people and a blind eye to others? The reasons behind this are far more complex than we think.

Does blood taste good? Why do mosquitoes favor certain people? Unravel the mystery of mosquito selection


First, let's uncover the secrets of mosquitoes stalking their prey.

Mosquitoes don't attack blindly, they have a keen sense of smell and are able to target their targets through the carbon dioxide we exhale.

This means that those who exhale more carbon dioxide, for example, heavier weights, are naturally more susceptible to mosquito bites. By the same token, men are more likely to be targeted by mosquitoes than women, pregnant women than non-pregnant women, and adults more likely than children.

To mosquitoes, these people are like lighting a light in the dark.

Does blood taste good? Why do mosquitoes favor certain people? Unravel the mystery of mosquito selection

In addition to carbon dioxide, the natural smell of the human body is also an important factor in the mosquito's choice of targets.

Everyone's body odor is unique, which is determined by our genes and the microbiome on our skin.

Scientists have conducted experiments in which people attach nylon strips to their bodies to collect natural odors and then hang them in front of mosquitoes, and the results have shown that mosquitoes do have a preference for certain body odors.

However, scientists have not yet determined which compounds are responsible for the scent emitted by humans to attract mosquitoes, and research in this direction is ongoing.


In addition to the smell, the color of the clothing can also attract the attention of mosquitoes.

Experiments have shown that mosquitoes are more likely to fly to red, orange, and black clothing. So, if you're wearing these colors outdoors, be careful. Whereas, green, purple, and blue are considered relatively unattractive to mosquitoes

Does blood taste good? Why do mosquitoes favor certain people? Unravel the mystery of mosquito selection

Blood type

While there is an opinion that people with different blood types are less attractive to mosquitoes, the scientific evidence is not sufficient. In contrast, two factors, smell and color of clothing, are more important.


Diet is also an important factor in influencing mosquito bites.

There are suggestions circulating online that eating garlic can repel mosquitoes, but in the current research, it is not enough to say which foods and drinks are most attractive to mosquitoes.

The only thing that is certain is that people who have drunk alcohol are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes.

Does blood taste good? Why do mosquitoes favor certain people? Unravel the mystery of mosquito selection

How to prevent it in summer?

To avoid mosquito bites, experts recommend wearing long-sleeved clothing, using insect repellent, and installing mosquito nets, among other things.

These methods don't sound new.

The only caveat: we should be especially careful in the early morning and late afternoon, as this is when mosquitoes are most active.

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