
"Stable" is not pronounced mǎ gài, how to pronounce it, and what is the difference between stables, horse rings, and horse sheds?

author:A shallow pavilion of literature

To be a man, you must have ambition; It's the same with being a horse. When there is ambition, the old man is in wait and his ambition is thousands of miles; When there is no ambition, Zhu Men sings and dances heavily, and the stable horse is fat and the bow is broken. The aspirations of humans and horses also sometimes depend on the environment in which they live. For example, horses in stables, stables, and stables sometimes develop really differently. Today we are going to talk about the word "stable", "stable" does not read mǎ gài, what does it mean, how to read it, what is the difference between stables, horse pens and horse sheds, here is a detailed explanation.

"Stable" is not pronounced mǎ gài, how to pronounce it, and what is the difference between stables, horse rings, and horse sheds?

1. The evolution of the glyph of "stable".

The "stable" is composed of two parts: "factory" and "both". The evolution of the glyph of "factory" is simple, from oracle bone inscription to regular script, which is basically the same. The oracle bone glyph is divided into two parts, the left side resembles a kneeling side figure, and the right side resembles a tall bean vessel (a container for food). The golden glyph has beans on the left, the base has been lost, and the humanoid is on the right. When the small seal, the left side becomes the "皀" glyph, and the right side gradually becomes linear. Lishu changed again, and there was a prototype of "both". Later, it evolved and simplified again, and it became the italic version of the word "both".

"Stable" is not pronounced mǎ gài, how to pronounce it, and what is the difference between stables, horse rings, and horse sheds?

2. How to explain "stable"?

Judging by the original oracle bone glyph of "stable", it indicates the place where the horse lived. "Stable" refers to a horse's house, similar to a stable, stable, but also different.

3. What is the difference between stables, stables, and stables?

1. Stables (jiù) refers to a closed space prepared separately for each horse, with good ventilation and lighting, equipped with special feed troughs, water troughs, and sanitary cleaning tools. The space is relatively private, with a comfortable environment, good sanitary conditions and high quality of life.

"Stable" is not pronounced mǎ gài, how to pronounce it, and what is the difference between stables, horse rings, and horse sheds?

2. Horse pen refers to the place where horses are kept in a collective captivity, which is generally a closed or semi-closed large place, somewhat similar to a collective dormitory for horses. The horse circle has a large space and a high degree of freedom.

"Stable" is not pronounced mǎ gài, how to pronounce it, and what is the difference between stables, horse rings, and horse sheds?

3. Horse shed, generally refers to the house of horses with a straw shed, or single or multi, the area is smaller than the horse pen, larger than the stable, with ventilation and lighting, but the sanitary environment can not catch up with the stable, and the other configurations are rougher.

"Stable" is not pronounced mǎ gài, how to pronounce it, and what is the difference between stables, horse rings, and horse sheds?

Fourth, the use of the word "stable" in ancient poetry

Over the old house (a title of the prince's abandoned house)

Zhu Qingyu

The old house of the ancient alley halberd gate has long been said to belong to the official family.

There are no new swallows to come to the nest, only idlers to see the flowers.

The empty stables are full of dust, and the small pond is dry and the grass invades the sand.

Glory and glory are like this, and they immediately hesitate to the sunset.

The whole poem is to the effect: "Whose old house is the place of the halberd gate in the ancient alley?" Earlier, I heard that this once belonged to the eunuch's family. Nowadays, there are no new swallows nesting here, only those who have leisure and leisure have nothing to do to look at the flowers and plants. In the empty stables, only a slow dust filled the manger now. The small pond also dried up, and the growing grass and trees began to erode the sandy land of the river. After the glory and wealth of ancient and modern times are gone, this is the situation. People who saw this scene were immediately overwhelmed and could only sigh the passage of time. ”

"Stable" is not pronounced mǎ gài, how to pronounce it, and what is the difference between stables, horse rings, and horse sheds?

The author of this poem, Zhu Qingyu, has a long name, and is a native of Yuezhou (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang) in the Tang Dynasty. The first couplet of this poem asks questions, sighing at the prosperity of the old house, and the jaw couplet and neck couplet write about the absence of new swallows, wildflower breeding, empty stables, dusty troughs, and dry pools, describing the desolation, dilapidation, and bleakness of the old mansion today, and the tail couplet expresses emotion, throughout the ages, no matter how prosperous the place is destroyed by time and years, it will eventually decline and be dilapidated, and can only sigh helplessly. The poet describes the illusion of glory and wealth with fresh and elegant brushstrokes, laments the changes of personnel and the ruthlessness of time, and is full of faint Zen and philosophical thoughts between the lines.

5. How to pronounce "stable"?

Correct pronunciation: mǎ jiù

Homophone: horse old

Stable radical: factory

Stable structure: semi-enclosed structure

VI. Conclusion

Chinese characters are like poetry and full of poetry; Chinese characters are like texts, full of feelings; Chinese characters are like people and full of philosophy. The small word "stable", the phonetic meaning change, and the change of the glyph not only indicate the cultural inheritance, but also point out the living environment, and reveal the changes of time. But no matter how old or young people are, they must always have ideals and aspirations, just like "martyrs in their twilight years, strong hearts". With heart, spirit, and ambition, Fang Xian is young, and the future will belong to you one day.