
The "cigarette card" storm: the new "opium" among schoolchildren

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Now among our primary school students, a gadget called "cigarette card" is so popular that it is like a new generation of "opium", which makes children want to stop.

The "cigarette card" storm: the new "opium" among schoolchildren

It's not a good thing, we have to talk about it.

First of all, let's talk about what this "cigarette card" is.

Actually, this "cigarette card" is a kind of card game, printed with various patterns, which looks similar to the stamp collecting we played when we were children.

However, this "cigarette card" is much more exciting than stamp collecting, because the children can be said to do everything to collect these cards.

In order to get a favorite "cigarette card", some children don't even let go of the trash can, picking up and looking for it; There are also children who roar downstairs for a full 20 minutes because their parents confiscated their "cigarette cards", and the sound is even more ferocious than a tiger!

The "cigarette card" storm: the new "opium" among schoolchildren

What's even more worrying is that some children even start to quarrel and fight for "cigarette cards", and even treat this game as a kind of gambling.

Imagine a group of elementary school students gathering around each other, fighting for a few cards, and even fighting, how distressing the scene is!

These children, who were supposed to be innocent and carefree at an age, lost the joy of childhood because of a few cards.

When parents saw this scene, did they also feel uncomfortable?

In order to prevent their children from playing with "cigarette cards", some parents even resort to burning to destroy these cards.

This scene is like a copy of Humen's cigarettes! When parents burned the "cigarette cards", their faces were full of helplessness and anger, and they did not understand why their children were so addicted to such meaningless games.

The "cigarette card" storm: the new "opium" among schoolchildren

At the same time, a large number of merchants selling "cigarette cards" have also emerged on e-commerce platforms.

These merchants take advantage of children's curiosity and vanity to hype up the rarity and collectible value of "cigarette cards" to induce children to buy them.

The sales volume of "cigarette cards" of some merchants is surprisingly high, and even a complete industrial chain has been built.

They not only sell "cigarette cards", but also provide a variety of "cigarette card" trading platforms and services, so that children can also feel the excitement and pleasure brought by "cigarette cards" in the virtual world.

The "cigarette card" storm: the new "opium" among schoolchildren

However, the actions of these merchants have been suspected of violating the law.

According to the relevant laws and regulations of the mainland, it is forbidden to sell products with a gambling nature to minors. These "cigarette cards" are not only gambling, but can also cause children to become addicted, abandon their studies, and affect their physical and mental health.

Therefore, parents must be vigilant and do not let their children come into contact with these illegal "cigarette cards".

So, what should we do in the face of the new type of "opium" such as "cigarette card"?

First of all, parents should always pay attention to their children's dynamics and interests. Once it is found that the child has a strong interest in the "cigarette card" or is addicted to it and cannot extricate himself, it is necessary to stop and guide it in time.

Tell your child about the dangers and meaninglessness of these cards and make them understand what is really valuable.

The "cigarette card" storm: the new "opium" among schoolchildren

At the same time, it can also guide children to develop some healthy and beneficial hobbies, such as reading, sports, art, etc., so that they can find happiness and a sense of accomplishment in these activities.

Secondly, schools and society should also strengthen the supervision and crackdown on "cigarette cards" and other similar products.

Schools can strengthen education and awareness for students about the dangers and meaninglessness of these products; At the same time, it can also enrich students' extracurricular life by carrying out various beneficial activities, so that they can avoid these bad temptations.

The "cigarette card" storm: the new "opium" among schoolchildren

In terms of society, we can strengthen the supervision and crackdown on e-commerce platforms, and severely crack down on and punish merchants who illegally sell "cigarette cards"; At the same time, it is also possible to strengthen the exposure and warning of similar products such as "cigarette cards" through various channels, so that more people can understand the harmfulness and meaninglessness of these products.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call this "cigarette card" a new type of "opium", although it seems to be a harmless toy on the surface, but in fact it can cause great harm to children.

Is your child playing with cigarette cards? And what are the crazy moves? Let's talk about it!
