
What an explosive "visual feast"! Open crotch pants, catwalks in the underworld, and wearing clothes, this is also a catwalk

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What an explosive "visual feast"! Open crotch pants, catwalks in the underworld, and wearing clothes, this is also a catwalk

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Fashion Week 2024: A big debate about the boundaries of aesthetics

Fashion Week in 2024 is destined to become an unforgettable page in the fashion industry, from Milan to Paris, from New York to London, an avant-garde, bold, and even deviant design trend has swept in, pushing words that originally had nothing to do with fashion such as "instant noodle shape", "underworld catwalk" and "garbage dump catwalk" to the forefront of public opinion.

What an explosive "visual feast"! Open crotch pants, catwalks in the underworld, and wearing clothes, this is also a catwalk

Supporters believe that fashion should be a field full of exploration and breakthroughs, and these seemingly "deviant" designs just reflect the courage and creativity of designers who dare to break the routine and challenge traditions, and they integrate the elements that can be seen everywhere in daily life into the design, giving it a new meaning, and thus triggering people's thinking about social phenomena and cultural phenomena, which is itself an artistic expression, while opponents believe that The essence of fashion is beauty, and these "fancy dresses" are not only aesthetically devoid of beauty, but even uncomfortable and disgusting, and they question whether these designers really understand the true meaning of fashion, or whether they are just going off the rails for the sake of attracting attention

"Instant noodles" on the body: creativity or disaster?

As a convenience food, "instant noodles" has long been integrated into the daily life of thousands of households, but have you ever thought that one day it will appear on the stage of fashion week with a new attitude? At Milan Fashion Week 2024, a fashion show called "Instant Noodle Revolution" turned this bold idea into a reality, with models dressed in fluffy and exaggerated clothes that resembled instant noodles swaying on the catwalk, like elves coming out of instant noodle buckets, causing the audience to exclaim

What an explosive "visual feast"! Open crotch pants, catwalks in the underworld, and wearing clothes, this is also a catwalk

The designer of the show said that he hopes to show the infinite possibilities of "instant noodles" as a daily food, and it is also a subversion and challenge to the traditional clothing culture, and this "anti-human" design concept has also attracted a lot of doubts, many people believe that the "instant noodles" This cheap, fast food element into the clothing design is not only lacking in beauty, but also a kind of blasphemy against fashion

"Catwalk in the Underworld": Art or Hype?

In the fashion shows in Taiwan and Tianjin, some designers inspired by themes such as "life and death" and "reincarnation" created a "catwalk in the underworld" full of mystery, weirdness, and even some horror, the models were dressed in plain clothes, pale makeup, and walked slowly, as if they were coming from another world, creating a gloomy and depressing atmosphere

What an explosive "visual feast"! Open crotch pants, catwalks in the underworld, and wearing clothes, this is also a catwalk

The designers said that in this way, they hope to provoke people to think about the ultimate issues such as life and death, and this kind of overly "avant-garde" form of expression also makes it difficult for many viewers to accept, some bluntly say that the whole show feels like attending a funeral, which makes people feel depressed and uncomfortable, and some people question whether it is really appropriate to associate such a heavy, serious theme with fashion.

Fashion in the Junkyard: Eco-Friendly or Showmanship?

In 2024, Milan Fashion Week will see a unique "garbage dump catwalk", where designers will turn the show into a giant garbage dump, where models dressed in clothes made from recycled materials will weave and perform in a "garbage mountain" to call attention to environmental issues

What an explosive "visual feast"! Open crotch pants, catwalks in the underworld, and wearing clothes, this is also a catwalk

The designer of the show said that he hopes to awaken people's awareness of environmental protection in this way, and he believes that fashion should not only pursue superficial gorgeousness, but also assume social responsibility and guide people to establish the concept of sustainable development.

Fashion meets culture

What an explosive "visual feast"! Open crotch pants, catwalks in the underworld, and wearing clothes, this is also a catwalk

The "strange phenomena" at Fashion Week 2024 may be explained by the "collision of cultures", with the development of globalization, different cultures continue to exchange and integrate, which brings new inspiration and creativity to the fashion industry, and there are also differences and conflicts between different cultures, which is especially evident in the fashion field

For example, the design of "instant noodles" is inspired by Asian food culture, but in the eyes of Westerners, this design may seem strange or even unacceptable, and the design theme of "catwalk in the underworld" is closely related to the Eastern view of life and death and reincarnation, which may be difficult for Westerners who believe in religions such as Christianity

Designer: Leader or Follower?

Designers play a crucial role in this debate about the boundaries of aesthetics, whether they are trendsetters or grandiose clowns.

What an explosive "visual feast"! Open crotch pants, catwalks in the underworld, and wearing clothes, this is also a catwalk

It is undeniable that some designers hope to convey their thinking about social, cultural, environmental protection and other issues through their works, and try to lead the fashion industry to a more diverse, inclusive and responsible direction, but there are also many designers in pursuit of fame and fortune, deliberately catering to market demand, even at the expense of art

The Future of Fashion: Diversity & Inclusion

What an explosive "visual feast"! Open crotch pants, catwalks in the underworld, and wearing clothes, this is also a catwalk

The "strange phenomena" at Fashion Week in 2024 may only be a microcosm of the continuous development and evolution of the fashion industry, and in the future, with the progress of science and technology, social changes and changes in people's ideas, the fashion industry will usher in more challenges and opportunities

But no matter how fashion changes, one thing remains the same, and that is the inclusiveness of fashion, which should be a platform that can accommodate all styles, cultures, and ideas, rather than a field defined and monopolized by a few

Conclusion: Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views

What do you think of the "weird phenomena" at Fashion Week 2024? Where do you think the boundaries of fashion are? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section and share your views

What an explosive "visual feast"! Open crotch pants, catwalks in the underworld, and wearing clothes, this is also a catwalk

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