
Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

author:Willing to talk about emotions

There was a big storm in the entertainment industry, and the well-known actor Tian Liang suddenly began to lash out at his wife Yang Mingna on his Weibo account, without warning at all.

His sharp and harsh rhetoric pointed out that Yang Mingna only cared about pleasure in life, neglected to take care of the family, and even ignored the child when he was seriously ill, and even more surprisingly, Tian Liang also claimed that Yang Mingna had lived with someone else.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

Suddenly, an Internet storm swept in, quickly detonating the public's attention, which made Yang Mingna stand on the cusp of public opinion. She was not only misunderstood and blamed by the public, but also labeled as gay.

But what is the truth behind all these superficial accusations? A complicated marriage story begins.

Before the turmoil in the entertainment industry, the story of Yang Mingna and Tian Liang can be traced back to a coincidental encounter many years ago. At that time, the two met in the TV series "Moon Shadow Wind Lotus", and Tian Liang, who had just started, and Yang Mingna, who was becoming more popular, had an intersection.

Although there is no romantic plot in the play, in real life, the two gradually develop feelings in their daily communication.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

Tian Liang showed touching thoughtfulness and care for Yang Mingna. His gentleness made Yang Mingna feel the warmth in her heart for a long time, as if she had filled some kind of vacancy.

However, despite this, Yang Mingna still has a trace of hesitation in her heart, as a woman with a successful career, she has not yet fully determined her ideal partner image, which makes her unable to fully accept Tian Liang's feelings.

In the face of Tian Liang's enthusiastic pursuit, Yang Mingna once said frankly: "My career is still the focus of my life, it is full of challenges and wonderful. Despite this, Tian Liang did not back down.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

He chose to support and wait silently, and was always the first to lend a helping hand when Yang Mingna was in trouble.

Over time, Tian Liang's sincerity and persistence gradually melted the ice in Yang Mingna's heart, and his gentle and meticulous care drove her to re-examine her views on love and marriage.

After experiencing this long emotional marathon, Yang Mingna was gradually moved by Tian Liang's sincere emotions.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

Finally, in 2017, 41-year-old Yang Mingna made an important decision - to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand with Tian Liang. This decision was not easy to come by, and it condensed Yang Mingna's expectations for love and vision for the future.

She hopes to have a warm and happy family while succeeding in her career.

Yang Mingna's expected married life was not as good as she thought. On the surface, the newlyweds frequently participate in various programs, and Tian Liang showed his endless love for Yang Mingna in front of the camera.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

He claimed that he personally cooked for his wife and used stewed soup to express his love for his wife, Yang Mingna created an image of a considerate and good husband, but behind these sweetness, there is a cruel reality.

As time went on, Yang Mingna gradually discovered that Tian Liang seemed to have been using her family background and resources. The husband who takes care of her in front of the public, but in private lives a life of "eating soft rice".

Yang Mingna has to shoulder the financial burden of the family on her own, relying on her own hard work to maintain the family's expenses, while also taking care of the daily life of her children.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

Yang Mingna was disappointed and saddened, she only entered marriage and started a family at the age of 41, full of joy and expectation. And the cruelty of reality is like a sharp blade, which pierces her heart deeply. The once fantasized happy marriage gradually collapsed in the disappointment day after day.

As time went on, Yang Mingna felt more and more tired, and she had to not only take on the responsibilities of her family, but also face the challenges of her career. During this difficult marriage, she often cried in the middle of the night, thinking alone about her life choices.

The gentle and considerate Tian Liang in the crew of "Moon Shadow Wind Lotus" seems to have disappeared, replaced by a man who relies on her and is unwilling to take responsibility.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

Yang Mingna is trying to maintain this marriage, and she hopes to create a complete family for her children. But as the contradictions continued to accumulate, she felt more and more powerless.

She began to question her choice and wonder if she should make a change for the sake of her and her children's future well-being.

After three years of married life, Yang Mingna had to make a difficult decision, which was to file for divorce. This decision made her bitter, especially after tearfully handing over custody of the child to Tian Liang.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

Every month, Yang Mingna needs to pay up to 15,000 yuan in child support, however, although this puts her under a lot of financial pressure, she firmly believes that this is the best option for her children.

After the divorce, Yang Mingna threw herself into her work, hoping to relieve the emptiness in her heart by temporarily forgetting the pain. However, she did not expect that an even bigger storm awaited her.

Just when Yang Mingna thought she could start her life again, Tian Liang launched a fierce attack on her on social media. This sudden "Internet storm" not only put Yang Mingna in the predicament of public opinion, but also carried the misunderstanding of homosexuality.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

In the face of such a sudden injury, Yang Mingna was caught off guard, and she didn't know how to deal with it for a while, she didn't understand why she had paid so much, and why she got such a result.

Yang Mingna is standing at a crossroads in her life, she is facing this court showdown between truth and justice about her, how can she protect her rights and dignity, and how can she reshape her life?

After experiencing a failed marriage and online slander, Yang Mingna faced the most difficult challenge of her life. Tian Liang's fierce attack on Weibo not only caught her in the whirlpool of public opinion, but also saddled her with a homosexual misunderstanding.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

This sudden "Weibo storm" pushed her to the forefront of public opinion and made her the focus of public discussion.

At first, faced with baseless accusations, Yang Mingna chose to remain silent. She wants to calm the storm in a low-key way. However, the pain in my heart came like a tidal wave, and whenever I saw malicious comments and speculations on the Internet, I felt powerless and hopeless.

She couldn't understand why she had paid so much and got such an unbearable result.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

When Yang Mingna was at a low point in her life, her friend Liu Miao bravely stood up and revealed the shocking truth on social media. In this marriage, Yang Mingna silently supported Tian Liang's career development, but Tian Liang lived up to her trust and dedication.

The revelation of these truths has made the public begin to re-examine the true veil of this marriage.

With the encouragement of her family and friends, Yang Mingna woke up from her pain and understood that continuing to remain silent would only lead her deeper into the quagmire. So, she made a decisive decision - to stand up bravely and defend her rights and dignity through legal means.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

Yang Mingna's choice to resolutely pursue the legal route to fight for custody of her son was a decision that required extreme courage, knowing full well that it meant exposing her private life to the public eye and facing more skepticism and criticism.

In court, when the judge asked Tian Liang to provide evidence that Yang Mingna was homosexually inclined and irresponsible to the family, Tian Liang was speechless and could not produce any strong proof.

At this time, Yang Mingna had mixed feelings in her heart - both relieved that the truth was revealed, and disappointed by Tian Liang's performance.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

In the end, the court ruled in favor of Yang Mingna, and she not only succeeded in winning the case, but more importantly, she also won her innocence and dignity. This victory allowed Yang Mingna to regain her self-confidence, and also made her deeply realize her own value and strength.

However, Yang Mingna didn't stop there. She bravely published the court's verdict on Weibo, explaining in detail the original intention of handing over custody to Tian Liang. In doing so, she hopes to set the record straight, while also showing the public her sense of responsibility and sacrifice as a mother.

This court showdown is not only a personal victory for Yang Mingna, but also a public justification. It opened the public's eyes to the truth of the matter and gave Yang Mingna a chance to regain control of her life story.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

But is this really the end of the turmoil? Where will Yang Mingna's life go?

After the court victory, Yang Mingna thought that her life could start again. However, fate seems to have an unexpected turn for her. When the public thought that the turmoil had come to an end, Tian Liang once again made waves on Weibo.

He published an apologetic essay that showed a desire to start over.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

In the face of this sudden "show of goodwill", Yang Mingna's heart was surging. Sweet memories of the past and painful experiences intertwine in her mind. When she recalled the heartbeat of the first meeting with that person in the crew of "Moon Shadow Wind Lotus", and the difficult days after marriage, all kinds of complicated feelings converged fiercely in her heart.

However, after so many turmoil, Yang Mingna is no longer the woman who is easily swayed by feelings. She immediately calmed down and began to rationally analyze Tian Liang's true intentions.

She was soberly aware that Tian Liang's actions might just be to use her resources and wealth again.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

Yang Mingna made a firm decision, she clearly rejected Tian Liang's request, and expressed that she would never re-accept the marriage. This decision made her feel easier and more free than ever, and made her realize that she could finally let go of the past and start her life again.

From that moment on, Yang Mingna devoted herself to the acting career she loved, and participated in many excellent film and television works one after another, and she won the love of the audience with her excellent acting skills and unique charm.

In addition to this, she always remembers her mother's responsibility to spend as much time with her son as possible, giving him selfless love and care.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

Although Yang Mingna is now free of the fetters of marriage, she enjoys more freedom and happiness. Minna and her son share the moments of life together, showing strength and tenderness in their own way.

She once struggled in the storm, but now she has transformed into a more mature and confident person, and her story has also become a model for many women to be self-reliant.

After going through many turmoil, Yang Mingna was not knocked down by the blow of fate. On the contrary, these difficult experiences have made her stronger and more mature. She is deeply aware that true happiness does not lie in the judgment of the outside world, but in inner satisfaction and peace.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

Today's Yang Mingna has devoted herself wholeheartedly to the acting career she loves, and has successfully created many popular roles with her perfect acting skills, such as Huang Rong, Snow Girl, Fox Demon, etc., which are deeply loved by the audience, allowing her to reach a new height on the road of her acting career.

However, Yang did not neglect her responsibilities as a mother. Although she is not the main guardian, she still stays by her son's side as much as possible and gives him meticulous care. Her actions show that children can grow up healthy and happy even in single-parent families.

This experience gave Yang Mingna a new perspective on life, and she understood that getting married and having children at the age of 41, divorce and being slandered are not the end of life, but a new beginning. She used her own personal experience to tell everyone that no matter how many hardships a woman encounters, she can get back on her feet and live a wonderful and dignified life.

Got married and had children at the age of 41, and divorced Tian Liang in court three years later

Yang Mingna's transformation is not only a reflection of her own growth, but also a role model for women's self-reliance. Her story is inspiring more people to face life's challenges and find hope and strength.

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