
1,800 doctors of the Medical University were dissuaded, and the university actually said that they looked away when they enrolled students, and netizens instantly fried the pot

author:Jokes and jokes

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Recently, there was a sensational incident at China Medical University, where 1,800 doctoral students were dissuaded from the university. As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused widespread attention and discussion.

The incident started when students received a letter from the school during graduation season asking them to sign an automatic withdrawal agreement for equivalent graduate students. These students felt that it was very unreasonable, so they posted a complaint letter on social platforms, and the matter was exposed.

1,800 doctors of the Medical University were dissuaded, and the university actually said that they looked away when they enrolled students, and netizens instantly fried the pot

Here's the thing, when these doctoral students first entered the school, the school had a problem understanding the Ministry of Education documents. To put it simply, the school mistakenly thinks that these students can graduate under a special policy, but it doesn't. By the time graduation season came, the school found out about the bug, but it was too late. As a result, they had to ask the students to sign a withdrawal agreement.

1,800 doctors of the Medical University were dissuaded, and the university actually said that they looked away when they enrolled students, and netizens instantly fried the pot

As soon as this happened, the students stopped doing it and spoke out on social platforms, complaining about the school's inaction and misleading. Many students say it's unfair that they've put so much time and effort into the Ph.D. and are now being forced to drop out because of the school's negligence. Some students even joked: "Have I wasted all these years? This is my youth when I stayed up late writing papers and drinking coffee! ”

1,800 doctors of the Medical University were dissuaded, and the university actually said that they looked away when they enrolled students, and netizens instantly fried the pot

The school also knew that the matter was serious, and immediately responded that it was indeed a misunderstanding of the Ministry of Education's documents when recruiting students, and was willing to refund the tuition fee. But will this solve the problem? Many students say that even if they get their tuition fees refunded, they can't make up for the time and opportunities they have lost.

1,800 doctors of the Medical University were dissuaded, and the university actually said that they looked away when they enrolled students, and netizens instantly fried the pot

The incident also sparked a big discussion among netizens. Someone said: "If this matter had been abroad, the school would have been taken to court a long time ago!" Someone else joked: "Doctoral students are like school goods, and they can be returned if they are sold wrong."

However, there are also some rational voices who say that the school's willingness to admit mistakes and refund tuition fees is already a sign of responsibility.

1,800 doctors of the Medical University were dissuaded, and the university actually said that they looked away when they enrolled students, and netizens instantly fried the pot

Digging deeper, this incident was not a simple "misunderstanding". First of all, there is a misunderstanding of the policy when recruiting students, which reflects the fact that even higher education institutions have problems interpreting and implementing the policy.

Second, after discovering the problem, the school chose to solve the problem by "persuading to quit" instead of actively looking for other solutions, which also raises questions the school's ability and sense of responsibility.

1,800 doctors of the Medical University were dissuaded, and the university actually said that they looked away when they enrolled students, and netizens instantly fried the pot

On a deeper level, this incident may have an impact on future enrollment and education management. For example, the Ministry of Education may strengthen the review and supervision of the admissions policies of colleges and universities to avoid similar incidents from happening again. Schools, on the other hand, may be more cautious in interpreting and enforcing policies to avoid making similar mistakes again.

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